Nikiti-2: MN 11, Greece

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Mammalia - Proboscidea - Choerolophodontidae
Choerolophodon pentelici (Gaudry and Lartet 1856)
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae
Hipparion sp. de Christol 1832
Hipparion dietrichi (Wehrli 1941)
Hipparion macedonicum Koufos 1984
Mammalia - Bovidae
Palaeoryx cf. pallasi (Wagner 1857)
Kostopoulos 2016
left maxilla with P2-M3, NIK-1063.
Tragoportax aff. rugosifrons (Schlosser 1904)
"Tragoportax aff. rugosiforns"
    = ? Miotragocerus sp. Stromer 1928
Kostopoulos 2016
Partial skull with associate mandible, NIK- 764; anterior part of skull with palate, NIK-422, 1690; lower dentitions, NIK-1103, 1140, 1680, 1681.
Tragoportax amalthea (Roth and Wagner 1854)
Kostopoulos 2016
Skull, NIK-1688; partial skull, NIK-1687; frontlets of young individuals, NIK-1135, 1689; partly preserved hornless skull, NIK-1684; palate, NIK-423, 1685; right P2-M3, NIK- 1141; mandible, NIK-1181; left part of mandible, NIK-1675; lower tooth rows, NIK-425, 433, 1676, 1691.
Gazella sp. Blaineville 1816
    = Gazella cf. capricornis
Kostopoulos 2016
Partially preserved skull, NIK-1812; partially preserved skull with mandible, NIK-1142; frontlet, NIK-699; right horn-core, NIK-1819; basal part of left horn-core, NIK-1820; P2-M3, NIK-607, 1845. Possibly ascribed: right mandibular ramus with p4-m3, NIK-1892; left mandibular ramus with p3-m3, NIK- 1889, 1896; right mandibular ramus with p4-m3, NIK-1897.
Gazella pilgrimi Bohlin 1935
Kostopoulos 2016
Partially preserved skull, NIK-1811; frontlets, NIK-813, 1813, 1814, 1817; left horn-core, NIK-700, 1815; right horn-core, NIK-1816, 1818; palate, NIK-1899; right P2-M3, NIK-607; part of mandible with i1-m3 sin. and i1, p2-m3 dex., NIK- 778; right mandibular ramii, NIK-589, 1888, 1890, 1898, 1902; left mandibular ramii, NIK-13’, 590, 1891, 1893-1895, 1900, 1901.
cf. Ouzocerus sp.
    = Palaeoreas lindermayeri Wagner 1848
Kostopoulos 2016
Nisidorcas planicornis (Pilgrim 1939)
Mammalia - Giraffidae
Palaeotraginae indet. Pilgrim 1911
Kostopoulos 2016
Part of first phalanx lacking proximal epiphysis, NIK-211; proximal epiphysis of first phalanx, NIK-264 (young); second phalanges of young individuals, NIK-1916 (posterior?), NIK-1917 (anterior?).
Palaeotragus rouenii (Gaudry 1861)
Kostopoulos 2016
Left P2-(part)M1, NIK-1823; distal part of humerus, NIK-1810; radius of young individual, NIK-1809; metacarpal III + IV, NIK-1807; calcaneum, NIK-1912; part of cuboscaphoid, NIK-1914; proximal metatarsal III + IV, NIK-1808; first phalanx, NIK-1913; first, second and third phalanges, NIK- 1915.
Helladotherium duvernoyi Gaudry and Lartet 1856
"Helledotherium duvernoyi"
Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudo cf. marmorum Gaudry 1862
Garcia et al. 2016
complete shell
    = Testudo marmorum Gaudry 1862
Vlachos et al. 2019
Reptilia - Struthioniformes - Struthionidae
Struthio cf. karatheodoris Forsyth Major 1888
Koufos et al. 2016
see common names