K. J. Lambkin 2018

Full reference
K. J. Lambkin. 2018. A new genus and species of the family Archipsyllidae (Insecta: Paraneoptera: Permopsocida) from the Late Triassic of Queensland. Zootaxa 4382:192-194 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
ID number:  66257
Created:  2018-07-05 22:41:31
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic names (2)
Taxonomic opinions (2) - view classification
'Dinmopsylla semota belongs to Dinmopsylla' according to K. J. Lambkin 2018
'Dinmopsylla belongs to Archipsyllidae' according to K. J. Lambkin 2018
Collections (1)