Quarry 9, Como Bluff (YPM): Kimmeridgian - Tithonian, Wyoming
collected by W. Reed 1879

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Ophiopsis sp. Agassiz 1834
Prothero 1981
Dipnoi - Ceratodontidae
Ceratodus sp. Agassiz 1838
Prothero 1981
Ceratodus guentheri Marsh 1878
Kirkland 1987 32 specimens
Amphibia - Temnospondyli
Eobatrachus agilis n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887
YPM 1862
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Discoglossidae
Enneabatrachus hechti n. gen., n. sp. Evans and Milner 1993
Evans and Milner 1993 1 specimen
Lissamphibia, Anura, Discoglossidae
Amphibia - Temnospondyli
Comobatrachus aenigmaticus n. gen., n. sp. (Hecht and Estes 1960)
Hecht and Estes 1960 1 specimen
YPM 1863
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Pelobatidae
Pelobatidae indet. Lataste 1879
Evans and Milner 1993 1 specimen
Lissamphibia, Anura
Amphibia - Temnospondyli
Comonecturoides marshi n. gen., n. sp. Hecht and Estes 1960
Hecht and Estes 1960 1 specimen
YPM 3919
Reptilia - Theropoda
Theropoda indet. Marsh 1881
Simpson 1926
Antrodemus sp. Leidy 1873
Simpson 1926 2 individuals
    = Antrodemus valens Leidy 1870
Gilmore 1920
USNM 2323, 8302
Coelurus fragilis Marsh 1879
Gilmore 1909 10 specimens
YPM 1996–7, 9163; USNM 5809–10, 6624–28
Reptilia - Theropoda - Compsognathidae
? Ornitholestes hermanni Osborn 1903
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006
Reptilia - Theropoda
? Stokesosaurus clevelandi Madsen 1974
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006
Reptilia - Camarasauridae
Morosaurus sp. Marsh 1878
Simpson 1926
Laosaurus sp. Marsh 1878
Ostrom and McIntosh 1999
Laosaurus celer n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1878
Ostrom and McIntosh 1999 1 specimen
YPM 1874
Camptonotus sp. Marsh 1879
Ostrom and McIntosh 1999
Laosaurus ? consors Marsh 1894
Simpson 1926 2 specimens
AMNH 11526, 14328
Nanosaurus agilis Marsh 1877
Galton 1983
teeth; YPM 9524
    = Drinker nisti Bakker et al. 1990
Bakker et al. 1990
Drinker nisti Bakker et al. 1990
Kobayashi 1933 1 specimen
USNM 5808, femur
Othnielia rex (Marsh 1877)
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006
Laosaurus gracilis Marsh 1878
Gilmore 1909 3 specimens
YPM 9523-9525
Ankylosauria indet. Osborn 1923
Galton 2007 1 specimen
YPM 7453
Reptilia - Stegosauridae
Stegosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Simpson 1926 11 specimens
USNM 7474, YPM 1938, AMNH 11524
    = Stegosauridae indet. Marsh 1880
Galton 2007
Reptilia - Pterosauria
Comodactylus ostromi n. gen., n. sp. Galton 1981
Galton 1981 1 individual
YPM (holotype), right fourth metacarpal IV
Laopteryx priscus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1881
1 individual
YPM 1800, partial crushed braincase
Reptilia - Goniopholididae
Goniopholis sp. Owen 1842
Simpson 1926 1 specimen
Macelognathus vagans n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1884
Marsh 1884 1 specimen
YPM 1415
Reptilia - Sauria
Eobatrachus agilis Marsh 1887
Moodie 1912
    = ? Sauria indet. MacCartney 1802
Hecht and Estes 1960
Opisthias rarus n. sp. Gilmore 1909
Gilmore 1909
Reptilia - Sphenodontidae
Theretairus antiquus n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1926
Simpson 1926 1 specimen
YPM 13764
Reptilia - Cteniogenyidae
Cteniogenys antiquus n. gen., n. sp. Gilmore 1928
Gilmore 1928
USNM 6134
Reptilia - Dorsetisauridae
Dorsetisaurus sp. Hoffstetter 1967
Prothero and Estes 1980
Reptilia - Paramacellodidae
Paramacellodus sp. Hoffstetter 1967
Prothero and Estes 1980
Paramacellodus sp. Hoffstetter 1967
Prothero 1981
Reptilia - Pleurosternidae
Glyptops ornatus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1890
Marsh 1890 8 specimens
