Taxonomic names from W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915
- Amblypygus merrilli, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Echinoneidae]
- Aspidura idahoensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Ophiuridae]
- Asterias dubium, Whitfield 1877 [Asteriidae]
- Asterias lincki, Sears 1905 [Asteriidae]
- Asterias stellionura, Sears 1905 [Asteriidae]
- Asternata, suborder [Echinoidea]
- Astrodapsis arnoldi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Echinarachniidae]
- Atheneidae, family [Atheneidae]
- Botriopygus alabamensis, Clark 1891 [Nucleolitidae]
- Bourgueticrinus alabamensis, De Loriol 1882 [Bourgueticrinidae]
- Bourgueticrinus cylindricus (Weller 1907) [Bourgueticrinidae]
- Breynella, Gregory [Cassidulidae]
- Breynella gregoryi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pliolampadidae]
- Brissopsis poriferus, Ravenel 1848 [Schizasteridae]
- Brissopsis rimulatus, Ravenel 1848 [Schizasteridae]
- Calycina, suborder (Gregory 1900) [Echinoidea]
- Cardiaster curtus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Holasteridae]
- Cassidulus (Pygorhynchus) () [Nucleolitidae]
- Cassidulus (Pygorhynchus) alabamensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus (Pygorhynchus) carolinensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus (Pygorhynchus) georgiensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Faujasiidae]
- Cassidulus (Pygorhynchus) gouldii (Bouve 1846) [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus (Rhynchopygus) (d'Orbigny 1856) [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus (Rhynchopygus) conradi, Couper 1850 [unclassified species]
- Cassidulus (Rhynchopygus) depressus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus (Rhynchopygus) holmsei, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pliolampadidae]
- Cassidulus (Rhynchopygus) ravenli, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pliolampadidae]
- Cassidulus abruptus, Conrad 1860 [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus amygdala, Desor 1858 [Cassidulidae]
- Cassidulus bassleri, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassiduloida]
- Cassidulus berryi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassiduloida]
- Cassidulus conoideus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassiduloida]
- Cassidulus florealis (Morton 1833) [Cassiduloida]
- Catopygus conradi, Couper 1850 [Faujasiidae]
- Catopygus oviformis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pliolampadidae]
- Catopygus patelliformis, Bouvé 1851 [Pliolampadidae]
- Cidaris alabamensis, Morton 1846 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris blandis, De Gregorio 1890 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris dilleri, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris dixiensis, Cragin 1893 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris georgiana, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris hemigranosus, Shumard 1860 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris mortoni (Conrad 1850) [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris plumasensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris pratti, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris shastensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris smithi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris tehamaensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cidaridae]
- Cidaris thouarsii, Valencienncs 1846 [Cidaridae]
- Clypeastrina, suborder [Exocycloida]
- Coelopleurus aldrichi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Arbaciidae]
- Coelopleurus sloani, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Arbaciidae]
- Coptosoma mortoni (de Loriol 1887) [Phymosomatidae]
- Cottaldia rotula, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Echinoidea]
- Cyphosoma hilli (Clark 1891) [Phymosomatidae]
- Cyphosoma volanum, Cragin 1893 [Phymosomatidae]
- Cyphosomatidae, family [Cyphosomatidae]
- Dendraster arnoldi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Dendrasteridae]
- Dendraster coalingaensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Dendrasteridae]
