There are 198 matches - here are the first 30 rows

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
5544A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1553 - Little River [Crescent Fm] (= LACMIP Loc. 41553; LACMIP loc. 16657) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5545A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1553a - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] (= LACMIP Loc. 41553) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5546A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1554 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5547A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1555 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5548A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1556 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5549A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1557 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5550A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1558 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5551A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1559 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5552A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1560 - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
5553A. Miller CSUN Loc. 1560a - Grays Harbor [Crescent Fm] Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Washington Squires and Goedert (1994)
36866W. Kiessling UCMP Loc. 7162 - Cowlitz River [Cowlitz Fm] Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Washington Durham (1943)
37870A. Hendy Coos Bay (Haynes Slough - Coaledo Formation) (= Coaledo Formation (Haynes Slough), Coos Bay)) Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Oregon Allen and Baldwin (1944)
37871A. Hendy Lakeside (Shutter Landing - Tyee Formation) (= Tyee Formation (Shutter Landing), Lakeside)) Ypresian/Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Oregon Allen and Baldwin (1944)
37872A. Hendy Sitkum (Camas Creek - Tyee Formation) (= Tyee Formation (Camas Creek), Sitkum)) Ypresian/Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Oregon Allen and Baldwin (1944)
37988A. Hendy Tyee Sandstone (Eocene) (= Oregon (Tyee Sandstone, Eocene)) Ypresian/Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Oregon Smith and Ruff (1938)
37989A. Hendy University of Oregon excavations Priabonian - Cenozoic 3 - Oregon Smith and Ruff (1938)
39583A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5403) - #4 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #4 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5403) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39585A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5320) - #6 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #6 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5320) Burdigalian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39586A. Hendy Tillamook (UGSG 15301) - #42 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #42 (Moore, 1963); USGS 15301) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39587A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5404) - #9 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #9 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5404) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39588A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5319) - #10 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #10 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5319) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39589A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 19069) - #11 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #11 (Moore, 1963); USGS 19069) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39590A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5314) - #12 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #12 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5314) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39591A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5318) - #13 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #13 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5318) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39592A. Hendy Tillamook (USGS 16049) - #50 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #50 (Moore, 1963); USGS 16049) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39593A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5405) - #16 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #16 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5405) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39594A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5322) - #18 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #18 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5322) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39595A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5323) - #19 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #19 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5323) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39596A. Hendy Clatsop (UGSG 5317) - #15 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #15 (Moore, 1963); USGS 5317) Burdigalian/Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)
39597A. Hendy Lincoln (UGSG 18900) - #110 (Moore, 1963) (= Locality #110 (Moore, 1963); USGS 18900) Langhian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon Moore (1963)

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