K. J. Travouillion et al. 2010

Full reference
K. J. Travouillion, Y. Gurovich, R. M. D. Beck and J. Muirhead. 2010. An exceptionally well-preserved short-snouted bandicoot (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from Riversleigh's Oligo-Miocene deposits, northwestern Queensland, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(5):1528-1546 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles/A. Garcia Selles]
ID number:  43037
Created:  2012-09-18 11:09:31
Modified:  2012-11-01 21:35:54
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.1080/02724634.2010.501463
Taxonomic names (2)
Taxonomic opinions (2) - view classification
'Galadi speciosus belongs to Galadi' according to K. J. Travouillion et al. 2010
'Galadi belongs to Peramelemorphia' according to K. J. Travouillion et al. 2010
Collections (3)