There are 10 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
46369M. Uhen Hickey Creek (= UF LE001) Zanclean - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Morgan and Pratt (1983)
67072A. Hendy Buckingham [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= Station A) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67073A. Hendy USGS Loc. 4996 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= USGS Loc.4997; Location B) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67074A. Hendy USGS Loc. 11742 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= Location C) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67075A. Hendy USGS Loc. 14078 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= Location D) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67076A. Hendy USGS Loc. 14184 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= Location E) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67077A. Hendy USGS Loc. 14075 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
67078A. Hendy USGS Loc. 14190 - Caloosahatchee River [Buckingham Mbr, Tamiami Fm] (= USGS Loc. 14194) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Mansfield (1939)
79960A. Hendy Buckingham Member, Tamiami Formation (unspecified localities) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Petuch and Roberts (2007)
85448W. Kiessling Warren Brothers Pit, Sarasota (= Reef 3909) Late Pliocene - Cenozoic 6 - Florida Weisbord (1974)

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