Cabeza Blanca: Deseadan, Argentina

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudininae indet. Gray 1825
de Broin and de la Fuente 1993 1 individual
Reptilia - Iguanidae
Iguanidae indet. Oppel 1811
Albino and Brizuela 2014 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 1460, tooth-bearing fragment of maxilla or dentary
? Iguaninae indet. Cope 1886
Albino and Brizuela 2014 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 1463, isolated presacral vertebra
Reptilia - Madtsoiidae
? Madtsoia sp. Simpson 1933
Albino and Brizuela 2014 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 1464, isolated precloacal vertebral centrum
Reptilia - Gruiformes - Phorusrhacidae
Andrewsornis abotti
Alvarenga and Holfing 2003
Physornis sp. Ameghino 1895
Loomis 1914 1 specimen
Reptilia - Anseriformes - Anatidae
Loxornis clivus Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 3 individuals
Mammalia - Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Proeutatus lagenaformis Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 9 individuals
Proeuphractus setiger Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 3 individuals
Mammalia - Cingulata - Chlamyphoridae
Stenotatus aff. ornatus
Carlini et al. 2009
Prozaedius planus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Prozaedius impressus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Mammalia - Cingulata - Palaeopeltidae
Palaeopeltis inornatus Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Mammalia - Cingulata
Peltephilus undulatus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Mammalia - Edentata
Edentata indet. Cuvier 1798
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Mammalia - Rodentia
Caviomorpha indet. (Wood and Patterson 1955)
Wood and Patterson 1959 1 specimen
ACM 3039, left lower molar
Mammalia - Rodentia - Erethizontidae
Eosteiromys medianus Ameghino 1903
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Protosteiromys medianus (Ameghino 1903)
Wood and Patterson 1959 1 specimen
ACM 3014, M1 or M2
Protosteiromys asmodeophilus Wood and Patterson 1959
Vucetich et al. 2015
Mammalia - Rodentia - Cephalomyidae
Cephalomyidae indet. Ameghino 1897
Vucetich 1989 2 specimens
MACN 1295, M1 or M2; MACN 1296, M1 or M2
Cephalomys ceciae n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 10693, left m1 or m2, holotype
Cephalomys arcidens n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
55 individuals
MACN A 52-88 (lectotype), palatal fragments with P4-M3, dentary p4-m3; MACN A 52-89 (syntype), partial skull; additional specimens in MACN, Amherst, FMNH, AMNH, YPM, MCZ
Cephalomys plexus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
32 specimens
MACN A 52-99, maxilla P4-M3, lectotype; 52-100, maxilla P4-M3; 52-101, mandible p4-m2; 52-102, mandible p4-m2. 3 in MACN; 17 in Amherst; 1 in FMNH; 2 in AMNH; 4 in YPM; and types of synonyms
Orchiomys prostans n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN A 52-96, dentary with partial dp4 and m1-2
Asteromys annectens n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Wood and Patterson 1959 2 specimens
MACN A 52-108, dentary p4-m3 (lectotype); MACN A 52-109, palate with right and left P4-M3
Cephalomys prosus (Ameghino 1902)
Loomis 1914 19 individuals
Cephalomys prorsus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Wood and Patterson 1959 1 specimen
MACN A 52-103, dentary p4-m3, type
Asteromys prospicuus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 3 individuals
Asteromys prospicuus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
4 specimens
MACN A 52-107, four teeth: left M3 (lectotype), left M1 or M2, right M1 or M2, and a fragment
Cephalomyopsis informal morphotype 3
Vucetich et al. 2015
Litodontomys chubutensis n. gen., n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 1 individual
ACM 3086 - holotype; referred specimen: MPEF- PV 10696
Mammalia - Rodentia
? Asteromys punctus Ameghino 1897
Vucetich et al. 2015 4 specimens
MPEF-PV 595 isolated right DP4; MPEF-PV 597 isolated left DP4 with damaged lingual wall. MACN 52-87, right dP4; ACM 3054, right M?3
Asteromys punctus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN A 52-110, dentary with p4-m3
Chubutomys simpsoni n. gen., n. sp. Wood and Patterson 1959
Wood and Patterson 1959 1 specimen
AMNH 29557, dentary m2-3
Mammalia - Rodentia - Eocardiidae
Eocardiidae indet. Ameghino 1891
Wood and Patterson 1959 2 specimens
ACM 3054, M3; MACN A 52-87, dP4
Mammalia - Rodentia
Loncolicu tretos n. gen., n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 3 specimens
MPEF-PV 10682, M1-M2, holotype; MPEF-PV 10683, P4-M2; MPEF-PV 10681, dentary p4-m1
Mammalia - Rodentia - Chinchillidae
? Dasyproctidae indet. Gray 1825
Wood and Patterson 1959 1 specimen
MACN A 52-113, upper cheek tooth
    = Incamys bolivianus Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Patterson and Wood 1982
