Opinions from P. A. Jell and J. M. Adrain 2002
- 'Abagnostus is a subjective synonym of Lisogoragnostus'
- 'Abakania belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Abakanopleura belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Abharella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Acadagnostus is a subjective synonym of Peronopsis'
- 'Acadolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Acanthagnostus is a subjective synonym of Clavagnostus'
- 'Acanthaloma is a subjective synonym of Leonaspis'
- 'Acanthalomina belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Acanthocnemis is a subjective synonym of Sao'
- 'Acanthogramma is a subjective synonym of Sao'
- 'Acantholenus is a subjective synonym of Acrocephalites'
- 'Acanthometopus belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Acanthomicmacca belongs to Chengkouiidae'
- 'Acanthoparypha belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Acanthopleurella belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Acanthopyge belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Acanthopyge (Jasperia) was reranked as Jasperia and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Acanthopyge (Mephiarges) was reranked as Mephiarges and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Acanthopyge (Mephiarges) bifida is recombined as Jasperia bifida'
- 'Acastava belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acaste belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acastella belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acastellina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acastina is an objective synonym of Acaste'
- 'Acastocephala belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acastoidea belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Acastoides belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acastopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Acernaspis belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Acerocare belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Acerocarina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Aceroproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Aceroproetus acer belongs to Aceroproetus' according to Kolobova 1988
- 'Achatella belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Acheilops belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Acheilus is replaced by Peracheilus'
- 'Achlysopsis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Aciculolenus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Acidaspidella belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Acidaspides belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Acidaspidina belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Acidaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Acidiphorus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Acmarhachis belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Acontheus belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Acrocephalaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Acrocephalites belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Acrocephalops belongs to Bolaspididae'
- 'Acrodirotes belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Acrohybus is a subjective synonym of Hungaia'
- 'Acrolichas is a subjective synonym of Amphilichas'
- 'Actinolobus is a subjective synonym of Illaenus'
- 'Actinopeltis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Aculeodiscus is a subjective synonym of Dawsonia'
- 'Acutaspis is a subjective synonym of Triangulaspis'
- 'Acutatagnostus is a subjective synonym of Agnostus'
- 'Acuticryphops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Adastocephalum belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Adelogonus belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Aedotes belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Aeglina is an objective synonym of Cyclopyge'
- 'Aegrotocatellus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Aeonia is an objective synonym of Proetus'
- 'Aethedionide belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Aethia belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Afghanocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Afrops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Agalatus is a subjective synonym of Inkouia'
- 'Agaso belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Agelagma belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Agerina belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Aglagalia is a nomen nudum'
- 'Agnostardis belongs to Glyptagnostidae'
- 'Agnostascus is a subjective synonym of Proagnostus'
- 'Agnostoglossa is a subjective synonym of Ammagnostus'
- 'Agnostogonus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Agnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Agnostus calvus belongs to Agnostus' according to Lake 1906
- 'Agnostus desideratus is recombined as Mallagnostus desideratus'
- 'Agnostus elkedraensis is recombined as Peronopsis elkedraensis' according to Jell 1997
- 'Agnostus elkedraensis is recombined as Peronopsis elkedraensis'
- 'Agnostus elkedraensis belongs to Agnostus' according to Eldredge 1902
- 'Agnostus elkedraensis is recombined as Itagnostus elkedraensis' according to Opik 1979
- 'Agnostus perrugatus belongs to Agnostus' according to Barrande 1872
- 'Agnostus perrugatus is recombined as Corrugatagnostus perrugatus'
- 'Agnostus pusillus belongs to Agnostus' according to Tullberg 1880
- 'Agnostus pusillus is recombined as Svenax pusillus' according to Opik 1979
- 'Agraulidae belongs to Solenopleuracea' according to Geyer and Landing 2001
- 'Agrauloides is a subjective synonym of Agraulos'
- 'Agraulopsis is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparia'
- 'Agraulos belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Aguaraya belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Aiaiaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Aidarella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Ainoa is a subjective synonym of Holia'
- 'Aistagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Ajacicrepida belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Ajrikina belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Akbashichia belongs to Redlichiina'
- 'Akoldinioidia is a subjective synonym of Koldinioidia'
- 'Aksapyge is a subjective synonym of Promacropyge'
- 'Aksayaspis belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Aksayaspis convexus belongs to Aksayaspis' according to Ergaliev 2001
- 'Aktugaiella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Alacephalus belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Alanisia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Alataurus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Albansia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Albertella belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Albertellina belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Albertelloides belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Alberticoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Alborsella belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Alcaldops is a subjective synonym of Heliopyge'
