There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
121272M. Uhen North of highway 21, east of Flasher (= Cvancara locality 47; Crab locality 2) Danian - Cenozoic 1 - North Dakota Holland and Cvancara (1958)
206136M. Uhen West side of road, west of Moffit (coll. Arneson, Holland, Cvancara 1954, 1955) Danian - Cenozoic 1 - North Dakota Holland and Cvancara (1958)
226562M. Clapham Curve in abandoned road, west of Moffit (coll. Holland, Cvancara) Danian - Cenozoic 1 - North Dakota Holland and Cvancara (1958)
226564M. Clapham Roadcut on south side of Highway 10 (coll. Holland, Cvancara) Danian - Cenozoic 1 - North Dakota Holland and Cvancara (1958)

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