YPM 1784 (figs. 12-15; type of Glyptops ornatus Marsh, 1890, p. 177, pl. 7, fig. 1; Marsh, 1897, fig. 63; Hay, 1908a, pl. 5 fig. 2), a laterally compressed skull without lower jaws. Locality: Reed's YPM Quarry 9 (mammal quarry), T 22 N, R 77 W, sec. 12, Como Bluff, Wyoming (see Ostrom and McIntosh, 1966, for background, maps, and quarry list). Horizon: Morrison Formation, Late Jurassic. Collector: William H. Reed. YPM 1357 (figured by Marsh as Glyptops ornatus, 1890, pl. 7, fig. 2; Hay, 1908, fig. 18), carapace (not seen). YPM 4742, anterior end of right lower jaw ramus. YPM 4721, fragmentary left dentary. YPM 4717, braincase (fig. 19-22) consisting of basisphenoid, basioccipital, exoccipitals and prootics. YPM 5821, left lower jaw. YPM 2753, left lower jaw. YPM 6077, left epiplastron. NMNH 26370, basioccipital. NMNH 26371, basioccipital.
Glyptops plicatulus (Cope 1877)
Gaffney 1979
Marsh's collections from Quarry Nine at Como Bluff, Wyoming, and now housed in the Yale Peabody Museum and the National Museum of Natural History contain many turtle shell fragments that can be identified on the basis of ornament as Glyptops plicatulus. This material is uncatalogued and not listed here
    = Glyptops ornatus Marsh 1890
Joyce and Anquetin 2019
Dinochelys whitei Gaffney 1979
Prothero 1981 26 specimens
YPM 6057, right epiplastron, entoplastron, left hyoplastron, right and left hypoplastra, right and left xiphiplastra, and two left bridge peripherals. YPM 6078, right epiplastron; YPM 6068, costal fragment and two bridge peripherals; YPM 6089, right sixth costal; YPM 6069, left seventh costal and associated neural; various costal fragments: YPM 6056, 6079, 6081, 6084, 6085, 6090, 6092, 6093, 6096; various peripherals: 6070, 6071, 6072, 6073, 6074, 6075, 6080, 6103, 6104, 6106, 6113, 6119
Docodonta - Docodontidae
Diplocynodon victor n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1880
Marsh 1880 1 specimen
YPM 11826 (holotype right mandible)
Docodon superus n. sp. Simpson 1929
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 10647 (holotype right maxilla)
Docodon striatus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1881
Marsh 1881 3 specimens
Including YPM 11823 (holotype right mandible)
Mammalia indet. (Linnaeus 1758)
Prothero 1981 1 specimen
AMNH 104926
Mammalia - Amphilestidae
Phascolodon gidleyi n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 1 individual
USNM 2703 (holotype partial left mandible)
Aploconodon comoensis n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 1 individual
USNM 2791 (partial right mandible)
Mammalia - Tinodontidae
Tinodon lepidus n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1879 1 specimen
YPM 11845 (holotype left mandible)
Menacodon rarus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
USNM 2131 (holotype left mandible)
Tinodon bellus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1892 2 specimens
YPM 11843 (holotype right mandible), 13644 (left mandible) listed by Simpson 1929
Mammalia - Paurodontidae
Tanaodon agilis n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
YPM 13649 (holotype left mandible)
Archaeotrigon sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 13642 (mandible with last M)
Archaeotrigon brevimaxillus n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
USNM 2793
Paurodon valens n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
USNM 2143 (holotype left mandible)
Mammalia - Dryolestidae
Dryolestes obtusus n. sp. Marsh 1880
Marsh 1880 1 specimen
    = Dryolestidae indet. Marsh 1879
Simpson 1929
'Herpetairus or Melanodon , spp. indet' (Simpson 1929): YPM 11819A (left maxilla, possible type of Dryolestes obtusus [nomen nudum]), YPM 10656B (right maxilla)
Euthlastus cordiformis n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
YPM 13755 (holotype right maxilla)
Pelicopsis dubius n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
YPM 13754 (holotype right maxilla)
Melanodon oweni n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
YPM 10663 (holotype partial right maxilla)
Comotherium richi Prothero 1981
