E. M. Kindle 1909

Full reference
E. M. Kindle. 1909. The Devonian fauna of the Ouray Limestone. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 391:1-60 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/P. Wagner]
ID number:  13436
Created:  2005-05-04 13:38:19
Modified:  2014-08-22 13:41:05
Publication type:  serial monograph
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic opinions (13) - view classification
'Crania ourayensis belongs to Crania' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Euomphalus clymenioides is recombined as Straparollus clymenioides' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Euomphalus eurekensis belongs to Euomphalus' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Isonema humilis is recombined as Naticopsis (Isonema) humilis' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Isonema was reranked as Naticopsis (Isonema) and belongs to Naticopsis' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Leptodesma eolus belongs to Leptodesma' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Naticopsis gigantea belongs to Naticopsis' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Productella coloradensis plicatus belongs to Productella coloradensis' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Productella coloradensis belongs to Productella' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Productella hillsboroensis belongs to Productella' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Productella laminatus belongs to Productella' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Productella spinigera belongs to Productella' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
'Schizophoria striatula australis belongs to Schizophoria striatula' according to E. M. Kindle 1909
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