H. G. Bronn 1848

Full reference
H. G. Bronn. 1848. Index palaeontologicus, unter Mitwirking der Herren Prof. H. R. Göppert und H. von Meyer. (1, 2), pt. 3, A. Nomenclator Palaeontologicus; A-M. Handbuch einer Geschichte der Nature 5(1):1-775 [G. Webster/G. Webster]
ID number:  20411
Created:  2007-02-26 19:03:18
Modified:  2007-02-26 21:03:18
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  German
Comments: N-Z
Taxonomic opinions (5) - view classification
'Astraea hennahii is recombined as Cyathophyllum hennahii' according to H. G. Bronn 1848
'Goldius is replaced by Goldfussia' according to H. G. Bronn 1848
'Pentacrinites basaltiformis is recombined as Pentacrinus basaltiformis' according to H. G. Bronn 1848
'Polycerus stoloniferus is a subjective synonym of Pentacrinus basaltiformis' according to H. G. Bronn 1848
'Rostellaria angulata is recombined as Murchisonia angulata' according to H. G. Bronn 1848