Prothero 1981 1 specimen
AMNH 104826
Dryolestes priscus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1878
Marsh 1878 2 specimens
YPM 11820 (holotype partial right mandible); USNM 2772 (neotype right mandible)
Laolestes grandis n. sp. Simpson 1929
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 13727 (holotype partial right mandible)
Stylacodon validus n. sp. Marsh 1880
Marsh 1880 1 specimen
YPM 11884 (holotype right mandible)
? Herpetairus humilis n. sp. Simpson 1929
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 13745 (holotype left maxilla)
Asthenodon segnis n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
YPM 10646 (holotype right mandible
Dryolestes vorax n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1892 1 specimen
Dryolestes gracilis n. sp. Marsh 1881
Marsh 1881 6 specimens
AMNH 101134, and specimens listed by Simpson (1929): YPM 11821 (holotype left mandible), YPM 13728, 13730, 13734, USNM 2726 (mandibles)
Stylacodon gracilis n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1879 5 specimens
Specimens listed by Simpson (1929): YPM 11883 (holotype left mandible), USNM 2693, YPM 13731-13733 (mandibles)
Laodon venustus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
USNM 2142 (holotype left mandible)
Dryolestes arcuatus n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1879 14 specimens
Listed by Simpson (1929): YPM 11822 (holotype maxilla), YPM 13740 (neotype maxilla), YPM 13739, 13742, 13741, 13743, 13744, 13746, 13747, USNM 2724, 2762, 2800, 2818, 2845
Malthacolestes osborni n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 13751 (holotype partial right maxilla)
Laolestes sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
USNM 2862 (anterior part of left mandible with I1-4, C, and P2, figured as Asthenodon segnis by Marsh (1887, pl. 9, fig. 6)
Laolestes eminens n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 16 specimens
YPM 13719 (holotype left mandible);YPM 10662, USNM 2727 etc. (listed by Simpson 1929) AMNH 104827
Melanodon goodrichi n. sp. Simpson 1929
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 13738 (holotype partial right maxilla)
Miccylotyrans minimus n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1927
Simpson 1927 1 specimen
USNM 2754 (holotype left upper jaw)
Mammalia - Pantotheria - Dicrocynodontidae
Enneodon affinis n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
USNM 2129 (holotype left mandible)
Enneodon crassus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 2 specimens
USNM 2130 (holotype right mandible)
Mammalia - Eutriconodonta - Triconodontidae
Tinodon robustus n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1879 2 individuals
YPM 11846 (holotype left mandible), 10343 (mandible)
Tinodon ferox n. sp. Marsh 1880
Marsh 1887 1 specimen
Priacodon lulli n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 2 individuals
YPM 13625 (holotype right maxilla) and YPM 10359 (right maxilla)
Priacodon grandaevus n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 2 specimens
YPM 10349 (holotype left maxilla) and USNM 2698
Triconodon bisulcus n. sp. Marsh 1880
Marsh 1880 6 specimens
3 specimens originally listed, 4 by Simpson (1925): YPM 10345, 10340, 13636, and 11851 (holotype); YPM 10344 and USNM 2699 (left maxillae) added by Simpson (1925, part 2)
Mammalia - Symmetrodonta - Amphidontidae
Amphidon aequicrurius n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 1 specimen
YPM 13639 (holotype partial right maxilla)
Amphidon superstes n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1925
Simpson 1925 1 specimen
YPM 13638 (holotype partial right mandible)
Mammalia - Multituberculata - Allodontidae
Allodon fortis n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 3 specimens
YPM 11760 (holotype right premaxilla)
Psalodon marshi n. sp. Simpson 1929
Simpson 1929 5 specimens
