M. A. Bradshaw and L. McCartan 1991

Full reference
M. A. Bradshaw and L. McCartan. 1991. Palaeoecology and systematics of Early Devonian bivalves from the Horlick Formation, Ohio Range, Antarctica. Alcheringa 15(1):1-42 [M. Foote/M. Foote/P. Wagner]
ID number:  9604
Created:  2003-12-21 12:56:24
Modified:  2023-11-09 19:00:33
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.1080/03115519108619008
Taxonomic opinions (3) - view classification
'Notonucula cuspidis belongs to Notonucula' according to M. A. Bradshaw and L. McCartan 1991
'Notonucula demissa belongs to Notonucula' according to M. A. Bradshaw and L. McCartan 1991
'Notonucula belongs to Nuculidae' according to M. A. Bradshaw and L. McCartan 1991
Collections (8)