Curdsville Limestone Member


Formation: Lexington Limestone

Lithologies: packstone (6), grainstone (8), "limestone" (12)

Paleoenvironments: carbonate indet. (2), shallow subtidal indet. (10), open shallow subtidal (2), deep subtidal ramp (6)

Age range: base of the Turinian to the top of the Chatfieldian or 457.30000 to 451.00000 Ma

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Turinian457.3 - 453.8USA (Kentucky) (99625 99336 99339 99655 99656 100128 100176 100231 101107 101377 101378 184657)
Kirkfieldian457.3 - 449.6USA (Kentucky) (87823 101404)
Shermanian457.3 - 449.6USA (Kentucky) (87819)
Chatfieldian453.8 - 451.0USA (Kentucky) (34545 48728 48729 197152 197153)