Incamys bolivianus Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Busker and Dozo 2017
MPEF-PV 10721
Incamys menniorum n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 2 specimens
MPEF-PV 10685, left m3, holotype; MPEF-PV 10686, M1 or M2
Scotamys antiquus n. gen., n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 1 individual
? Eoviscaccia australis n. sp. Vucetich 1989
Vucetich 1989 2 specimens
MACN 1297, left m1 or m2; MACN 1298, right m1 or m2
Mammalia - Rodentia - Acaremyidae
Galileomys baios n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 10676, dentary p4-m2, holotype
Mammalia - Rodentia
? Protacaremys adilos n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 10678, right m2, holotype
Deseadomys arambourgi Wood and Patterson 1959
Wood and Patterson 1959 2 specimens
ACM 3163, P4-M2; ACM 3071, M3
Llitun notuca n. gen., n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 10679, dentary i, p4-m2
Acarechimys leucotheae n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 1 specimen
MPEF-PV 10677, dentary i, dp4-m3, holotype
Ethelomys loomisi n. gen., n. sp.
Vucetich et al. 2015 2 specimens
ACM 3087, dentary m1-2, holotype; MPEF-PV 571, dentary i, m1-m2
Leucokephalos zeffiae n. gen., n. sp. Vucetich et al. 2015
Vucetich et al. 2015 6 specimens
MPEF-PV 583, dentary p4-m2, holotype; MPEF-PV 585, right mandibular fragment with p4–m2 of a juvenile; MPEF-PV 586, left p4–m3 series; MPEF-PV 10680, isolated right p4; MPEF- PV 584, left mandibular fragment with p4-m2 and the incisor; MPEF-PV 10680, isolated right p4.
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Adianthidae
Tricoelodus bicuspidatus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
MACN A52-203, dentary p4-m2, holotype; MACN A52-615, dentary m3; FMNH P14698, right P3-M2 and left ?C, P2-3, M1-3; FMNH P14696, right m2-3
Proadianthus excavatus (Ameghino 1897)
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Proadiantus excavatus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
3 specimens
MACN A52-13, dentary p3-4, holotype; A52-217, dentary p4-m1; A52-215, dentary m1-3
Proadiantus pungidens n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Cifelli and Soria 1983 1 specimen
MACN A52-214, dentary i2-c, p2-m2, lectotype
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Cramauchenia normalis Ameghino 1902
Dozo and Vera 2010 1 individual
MPEF-PV 2524
Notodiaphorus crassus n. gen., n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 15 individuals
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Proterotheriidae
Protheosodon coniferus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Deuterotherium distichum Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Notohippidae
Rhynchippus equinus Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 19 individuals
Rhynchippus pumilus Ameghino 1897
Simpson 1932
AMNH 29555
Coresodon scalpridens Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Toxodontidae
Proadinotherium leptognathus
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Mammalia - Notoungulata
Eurygenium latirostris n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1894
Marani and Dozo 2008 3 individuals
MACN A52-70 - holotype; hypodigm: MACN-A-52-71-73 and UNPSJB PV-60
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Leontiniidae
Ancylocoelus frequens Ameghino 1894
Ribeiro et al. 2010
Leontinia gaudryi Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 44 individuals
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Homalodotheriidae
Asmodeus osborni Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 7 individuals
Mammalia - Notoungulata
Hegetotheriopsis sulcatus Kramarz and Paz 2013
Kramarz and Bond 2017 1 individual
Prohegetotherium sculptum Ameghino 1897
Reguero and Cerdeño 2005 6 specimens
MACN A52-446, A52-447, A52-449, FMNH P13414, FMNH P14695, AMNH 312 c; and hypodigms of synonyms
Prohegetotherium shumwayi n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 3 individuals
Phanophilus dorsatus Ameghino 1904
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Medistylus dorsatus n. gen., n. sp. (Ameghino 1904)
Reguero et al. 2007 2 individuals
MACN A52-488 - syntype; MPEF-PV 693
Prosotherium garzoni Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 7 individuals
Prosotherium triangulidens Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 17 individuals
Propachyrucos crassus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
3 specimens
MACN A52-450, A52-463, A52-448 (lectotype)
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Archaeohyracidae
Archaeohyrax sp. Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 1 individual
    = Archaeohyrax patagonicus Ameghino 1897
Billet et al. 2009
FMNH P13500, M1; P14681, dentary m2-3
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Interatheriidae
Progaleopithecus tournoueri n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Vera et al. 2017 2 individuals
