G. O. Raasch 1958

Full reference
G. O. Raasch. 1958. Upper Paleozoic sections at Highwood Pass, Alberta. Jurassic and Carboniferous of Western Canada 190-215 [N. Heim/N. Heim]
ID number:  18034
Created:  2006-07-19 07:39:50
Modified:  2006-07-19 09:39:50
Publication type:  book/book chapter
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Comments: Volume published by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists and edited by A. J. Goodman
Taxonomic opinions (3) - view classification
'Conocardium prattenanum [misspelled as Conocardium prattenianum] belongs to Conocardium' according to G. O. Raasch 1958
'Pleurotomaria concava is recombined as Euconospira concava' according to G. O. Raasch 1958
'Pleurotomaria meekana is recombined as Shansiella meekana' according to G. O. Raasch 1958