USNM 2684 (holotype left mandible), USNM 2687, 2690, 13669, 2679
Ctenacodon potens n. sp. Marsh 1887
Marsh 1887 4 specimens
YPM 11834 (holotype right upper jaw), YPM 10363, USNM 2680, AMNH 3003
Ctenacodon scindens n. sp. Simpson 1928
Simpson 1929 1 specimen
YPM 10366 (holotype left mandible)
Ctenacodon serratus n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1879
Marsh 1879 3 specimens
YPM 11833 (holotype right mandible); YPM 13668, USNM 2688 (mandibles)
Ctenacodon nanus n. sp. Marsh 1881
Marsh 1881 1 specimen
YPM 11832 (holotype left mandible)
Allodon laticeps n. gen., n. sp. Marsh 1881
Marsh 1881 3 specimens
YPM 11761 (holotype left maxilla), USNM 2681, 2682 (partial left maxilla)
Mammalia - Multituberculata - Plagiaulacidae
Plagiaulacidae indet. Gill 1872
Prothero 1981 1 specimen
AMNH 104795
Actinopterygii indet. Cope 1887
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006 539 specimens
Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Planorbidae
Planorbis sp. Muller 1774
Simpson 1926
Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Valvatidae
Valvatidae indet. Gray 1840
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006
Bivalvia - Unionida - Unionidae
Unio sp. Philipsson 1788
Simpson 1926
Charophyta indet. Migula 1890
Carrano and Velez-Juarbe 2006 1 specimen
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Wyoming County:Albany
Coordinates: 41.9° North, 106.0° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:37.5° North, 52.2° West
Basis of coordinate:stated in text
Altitude:2091 meters
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Jurassic Epoch: Late Jurassic
Stage: Kimmeridgian - Tithonian 10 m.y. bin: Jurassic 5 - Jurassic 6
*Period:Late/Upper Jurassic - Early/Lower Cretaceous
Key time interval: Kimmeridgian - Tithonian
Age range of interval: 154.8 - 145 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Formation:Morrison Member:Talking Rocks
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: middle upper part of the Morrison series; Unit B
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:gray,green mudstone
Secondary lithology:coarse sandstone
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: Secondary lithology described as 'coarse sandstone'
Environment:fluvial-lacustrine indet.
Geology comments: Several hypotheses for the paleoenvironment (lacustrine, ephemeral ponds)
Modes of preservation:body
Lagerst�tten type:concentrate
Degree of concentration:concentrated
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Preservation of anatomical detail:medium
Abundance in sediment:common
Associated major elements:some
Disassociated major elements:many
Disassociated minor elements:many
Spatial resolution:parautochthonous
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some macrofossils,some microfossils
Collection methods:bulk,selective quarrying,mechanical,sieve,field collection
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Museum repositories:USNM,YPM
Collectors:W. Reed Collection dates:1879
Taxonomic list comments:Revision of previously proposed taxa. The fauna is said to also contain 'fish, small reptiles, and mammals'.
Also known as:Mammal Quarry, WY-15
Database number:12816
Authorizer:E. Fara, E. Vlachos, J. Alroy, R. Benson, M. Carrano Enterer:E. Fara, E. Vlachos, R. Whatley, R. Benson, M. Carrano
Modifier:M. Carrano Research group:vertebrate
Created:2001-12-18 06:52:23 Last modified:2023-08-23 15:42:28
Access level:the public Released:2001-12-18 06:52:23
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

10624.ETE O. C. Marsh. 1881. Discovery of a fossil bird in the Jurassic of Wyoming. American Journal of Science 31:341-342 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]

Secondary references:

63779 Anonymous. 1977. The Fruita Paleontological Report 1-82 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
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