- Dendraster excentricus (Eschscholz 1826) [Dendrasteridae]
- Dendraster gibbsii (Rémond 1863) [Dendrasteridae]
- Dendraster interlineatus (Stimpson 1856) [Dendrasteridae]
- Diadema texanum, Roemer 1852 [Diplopodiidae]
- Diademoidea, order [Diademoidea]
- Dicyclica, subclass [Crinoidea]
- Diplopodia streeruvitzi, Cragin 1893 [Diplopodiidae]
- Diplopodia taffi, Gragin 1893 [Diplopodiidae]
- Diplothecanthus, Duncan [Clypeasteridae]
- Diplothecanthus dalli, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Clypeasteridae]
- Diplothecanthus rosaceus (Linnaeus 1758) [Clypeasteridae]
- Dumblea symmetrica, Craigin 1893 [Pedinopsidae]
- Echinanthus georgiensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Cassidulidae]
- Echinanthus mortonis (Michelin 1850) [Cassiduloida]
- Echinina, suborder () [Camarodonta]
- Echinobrissus angustatus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Nucleolitidae]
- Echinobrissus expansus, Clark 1891 [Nucleolitidae]
- Echinocardium deperessum, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Loveniidae]
- Echinocardium gothicus (Ravenel 1848) [Loveniidae]
- Echinocidaris, Duncan [Arbaciidae]
- Echinocyamus huxleyanus, Meyer 1886 [Fibulariidae]
- Echinocyamus meridionalis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Fibulariidae]
- Echinocyamus parvus, Emmonds 1858 [Fibulariidae]
- Echinocyamus texanus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Fibulariidae]
- Echinocyamus vaughani, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Fibulariidae]
- Echinolampas aldrichi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Echinolampadidae]
- Echinolampas appendiculatus, Emmons 1858 [Echinolampadidae]
- Echinus infulatus, Morton 1833 [Arbaciidae]
- Echinus pentaporus, Gmelin 1788 [Mellitidae]
- Enallaster obliquatus, Clark 1893 [Toxasteridae]
- Encrinus hyatti, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Encrinidae]
- Epiaster whitei, Clark 1891 [Spatangidae]
- Eupatagus carolinensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Brissidae]
- Eupatagus floridanus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Brissidae]
- Flexibilia, order (K. A. Zittel 1895) [Crinoidea]
- Gagaria americana, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Temnopleuroida]
- Galerites oregonensis, Dana 1849 [Holectypoida]
- Goniopygus zitteli, Clark 1891 [Arbaciidae]
- Hemiaster beecheri, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Hemiasteridae]
- Hemiaster bexari, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Hemiasteridae]
- Hemiaster calvini, Clark 1893 [Hemiasteridae]
- Hemiaster comanchei, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Hemiasteridae]
- Hemiaster conradi, Bouvé 1851 [Schizasteridae]
- Hemiaster elegans, Shumard 1853 [Hemiasteridae]
- Hemicidaris intumescens, Clark 1893 [Hemicidaridae]
- Hemipatagus argutus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Loveniidae]
- Hemipatagus subrostratus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Loveniidae]
- Heterodiadema ornatum, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pseudodiadematidae]
- Holaster mortoni, Conrad 1850 [Brissidae]
- Holaster simplex, Shumard 1853 [Holasteridae]
- Holectypus cragini, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Holectypidae]
- Holectypus pealei, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Holectypidae]
- Hypodiadema elegans, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pseudodiadematidae]
- Isocrinus californicus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Isocrinidae]
- Isocrinus smithi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Holocrinidae]
- Laganum archerensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Neolaganidae]
- Laganum dalli, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Neolaganidae]
- Laganum eldridgei, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Neolaganidae]
- Laganum floridanum, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Neolaganidae]
- Laganum johnsoni, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Laganidae]
- Leptarbacia, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Hemicidaridae]
- Leptarbacia argutus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Hemicidaridae]
