There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
85558M. Carrano 2 km east of Puesto Las Higueras (coll. Bonaparte 1963-1964) Middle Triassic - Triassic 2 - Argentina Leonardi (1994)
105241R. Butler north slope of Cerro Bayo de Portrerillos Anisian - Triassic 2 - Argentina Bonaparte (1972)
117454M. Clapham Uspallata, Agua de la Zorra (coll. Rusconi & Tellechea) Middle Triassic - Triassic 2 - Argentina Rusconi (1947)
117883M. Clapham Yacimiento 2, south-western side of the Cerro El Mastil (= "[T]hese layers [The locality Yacimiento 2] were called ‘Horizonte Leonense’ or ‘Horizonte Pumense’ by Rusconi (Romer 1960)." López-Arbarello & Zavittieri 2008 (p. 1028)) Late Triassic - Triassic 3-4 - Argentina López-Arbarello and Zavattieri (2008)
143295R. Butler Yacimiento 2B, south-western side of the Cerro El Mastil Late Triassic - Triassic 3-4 - Argentina López-Arbarello and Zavattieri (2008)

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