There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
84950A. Hendy Vallecillo quarry (FCT collection) Early Turonian - Cretaceous 6 - Mexico Blanco and Cavin (2003)
115406P. Mannion Vallecillo (= Vallecillosaurus donrobertoi type locality / coll. Universidad Autónoma Nuevo León) Early Turonian - Cretaceous 6 - Mexico Smith and Buchy (2008)
186284V. Fischer Vallecillo quarry (CPC collection) Early Turonian - Cretaceous 6 - Mexico Frey et al. (2017)
219108M. Clapham Vallecillo quarry (Museo La Milarca collection) (coll. Margarito González González) Early Turonian - Cretaceous 6 - Mexico Vullo et al. (2021)

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