- Linthia alabamensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Schizasteridae]
- Linthia wilmingtonensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Schizasteridae]
- Macropneustes carolinensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Unifasciidae]
- Marsupites americanus, Springer 1911 [Marsupitidae]
- Marsupitidae, family, d'Orbigny 1852 [Marsupitidae]
- Micropsis lineatus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Phymosomatidae]
- Nucleolites lyelli, Conrad 1850 [Faujasiidae]
- Oligopygus floridanus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Oligopygidae]
- Ophioglypha utahensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Ophiuridae]
- Orthechinus, Gauthier [Cyphosomatidae]
- Orthechinus pretiosus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Glyphocyphidae]
- Orthopsis occidentalis, Cragin 1893 [Orthopsidae]
- Orthopsis planulata, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Orthopsidae]
- Paractinopoda, order [Paractinopoda]
- Paraster armiger (W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915) [Schizasteridae]
- Pentacerotidae, family [Pentacerotidae]
- Pentacrinus asteriscus, Meek and Hayden 1858 [Pentacrinitidae]
- Pentacrinus bryani, Gabb 1876 [Isselicrinidae]
- Pentacrinus shastensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Pentacrinitidae]
- Pentacrinus tehamaensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Isocrinidae]
- Pentacrinus whitei, Clark 1893 [Pentacrinitidae]
- Pentagonasteridae, family [Pentagonasteridae]
- Periarchus protuberans, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Protoscutellidae]
- Pericosmus spatiosus, Ravenel 1848 [Brissidae]
- Phanerozoma, order [Phanerozoma]
- Phyllacanthus mortoni (Conrad 1850) [Cidaridae]
- Pinnata, suborder [Crinoidea]
- Plagionotus, Agassiz 1847 [unclassified genus]
- Plagionotus holmesii, McCrady 1855 [Brissidae]
- Plagionotus ravenelianus, McCrady 1855 [Brissidae]
- Psammechinus cingulatus, Clark 1891 [Echinidae]
- Psammechinus exoletus, McCrady 1857 [Echinidae]
- Pseudodiadema emersoni, Clark 1893 [Diplopodiidae]
- Pygorhynchus rugosus, Ravenel 1848 [Pliolampadidae]
- Pygurus geometricus (Morton 1833) [Cassiduloida]
- Pyrina parryi, Hall 1857 [Echinoneidae]
- Rhizocrinus, Sars [Bourgueticrinidae]
- Rhizocrinus cylindricus, Weller 1907 [Bourgueticrinidae]
- Salenia texana, Credner 1891 [Saleniidae]
- Santeelampas carolinensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [unclassified species]
- Sarsella, Pomel [Spatangidae]
- Sarsella gregoryi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Spatangidae]
- Schizaster americana, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Schizasteridae]
- Schizaster atropos (Lamarck 1816) [Schizasteridae]
- Schizaster floridanus, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Schizasteridae]
- Scutella alberti (Conrad 1842) [Abertellidae]
- Scutella andersoni, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Echinarachniidae]
- Scutella caroliniana, Ravenel 1841 [Mellitidae]
- Scutella crustuloides, Morton 1833 [Laganidae]
- Scutella lyelli, Conrad 1834 [Protoscutellidae]
- Scutella macrophora, Ravenel 1842 [Mellitidae]
- Scutella mississippiensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Protoscutellidae]
- Scutella pileussinensis, Ravenel 1844 [Protoscutellidae]
- Scutella quinquefaria, Say 1825 [Protoscutellidae]
- Scutella tuomeyi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Scutellidae]
- Scutellaster cretaceus, Cragin 1895 [Dendrasteridae]
- Sismondia alta, Conrad 1865 [Protoscutellidae]
- Sismondia arnoldi, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Laganidae]
- Sismondia coalingaensis, W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell 1915 [Laganidae]
- Sismondia conradi, Cotteau 1891 [Protoscutellidae]
- Sismondia plana, Conrad 1865 [Protoscutellidae]
- Sternata, suborder [Echinoidea]
- Stomechinus hyatti, Clark 1893 [Stomechinidae]
- Toxaster texanus, Roemer 1849 [Toxasteridae]
- Toxopneustes variegatus (Lamarck 1816) [Toxopneustidae]
- Triplechinidae, family [Triplechinidae]
- Uintacrinidae, family, Zittel 1879 [Uintacrinidae]
- Uintacrinus socialis, Grinnell 1876 [Uintacrinidae]
- Zygophiurae, order [Zygophiurae]