MNH DES 334 - type; referred material: FMNH 14687
Progaleopithecus fissurellatus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Vera et al. 2017 1 individual
MACN A52-486 - type
Argyrohyrax proavus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
4 individuals
MACN A52-472 - holotype
Argyrohyrax proavus Ameghino 1897
MacPhee et al. 2021
FMH P13415
Plagiarthrus cliva (Ameghino 1894)
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Argyrohyrax proavunculus Ameghino 1897
Vera et al. 2017 2 individuals
MACN A52-478 and A52-474
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae
Eutrachytherus spegazzinianus (Ameghino 1889)
Loomis 1914 4 individuals
MACN A52-492, MACN A52-491, MACN A52-566, MACN A52-567, MACN A52-493, MACN A52-489, MACN A52-498, MACN A52-496, MACN A52-490, UNPSJB PV 112, AMNH 29564, ACM 3264, ACM s/n and FMNH P13281
Eutrachytherus grandis n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Coresodon cancellatus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Billet et al. 2008 1 specimen
MACN A52-566, maxilla dP3-4, M1, holotype
Anatrachytherus soriae n. gen., n. sp. Reguero and Castro 2004
Reguero and Castro 2004 1 specimen
MACN A52-490, mandible with left and right i1-2, p2-m2, left m3
Isoproedrium solitarium (Ameghino 1894)
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Protypotheriidae
Archaeophylus patrius n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 individual
MACN A52-483 - type
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Henricosborniidae
Henricosborniidae indet. (Ameghino 1901)
Vera et al. 2017 1 individual
MACN A52-486 (originally part of syntype of Progaleopithecus fissurellatus)
Mammalia - Astrapotheria - Astrapotheriidae
Parastrapotherium holmbergi Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 6 individuals
Mammalia - Pyrotheridae
Pyrotherium romeroi
MacPhee et al. 2021
AM 3207
Pyrotherium sorondoi Ameghino 1894
Loomis 1914 11 individuals
Mammalia - Sparassodonta
Notogale mitis (Ameghino 1897)
Patterson and Marshall 1978 2 specimens
(Ameghino 1897)
Pharsophorus mitis Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Proborhyaena gigantea Ameghino 1897
Patterson and Marshall 1978 1 specimen
(Ameghino 1897) probably Cabeza Blanca
Australohyaena antiqua (Ameghino 1894)
Forasiepi et al. 2015 1 specimen
UNPJSB PV 113, rostrum, basicranium, both dentaries, and dentition, except left i2, right i4 and right p1.
Pharsophorus tenax Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 2 individuals
Pharsophorus lacerans Ameghino 1897
Patterson and Marshall 1978 3 specimens
3 more MACN specimens may be from Cabeza Blanca
Notogale tenuis (Ameghino 1897)
Patterson and Marshall 1978 1 specimen
(Ameghino 1897) Probably from Cabeza Blanca
Mammalia - Paucituberculata - Caenolestidae
Palaeothentes lucina (Ameghino 1904)
Patterson and Marshall 1978 2 specimens
(Ameghino 1897)
Pilchenia lucina n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Loomis 1914 1 individual
MACN 52-371, isolated m3, holotype, probably from Cabeza Blanca; AC 3110, dentary p3-m4, certainly from here
Mammalia - Paucituberculata - Palaeothentidae
Callomenus praecursor n. sp. Loomis 1914
Loomis 1914 5 specimens
Acdestodon bonapartei n. gen., n. sp. Bown and Fleagle 1993
Bown and Fleagle 1993
Holotype: MACN CH- 1311, right p3-m2
Palaeothentes chubutensis (Ameghino 1897)
Patterson and Marshall 1978 1 specimen
(Ameghino 1897)
Epanorthus chubutensis Ameghino 1897
Loomis 1914 1 individual
Parabderites minusculus Ameghino 1902
Patterson and Marshall 1978 1 specimen
(Ameghino 1902)
see common names

Country:Argentina State/province:Chubut
Coordinates: 45.2° South, 67.5° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:45.0° South, 62.9° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:stated in text
Geographic resolution:outcrop
10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 4-5
*Period:Middle Tertiary *Epoch:Late/Upper Oligocene
*Local age/stage:Deseadan
Key time interval: Deseadan
Age range of interval: 28.9 - 20.9 m.y. ago
Age estimate: 29.18 to 26.34 Ma (Ar/Ar)
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: According to the most recent geochronological calibrations at Gran Barranca, Deseadan mammal assemblages could be as old as 29.2 Ma and as young as 26.3 Ma (Ré et al. 2010: 59243), a timespan corresponding to the late Oligocene.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:brown sandy "shale"
Secondary lithology:concretionary,yellow sandy claystone
Includes fossils?Y
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: "The material varies from brown sandy clay shales to yellow sandy clay with concretions, and is capped with a varying laer of greenish sand, which, in some places, is coarse and irregular, in others fine and uniform, and in still other places is mixed with considerable quantities of volcanic ash. In it are many mud balls..."
