Turtle Cove Member


Formation: John Day

Lithologies: not reported (8), claystone (1), siltstone (1), tuff (1)

Paleoenvironments: terrestrial indet. (11)

Age range: base of the Whitneyan to the top of the Geringian or 33.30000 to 26.30000 Ma

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Whitneyan33.3 - 30.8USA (Oregon) (17313 17349 136093)
Geringian30.8 - 26.3USA (Oregon) (17508 17537 93078 159093)
Arikareean29.5 - 18.5USA (Oregon) (17534 228640)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03USA (Oregon) (17603 93079)