V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999

Full reference
V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov. 1999. Early Ordovician Bryozoans from North - Western Russia. Palaeontology 42(1):171-189 [B. Kröger/B. Kröger]
ID number:  64636
Created:  2018-02-06 03:24:46
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic opinions (24) - view classification
'Amplexoporina belongs to Trepostomata' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Archaeopora angulosa is recombined as Phragmopora angulosa' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Dianulites belongs to Dianulitidae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Dianulitidae belongs to Esthonioporina' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Dittoporidae belongs to Halloporina' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Esthoniopora belongs to Esthonioporidae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Esthonioporata was reranked as the suborder Esthonioporina and belongs to Trepostomata' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Esthonioporidae belongs to Esthonioporina' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Halloporina belongs to Trepostomata' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Hemiphragma multiporatum is recombined as Phragmopora multiporata' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Hemiphragma priscum belongs to Hemiphragma' according to Pushkin 1999
'Hemiphragma belongs to Dittoporidae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Idiostrophia acuminata belongs to Idiostrophia' according to Pander 1830
'Monotrypa helenae is recombined as Dianulites helenae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Monticuliporella lessnikowae is recombined as Esthoniopora lessnikowae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Nicholsonella arborea is recombined as Revalotrypa arborea' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Nicholsonella papillaris is recombined as Revalotrypa papillaris' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Nicholsonella rotundicellularis is recombined as Revalotrypa rotundicellularis' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Phragmopora lavaense belongs to Phragmopora' according to Pushkin 1999
'Phragmopora belongs to Phragmoporidae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Phragmoporidae belongs to Halloporina' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Plesiomegalaspis estonica is recombined as Megistaspis estonica' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Revalotrypa belongs to Revalotrypidae' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999
'Revalotrypidae belongs to Amplexoporina' according to V. I. Pushkin and L. E. Popov 1999