- 'Alceste belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Aldanaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Aldonaia belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Aldonaiidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Alekcinella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Alemtejoia is a subjective synonym of Delgadella'
- 'Alimbetaspis is a subjective synonym of Jujuyaspis'
- 'Allobodochus belongs to Ptychagnostidae'
- 'Alloleiostegium is a subjective synonym of Leiostegium'
- 'Allolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Alokistocare belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Alokistocarella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Alomataspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Alreboaspis is a subjective synonym of Borealaspis'
- 'Alsataspis is a subjective synonym of Seleneceme'
- 'Altaepeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Altaesajania belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Altaiaspis belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Altajaharpes is a nomen nudum'
- 'Altiocculus belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Altiplanelaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Altitudella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Alwynulus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Amblycranium belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Ambonolium belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Amecephalina belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Amecephalites belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Amecephaloides belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Amecephalus belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Amechilus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Americare is a subjective synonym of Glyphaspis'
- 'Ameropiltonia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ameura belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Amgaspididae belongs to Corynexochida'
- 'Amgaspis belongs to Amgaspididae'
- 'Amginia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Amginoerbia belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Amginouyia belongs to Utiidae'
- 'Amiaspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Amicus belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Ammagnostus belongs to Ammagnostidae'
- 'Amorphella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Amphilichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Amphitryon belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Amphotonella is a subjective synonym of Amphoton'
- 'Ampyxella belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Ampyxina belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Ampyxinella belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Ampyxinops is a subjective synonym of Malongullia'
- 'Amquia belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Amurticephalus is a subjective synonym of Parachittidilla'
- 'Amzasskiella belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Anabaraceps belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Anabaraspis is replaced by Anabaraspis'
- 'Anabaraspis belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Anacaenaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Anacheirurus belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Anadoxides is a subjective synonym of Metadoxides'
- 'Analocaspis is a subjective synonym of Rorringtonia'
- 'Analocaspis ursina is recombined as Rorringtonia ursina'
- 'Ananaspis belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Anapliomera belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Anasobella belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Anataphrus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Anchiopella belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Anchiopsis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Ancyginaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Ancyropyge is a subjective synonym of Ancyropyge'
- 'Ancyropyge belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Anderssonella belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Andesaspis is a subjective synonym of Leptoplastides'
- 'Andesaspis (Parabolinopsis) sinensis is recombined as Leptoplastides sinensis'
- 'Andinacaste belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Andrarina belongs to Andrarinidae'
- 'Andrarinidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Andreaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Anebolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Anechocephalus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Anemocephalops belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Anemocephalus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Aneucanthus is an objective synonym of Acontheus'
- 'Aneuacanthus is replaced by Aneuacanthus' according to Barrande 1856
- 'Angelina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Angustaeva is a subjective synonym of Triangulaspis'
- 'Anisopyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ankoura belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Annamitella belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Annamitia belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Anomalocephalus is a subjective synonym of Ehmaniella'
- 'Anomocaraspis is a subjective synonym of Hundwarella'
- 'Anomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Anomocarella belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Anomocarellidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Anomocarina belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Anomocarioides belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Anomocariopsis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Anopocare is a subjective synonym of Peltura'
- 'Anopocodia belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Anoria belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Anorina is an objective synonym of Eoasaphus'
- 'Antagmidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Antagmopleura belongs to Utiidae'
- 'Antagmus belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Antatlaeva is a nomen nudum'
- 'Antatlasia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Anthes is an objective synonym of Peltura'
- 'Anuloides belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Aocaspis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Aojia is a subjective synonym of Lisania'
- 'Aotagnostus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Aotagnostus culminosus is recombined as Ptychagnostus culminosus'
- 'Apachia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Apachilites is a subjective synonym of Apachia'
