M. Leriche 1938

Full reference
M. Leriche. 1938. Contribution à l'étude des Poissons fossiles des pays riverains de la Méditerranée américaine (Venezuela, Trinité, Antilles, Mexique). Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse 51:1-42 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
ID number:  77384
Created:  2021-07-14 10:42:24
Modified:  2021-08-05 13:39:32
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  French
Taxonomic opinions (14) - view classification
'Acanthias stehlini belongs to Acanthias' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Aetobatis arcuatus is recombined as Aetobatus arcuatus' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Berycidarum pulcher belongs to Berycidarum' according to Procharzky 1893
'Berycidarum pulcher is recombined as Scopelus pulcher' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Carcharias megalodon is recombined as Carcharodon megalodon' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Corax kugleri belongs to Corax' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Ginglymostoma lehneri belongs to Ginglymostoma' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Hemipristis serra belongs to Hemipristis' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Lamna caraibaea belongs to Lamna' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Notidanus tenuidens belongs to Notidanus' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Oxyrhina desorii is corrected as Oxyrhina desori and belongs to Oxyrhina' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Prionodon tschoppi belongs to Prionodon' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Prionodon vonderschmitti belongs to Prionodon' according to M. Leriche 1938
'Sciaenidarum mexicanus belongs to Sciaenidarum' according to M. Leriche 1938