There are 364 matches - here are the first 30 rows
Collection | Authorizer | Collection name | Reference |
187 | J. Sepkoski | lower Mount Whyte Fm. Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Canada | Deiss (1939) |
197 | J. Sepkoski | Yoho Shale lentil Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Canada | Deiss (1939) |
200 | J. Sepkoski | SA-EC-1 (= Upper Parker Slate, NW Vermont in Sepkoski's (1998) lists) Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Vermont | Shaw (1957) |
201 | J. Sepkoski | Albertella - Mexicella biofacies, Carrara Fm. Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada and California | Palmer and Halley (1979) |
202 | J. Sepkoski | Zacanthoidid biofacies, Carrara Fm. Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada and California | Palmer and Halley (1979) |
204 | J. Sepkoski | Ogygopsis "biofacies," Carrara Fm. Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - California-Nevada | Palmer and Halley (1979) |
207 | J. Sepkoski | Maxey Composite for Spence Shale: Divide this (= Was Spence Shale Mbr., Langston Fm., SE. Idaho/N. Utah) Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Idaho | Maxey (1958) |
214 | J. Sepkoski | Lancaster, Kinzers Fm. Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Pennsylvania | Campbell (1971) |
269 | J. Sepkoski | Bed 2, Wasatch Range, Big Cottonwood Canyon Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Maxey (1958) |
7864 | M. Patzkowsky | Bed #1 of the Kinzer Fm., Humble Oil/Refining Co., Lacaster, PA - Campbell 1971 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Pennsylvania | Campbell (1971) |
7865 | M. Patzkowsky | Bed #2 of the Kinzer Fm., Humble Oil/Refining Co., Lancaster, PA - Campbell 1971 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Pennsylvania | Campbell (1971) |
7866 | M. Patzkowsky | Bed #3 of the Kinzer Fm, Humble Oil/Refining Co., Lancaster, PA - Campbell 1971 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Pennsylvania | Campbell (1971) |
8580 | M. Patzkowsky | CCE-87-4 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Georgia | Schwimmer (1989) |
8581 | M. Patzkowsky | CCE-87-12 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Georgia | Schwimmer (1989) |
8582 | M. Patzkowsky | CCE-87-13 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Georgia | Schwimmer (1989) |
8588 | M. Patzkowsky | Box Elder County [Spence Tongue Mbr, Lead Bell Shale Fm] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Willoughby and Robison (1979) |
8946 | M. Patzkowsky | Box Elder County [Spence Shale Mbr, Lead Bell Shale Fm] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Rigby (1980) |
9220 | M. Patzkowsky | 41800, S. of L.C. Mine Sect, Combined Metals Mb, NV - Sundber and McCollum 2000 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Sundberg and McCollum (2000) |
9410 | M. Patzkowsky | Col. 41144, Grassy Spring Mb., Pioche Shale, NV - Eddy and McCollum 1998 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9411 | M. Patzkowsky | Col. 41145 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9412 | M. Patzkowsky | Collection 41172, Grassy Spring Mb., Pioche Shale, NV - Eddy and McCollum 1998 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9431 | M. Patzkowsky | Collection 41170 [Grassy Spring Mbr, Pioche Shale] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9435 | M. Patzkowsky | Collection 41171 [Grassy Spring Mbr, Pioche Shale] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9475 | M. Patzkowsky | Collection 41202 [Grassy Spring Mbr, Pioche Shale] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Eddy and McCollum (1998) |
9621 | M. Patzkowsky | Unit 24, Clark County [Pioche Shale Fm] Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Pack and Gayle (1971) |
10533 | M. Patzkowsky | Top of Delamaran Stage, middle limestone Chisholm Fm., Utah - Sundberg 1999 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Sundberg (1999) |
10565 | M. Patzkowsky | Ehmaniella Zone, Swasey Limestone, Milllard County, UT - Robison 1999 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Robison (1999) |
10566 | M. Patzkowsky | P. gibbus Zone, Wheeler Fm., Milllard County, UT - Robison 1999 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Utah | Robison (1999) |
10570 | M. Patzkowsky | Delamaran Stage, Pioche Shale Fm., NV - Palmer 1999 Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | Palmer (1999) |
10587 | M. Patzkowsky | Litho #1, Split Mountain East Section Delamaran - Cambrian 3 - Nevada | McCollum and Sundberg (1999) |