- 'Apatokephalina belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Apatokephaloides belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Apatokephalops belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Apatokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Apatolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Apedopyanus is a subjective synonym of Hysteropleura'
- 'Aphelaspididae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Aphelaspis belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Apheloides belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Aphelotoxon belongs to Phylacteridae'
- 'Apianurus belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Aplexura belongs to Liostracinidae'
- 'Aplotaspis is a subjective synonym of Charchaqia'
- 'Apocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Apolichas is a subjective synonym of Lichas'
- 'Apomodocia belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Aponileus is a subjective synonym of Psephosthenaspis'
- 'Apoplanias belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Aposolenopleura is a subjective synonym of Ptychopleurites'
- 'Appendicysta belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Appendicysta belongs to Archegoninae' according to Hahn and Brauckmann 1989
- 'Aprathia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Aprathia belongs to Archegoninae' according to Owens and Tilsley 1995
- 'Araiocaris belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Araiopleura belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Arapahoia belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Archaeagnostus belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Archaeops is a subjective synonym of Eoredlichia'
- 'Archaeuloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Archegonus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Archegonus (Angustibole) belongs to Archegonus'
- 'Archegonus (Angustibole) winterbergensis belongs to Archegonus (Angustibole)' according to Hahn 1965
- 'Archegonus (Archegonus) belongs to Archegonus' according to Burmeister 1843
- 'Archegonus (Crassibole) was reranked as Crassibole and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Archegonus (Merebolina) belongs to Archegonus' according to Grandl 1980
- 'Archegonus (Merebolina) was reranked as Merebolina and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Archegonus (Merebolina) merensis belongs to Archegonus (Merebolina)' according to Gandl 1980
- 'Arcifimbria belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Arcticalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Arcticeraurinella belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Arcticormistonia is a subjective synonym of Pseudodechenella'
- 'Arcticormistonia edgecombei is recombined as Pseudodechenella edgecombei'
- 'Arctinuroides is a subjective synonym of Pseudotupolichas'
- 'Arctinurus belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Arctipeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Arcuolimbus belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Arduennella belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Areia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Areiaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Arellanella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Arethusina is an objective synonym of Aulacopleura'
- 'Arethusina is replaced by Arethusina' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Argentinops is a subjective synonym of Hungioides'
- 'Argentopyge belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Argunaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ariaspis belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Arionides is replaced by Arionides' according to Barrande 1847
- 'Arionellus is replaced by Arionellus' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Arion is an objective synonym of Agraulos'
- 'Arionellus pustulatus is recombined as Glaphurus pustulatus'
- 'Aristoharpes is a subjective synonym of Selenoharpes'
- 'Aristokainella is a subjective synonym of Apatokephalops'
- 'Armagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Armonia is a subjective synonym of Modocia'
- 'Armorigreenops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Arraphus belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Arthricocephalus belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Arthricocephalites is a subjective synonym of Arthricocephalus'
- 'Arthricocephalus (Euarthricocephalus) was reranked as Euarthricocephalus and belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Arthricocephalus (Euarthricocephalus) belongs to Arthricocephalus' according to Ju 1983
- 'Artokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Asaphellina belongs to Taihungshaniidae'
- 'Asaphelloides is a subjective synonym of Asaphellus'
- 'Asaphellus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Asaphiscus belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Asaphiscus (Blainia) was reranked as Blainia and belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Asaphoon is a subjective synonym of Asaphellus'
- 'Asaphopsis belongs to Taihungshaniidae'
- 'Asaphopsis intermedia is recombined as Hungioides intermedia'
- 'Asaphopsoides belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Asaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Asaphus (Ampyx) was reranked as Ampyx and belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Asaphus (Isotelus) gigas is recombined as Isotelus gigas'
- 'Platypeltis is replaced by Platypeltoides'
- 'Asaphus (Platypeltis) croftii is recombined as Platypeltoides croftii'
- 'Ascetopeltis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ascionepea belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Asiatella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Asilluchus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Asioptychaspis is a subjective synonym of Ptychaspis'
- 'Asperocare belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Aspidaeglina belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Asteraspis is an objective synonym of Deiracephalus'
- 'Asteromajia is a subjective synonym of Temnoura'
- 'Asteropyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Asthenaspis belongs to Redlichinidae'
- 'Asthenopsis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Astycoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Ataktaspis is a subjective synonym of Komaspidella'
- 'Atdabanella belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Athabaskia belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Athabaskiella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Atopasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Atopidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Atops belongs to Atopidae'
- 'Atractocybeloides belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Atractocybeloides berneri belongs to Atractocybeloides' according to Krueger 1991
- 'Atractopyge belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Atratebia belongs to Remopleuridae'
- 'Aulacodigma belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Aulacodiscus is replaced by Opsidiscus' according to Westergard 1950