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Disassociated minor elements:some
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some genera
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Also known as:Loomis Locality
Database number:14211
Authorizer:J. Alroy, C. Jaramillo, P. Barrett, P. Mannion, J. Zijlstra, E. Vlachos Enterer:J. Wertheim, G. Varnham, T. Cleary, J. Zijlstra, E. Vlachos, P. Mannion, J. Carrillo
Modifier:P. Wagner Research group:vertebrate
Created:2002-05-23 14:48:19 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2002-05-23 14:48:19
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

36444. F. Ameghino. 1897. Mammiféres crétacés de l’Argentine (Deuxième contribution à la connaissance de la fauna mammalogique de couches à Pyrotherium) [Cretaceous mammals of Argentina (second contribution to the knowledge of the mammalian fauna of the Pyrotherium Beds)]. Boletin Instituto Geografico Argentino 18(4–9):406-521 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/M. Carrano]

Secondary references:

59244 A. M. Albino and S. Brizuela. 2014. First record of squamate reptiles from the Oligocene of South America. Alcheringa 38(3):412-421 [P. Barrett/T. Cleary/M. Uhen]
35669 H. M. F. Alvarenga and E. Holfing. 2003. Systematic revision of the Phorusrhacidae (Avies: Ralliformes). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia 43(4):55-91 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
43122 G. Billet, C. Muizon, and B. Mamani-Quispe. 2008. Late Oligocene mesotheriids (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from Salla and Lacayani (Bolivia): implications for basal mesotheriid phylogeny and distribution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 152:153-200 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas/K. Pino]
46251 G. Billet, B. Patterson, and C. Muizon. 2009. Craniodental anatomy of late Oligocene archaeohyracids (Notoungulata, Mammalia) from Bolivia and Argentina and new phylogenetic hypotheses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155:458-509 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
73037 T. M. Bown and J. G. Fleagle. 1993. Systematics, Biostratigraphy, and Dental Evolution of the Palaeothentidae, Later Oligocene to Early-Middle Miocene (Deseadan-Santacrucian) Caenolestoid Marsupials of South America. Memoir (The Paleontological Society) 29:1-76 [P. Mannion/G. Varnham]
64702 F. Busker and M. T. Dozo. 2017. First confirmed record of Incamys bolivianus (Caviomorpha, Chinchilloidea) in the Deseadan of Patagonia (Argentina). Ameghiniana 54(6):706-712 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos/P. Mannion]
73550 F. Busker, M. T. Dozo, and I. M. Soto. 2020. New remains of Cephalomys arcidens (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) and a redefinition of the enigmatic Cephalomyidae. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 18(19):1589-1629 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
62632 A. A. Carlini, M. R. Ciancio, J. J. Flynn, G. J. Scillato-Yané, and A. R. Wyss. 2009. The phylogenetic and biostratigraphic significance of new armadillos (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae, Euphractinae) from the Tinguirirican (early Oligocene) of Chile. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 7(4):489-503 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
58245 R. L. Cifelli and M. F. Soria. 1983. Systematics of the Adianthidae (Litopterna, Mammalia). American Museum Novitates 2771:1-25 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
42415 F. de Broin and M. de la Fuente. 1993. Les tortues fossiles d'Argentine: synthese [The fossil turtles of Argentina: synthesis]. Annales de Paléontologie (Invertebrés-Vertebrés) 79(3):169-232 [R. Benson/R. Benson/M. Carrano]
62548 M. T. Dozo and B. Vera. 2010. First skull and associated postcranial bones of Macraucheniidae (Mammalia, Litopterna) from the Deseadan SALMA (late Oligocene) of Cabeza Blanca (Chubut, Argentina). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(6):1818-1826 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
58304 A. M. Forasiepi, M. J. Babot, and N. Zimicz. 2015. Australohyaena antiqua (Mammalia, Metatheria, Sparassodonta), a large predator from the Late Oligocene of Patagonia. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 13(6):503-525 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/P. Mannion]
