R. A. Del Valle et al. 2002

Full reference
R. A. Del Valle, D. Montalti, and M. Inbar. 2002. Mid-Holocene macrofossil-bearing raised marine beaches at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Antarctic Science 14(3):263-269 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
ID number:  58559
Created:  2016-03-22 15:00:39
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.1017/S0954102002000081
Taxonomic opinions (3) - view classification
'Aptenodytes antarctica is recombined as Pygoscelis antarctica' according to R. A. Del Valle et al. 2002
'Stercorarius maccormicki is recombined as Catharacta maccormicki' according to R. A. Del Valle et al. 2002
'Vaginalis albus is recombined as Chionis alba' according to R. A. Del Valle et al. 2002
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