- 'Aulacoparia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Aulacoparia (Aulacoparina) was reranked as Aulacoparina and belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Aulacopleura belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Paraaulacopleura is a subjective synonym of Aulacopleura'
- 'Aulacopleurella is a subjective synonym of Otarion'
- 'Auritama belongs to Auritamidae'
- 'Auritamidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Austinvillia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Australaspis belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Australoacaste belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Australoharpes is a subjective synonym of Dubhglasina'
- 'Australokaskia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Australops belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Australopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Australoscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Austrosinia is a subjective synonym of Changqingia' according to Zan 1992
- 'Austosinia is a subjective synonym of Changqingia'
- 'Autolichas is a subjective synonym of Lichas'
- 'Autoloxolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Avalanchurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Avalonia belongs to Atopidae'
- 'Avascutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Avonaspis is a subjective synonym of Welleraspis'
- 'Avonina belongs to Avoninidae'
- 'Axagnostus is a subjective synonym of Acadagnostus'
- 'Babakovia is a subjective synonym of Kooteniella'
- 'Babinops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Badainjaranaspis belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Badulesia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Baikonuraspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Bailiaspis belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Bailielloides inexpectans belongs to Bailielloides'
- 'Bainella is a subjective synonym of Anchiopella'
- 'Bajangoliaspis belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Balangia belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Balderia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Balizoma belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Balnibarbi belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Baltagnostus belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Baltoparadoxides belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Bandalaspis belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Baniaspis belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Baojingia is a subjective synonym of Eoshengia'
- 'Bapingaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Bapingaspis bapingensis belongs to Bapingaspis' according to Yuan 1988
- 'Barklyella belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Barrandagnostus is a subjective synonym of Glyptagnostus'
- 'Barrandia belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Bartoninus is a subjective synonym of Ceraurinella'
- 'Basanellus belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Basidechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Basilicoides is a subjective synonym of Thysanopyge'
- 'Basilicus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Basiliella is a subjective synonym of Basilicus'
- 'Basocephalus belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Batchatiella is a nomen nudum'
- 'Batenioides belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Bathycheilidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Bathycheilus belongs to Bathycheilidae'
- 'Bathyholcus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Bathynotellus belongs to Chengkouaspidae'
- 'Bathynotus belongs to Chengkouaspidae'
- 'Bathyocos belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Bathyurellus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Bathyurina is a subjective synonym of Jeffersonia'
- 'Bathyuriscellus belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Bathyuriscidella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Bathyuriscops is a subjective synonym of Annamitella'
- 'Bathyuriscopsis belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Bathyuriscus belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Bathyuriscus (Poliella) was reranked as Poliella and belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Bathyurus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Bathyurus (Raymondites) was reranked as Raymondites and belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Batocara belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Battus is an objective synonym of Agnostus'
- 'Batyraspis is a subjective synonym of Taoyuania'
- 'Bavarilla belongs to Bavarillidae'
- 'Bavarillidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Bayfieldia belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Beigongia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Beishanella belongs to Centropleuridae'
- 'Beldirella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Belenopyge is a subjective synonym of Lobopyge'
- 'Belgibole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Bellacartwrightia belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Bellaspidella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Bellaspis belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Bellefontia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Belliceps belongs to Chengkouaspididae'
- 'Belovia belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Beltella is a subjective synonym of Leptoplastides'
- 'Bemaspis is a subjective synonym of Taenicephalus'
- 'Benedettia belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Benesovella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Benxiaspis is a subjective synonym of Kunmingaspis'
- 'Beothuckia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Berabichia is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparopsis'
- 'Bergamia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Bergerolimbus is a nomen nudum'
- 'Bergeronia is an objective synonym of Protolenus'
- 'Bergeroniaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Bergeroniellus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Bergeronites belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Berkeia belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Berkutaspis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Bernia is a subjective synonym of Parabolinoides'
- 'Bernicella is a subjective synonym of Oligometopus'
- 'Bessazoon belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Bestjubella belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Bettonia is replaced by Bettonolithus' according to Morris 1988
- 'Bettonolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Bevanopsis belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Biaverta belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Bicaspis is a subjective synonym of Protypus'