62639 A. G. Kramarz and M. Bond. 2017. Systematics and stratigraphical range of the hegetotheriids Hegetotheriopsis sulcatus and Prohegetotherium sculptum (Mammalia: Notoungulata). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15(12):1027-1036 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/M. Uhen]
13480 F. B. Loomis. 1914. The Deseado Formation of Patagonia 1-232 [J. Alroy/J. Wertheim/M. Uhen]
81723 R. D. E. MacPhee, S. Hernández del Pino, A. Kramarz, A. M. Forasiepi, M. Bond and R. B. Sulser. 2021. Cranial morphology and phylogenetic relationships of Trigonostylops wortmani, an Eocene South American native ungulate. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 449(1):1-183 [P. Mannion/G. Varnham]
62529 H. Marani and M. T. Dozo. 2008. El cráneo más completo de Eurygenium latirostris Ameghino, 1895 (Mammalia, Notoungulata), un Notohippidae del Deseadense (Oligoceno Tardío) de la Patagonia, Argentina. Ameghiniana 45(3):619-626 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
61925% 33860B. Patterson and L. G. Marshall. 1978. The Deseadan, Early Oligocene, Marsupialia of South America. Fieldiana Geology 41(2):1-100 [J. Alroy/J. Wertheim/J. Wertheim]
42997 B. Patterson and A. E. Wood. 1982. Rodents from the Deseadan Oligocene of Bolivia and the relationships of the Caviomorpha. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 149(7):371-543 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
59243 G. H. Re, E. S. Bellosi, M. Heizler, J. F. Vilas, R. H. Madden, A. A. Carlini, R. F. Kay and M. G. Vucetich. 2010. A geochronology for the Sarmiento Formation at Gran Barranca. In R. H. Madden, A. A. Carlini, M. G. Vucetich, R. F. Kay (eds.), The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia 46-58 [P. Barrett/T. Cleary]
58252 M. A. Reguero and P. V. Castro. 2004. Un nuevo Trachytheriinae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) del Deseadense (Oligoceno tardío) de Patagonia, Argentina: implicancias en la filogenia, biogeografía y bioestratigrafía de los Mesotheriidae. Andean Geology 31(1):45-64 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
16747 M. A. Reguero and E. Cerdeño. 2005. New late Oligocene Hegetotheriidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from Salla, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3):674-684 [D. Croft/D. Croft]
62528 M. A. Reguero, M. T. Dozo, and E. Cerdeño. 2007. A poorly known rodent-like mammal (Pachyrukhinae, Hegetotheriidae, Notoungulata) from the Deseadan (Late Oligocene) of Argentina. Paleoecology, biogeography, and radiation of the rodentlike ungulates in South America. Journal of Paleontology 81(6):1301-1307 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
57906 A. M. Ribeiro, G. M. López, and M. Bond. 2010. The Leontiniidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the Sarmiento Formation at Gran Barranca, Chubut Province, Argentina. In R. H. Madden, A. A. Carlini, M. G. Vucetich, R. F. Kay (eds.), The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia 170-181 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
47285 G. G. Simpson. 1932. New or little-known ungulates from the Pyrotherium and Colpodon beds of Patagonia. American Museum Novitates 576 [C. Jaramillo/J. Carrillo]
62562 B. Vera, E. Cerdeño, and M. Reguero. 2017. The Interatheriinae from the Late Oligocene of Mendoza (Argentina), with comments on some Deseadan Interatheriidae. Historical Biology 29(5):607-626 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
58103 M. Vucetich, M. Dozo, M. Arnal and M. Pérez. 2015. New rodents (Mammalia) from the late Oligocene of Cabeza Blanca (Chubut) and the first rodent radiation in Patagonia. Historical Biology 27(2):236-257 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
58120 M. G. Vucetich. 1989. Rodents (Mammalia) of the Lacayani fauna revisited (Deseadan, Bolivia). Comparison with new Chinchillidae and Cephalomyidae from Argentina. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 11(4):233-247 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
58220 A. E. Wood and B. Patterson. 1959. The rodents of the Deseadan Oligocene of Patagonia and the beginnings of South American rodent evolution. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 120:279-428 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]