B. Seguí et al. 1997

Full reference
B. Seguí, C. Mourer-Chauviré, and J. A. Alcover. 1997. Upper Pleistocene and Holocene fossil avifauna from Moleta cave (Mallorca, Balearic Islands). Bolletí de la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears 40:223-252 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
ID number:  66276
Created:  2018-07-07 14:18:40
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic opinions (26) - view classification
'Alauda arvensis belongs to Alauda' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Alauda pratensis is recombined as Anthus pratensis' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Corvus graculus is recombined as Pyrrhocorax graculus' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Fringilla hispaniolensis is recombined as Passer hispaniolensis' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Fringilla nivalis is recombined as Montifringilla nivalis' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Fringilla petronia is recombined as Petronia petronia' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Jynx torquilla belongs to Jynx' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Loxia chloris is recombined as Carduelis chloris' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Loxia coccothraustes is recombined as Coccothraustes coccothraustes' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Loxia curvirostra belongs to Loxia' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla hypoleuca is recombined as Ficedula hypoleuca' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla modularis is recombined as Prunella modularis' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla ochruros is recombined as Phoenicurus ochruros' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla oenanthe is recombined as Oenanthe oenanthe' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla rubecula is recombined as Erithacus rubecula' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla rubetra is recombined as Saxicola rubetra' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Motacilla torquata is recombined as Saxicola torquata' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Parus ater belongs to Parus' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Rallus porzana is recombined as Porzana porzana' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Strix alba is recombined as Tyto alba' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Strix noctua is recombined as Athene noctua' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Strix scops is recombined as Otus scops' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Sylvia sarda belongs to Sylvia' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Tetrao coturnix is recombined as Coturnix coturnix' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Tetrao rufus is recombined as Alectoris rufa' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997
'Upupa pyrrhocorax is recombined as Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax' according to B. Seguí et al. 1997