- 'Bicella belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Bicornipyge is a subjective synonym of Dichelepyge'
- 'Bicyclopyge is a subjective synonym of Pricyclopyge'
- 'Bidjinella belongs to Chengkouiidae'
- 'Bienella belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Bienvillia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Bifodina belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Bigotina belongs to Bigotinidae'
- 'Bigotinella belongs to Bigotinidae'
- 'Bigotinidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Bigotinops belongs to Bigotinidae'
- 'Bigranulella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Billingsaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Binodaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Biolgina is a subjective synonym of Peltabellia'
- 'Biolgina sibirica is recombined as Peltabellia sibirica' according to Zhou and Fortey 1986
- 'Biragnostus is a subjective synonym of Aspidagnostus'
- 'Birmanites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Bitumulina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Blackwelderia belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Blackwelderioides belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Blainiopsis belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Blairella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Blandiaspis belongs to Tsinaniidae'
- 'Blandicephalus belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Blanodalmanites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Blayacina belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Blosyropsis belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Blountia belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Blountiella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Blountina belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Blystagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Bodenbenderia is a subjective synonym of Brackebuschia'
- 'Boeckaspis is a subjective synonym of Sphaerophthalmella'
- 'Bohemaspis is a subjective synonym of Bergamia'
- 'Bohemaspis is a subjective synonym of Bergamia' according to Shaw 1995
- 'Bohemilla belongs to Bohemillidae'
- 'Bohemoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Bohemolichas is a subjective synonym of Uralichas'
- 'Bohemopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Bojocoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Bojokoralaspis is a subjective synonym of Eoleonaspis'
- 'Bojoscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Bolaspidella belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Bolaspidellus belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Bolaspidina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Bolaspis belongs to Bolaspididae'
- 'Bolbocephalus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Bolbochasmops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Bolivianaspis is a subjective synonym of Tarijactinoides'
- 'Bolivianaspis is a subjective synonym of Tarijactinoides' according to Eldredge and Branisia 1980
- 'Bolivicrania belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Boliviproetus branisai belongs to Boliviproetus' according to Eldredge and Ormiston 1979
- 'Boliviproetus branisai belongs to Boliviproetus' according to Eldredge and Ormiston 1979
- 'Bollandia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Bollandia (Capricornia) was reranked as Capricornia and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Bollandia (Capricornia) queenslandica is recombined as Capricornia queenslandica'
- 'Bondarevites belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Bondonella belongs to Neltneriidae'
- 'Bonnaria belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Bonnaspis belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Bonneterrina belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Bonniella belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Bonniopsis belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Borealarges belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Borealaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Borealia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Borealia laevis belongs to Borealia' according to Maksimova 1977
- 'Boreoscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Borkopleura belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Bornemannaspis belongs to Gigantopygidae'
- 'Bornemannia is a subjective synonym of Poliella'
- 'Bornholmaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Borthaspidella belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Borthaspis is an objective synonym of Psilocephalinella'
- 'Boschchekulia belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Botomella belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Botrioides belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Bouleia belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Bounyongia is a subjective synonym of Ceratocephala'
- 'Bowmania belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Brachyampyx is an objective synonym of Ampyx'
- 'Brachyaspidion belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Brachyaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Brachyhipposiderus belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Brachymetopina is an objective synonym of Brachymetopus'
- 'Brachymetopus belongs to Brachymetopidae'
- 'Coignouina is a subjective synonym of Namuropyge'
- 'Brachypleura is a subjective synonym of Amphitryon'
- 'Brackebuschia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Bradocryphaeus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Bradyfallotaspis belongs to Archaeaspididae'
- 'Braintreella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Brandysops is a subjective synonym of Bergamia'
- 'Branisaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Branisella is a subjective synonym of Maurotarion'
- 'Brassicicephalus is a subjective synonym of Exigua'
- 'Breizhops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Breviagnostus is a subjective synonym of Hypagnostus'
- 'Brevidiscus is a subjective synonym of Calodiscus'
- 'Breviphillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Breviscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Brevitermierella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Brianurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Bridgeia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Briscoia belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Bristolia belongs to Olenellidae'
- 'Broeggerolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Bromella belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Brongniartella belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Bronteopsis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Brontes is replaced by Bronteus' according to Goldfuss 1843
- 'Brontes is replaced by Goldius' according to deKoninck 1841
- 'Bronteus is an objective synonym of Goldius'
- 'Bronteus (Thysanopeltis) aculeatus belongs to Bronteus (Thysanopeltis)' according to Weber 1945
