R. F. Baird 1990

Full reference
R. F. Baird. 1990. The fossil avian assemblage from Weekes Cave (N-15), Nullarbor Plain, South Australia: corrections, additions and reinterpretation. South Australian Ornithologist 31:29-35 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
ID number:  66284
Created:  2018-07-09 21:40:30
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic names (1)
Taxonomic opinions (7) - view classification
'Cinclosoma alisteri belongs to Cinclosoma' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Falco cenchroides belongs to Falco' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Hemipodius velox is recombined as Turnix velox' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Malurus textilis is recombined as Amytornis textilis' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Melithreptus virescens is recombined as Lichenostomus virescens' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Ocypterus superciliosus is recombined as Artamus superciliosus' according to R. F. Baird 1990
'Strix novaehollandiae is recombined as Tyto novaehollandiae' according to R. F. Baird 1990
Collections (1)