- 'Bronteus (Thysanopeltis) aculeatus is recombined as Weberopeltis aculeatus' according to Maksimova 1959
- 'Bronteus ekwanaspis is recombined as Ekwanoscutellum ekwanaspis'
- 'Bronteus ekwanaspis is recombined as Ekwanoscutellum ekwanaspis' according to Pribyl and Vanek 1971
- 'Bronteus richteri is recombined as Mulciberaspis richteri'
- 'Bronteus romanovskii is recombined as Eokosovopeltis romanovskii'
- 'Brunswickia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Brutaspis belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Bruxaspis is a subjective synonym of Anacaenaspis'
- 'Bubupeltina belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Buchiproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Bucksella is a subjective synonym of Lonchocephalus'
- 'Buenaspis belongs to Nektaspida'
- 'Bufoceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Buitella belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Bulbaspis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Bullicephalus is a subjective synonym of Eophacops'
- 'Bumastides belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Bumastus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Bumastus (Bumastoides) was reranked as Bumastoides and belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Burmeisterella belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Burmeisteria belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Burminresia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Burnetia is replaced by Burnetiella'
- 'Burnetiella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Burtonops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Buttsia belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Buttsina is a subjective synonym of Komaspidella'
- 'Bynumia belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Bynumiella is a subjective synonym of Clelandia'
- 'Bynumina belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Bythicheilus belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Caborcella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Cainatops belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Calagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudorhaptagnostus'
- 'Calculites is a subjective synonym of Theodenisia'
- 'Calipernurus belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Callaspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Callavalonia is an objective synonym of Cephalacanthus'
- 'Callavia belongs to Holmiidae'
- 'Calliops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Calmonia belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Calmoniidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Calocephalites belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Calvinella belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Calvipelta belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Calybole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Calymene macrophtalma is recombined as Eodalmanitina macrophthalma'
- 'Calymene mammillata is recombined as Thelecalymene mammillata' according to Whittington 1971
- 'Calymene pulchra is recombined as Prionocheilus pulchra'
- 'Calymenella belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Calymenesun [misspelled as Calymenesum] belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Calymenidius belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Calymenopsis is a subjective synonym of Euloma'
- 'Calyptaulax belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Camaraspis belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Camaraspoides is a subjective synonym of Camaraspis' according to Grant 1965
- 'Camaraspoides is a subjective synonym of Camaraspis'
- 'Cambroinyoella belongs to Nevadiidae'
- 'Cambropallas belongs to Holmiidae'
- 'Cambrunicornia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Camsellia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Canningella belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Canotagnostus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Caphyra is a subjective synonym of Amphytrion'
- 'Carausia is a subjective synonym of Holocephalina'
- 'Carbonocoryphe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Carbonoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Carinamala belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Carinobasiliella is a subjective synonym of Basilicus'
- 'Carinocranium belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Carinopyge belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Carmon belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Carnicia is a subjective synonym of Chuanoproetus'
- 'Carolinites belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Carolinites bulbosus is corrected as Carolinites bulbosa and belongs to Carolinites'
- 'Carrickia is a subjective synonym of Phorocephala'
- 'Catadoxides belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Catasolenopleura belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Cathayanella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Catillicephala belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Catuniella belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Caulaspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Caznaia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Cedaraspis belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Cedarellus is a subjective synonym of Maladioidella'
- 'Cedaria belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Cedariidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Cedarina belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Cekovia belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Celmus belongs to Dimeropygidae'
- 'Celtencrinurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Centauropyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Centonella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Centriproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cephalacanthus belongs to Cephalacanthidae'
- 'Cephalacanthus is a subjective synonym of Callavia'
- 'Ceratagnostus is a subjective synonym of Doryagnostus'
- 'Ceratocara belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Ceratocephala belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Ceratocephala (Ceratocephalina) was reranked as Ceratocephalina and belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Ceratolithus is a subjective synonym of Ningkianolithus'
- 'Ceratonurus belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Ceratopeltis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Ceratoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ceratoproetus guangnanensis belongs to Ceratoproetus' according to Luo and Jiang 1985
- 'Ceratopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Ceraurinella belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Ceraurinium belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Ceraurinus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Cerauroides is a subjective synonym of Crotalocephalus'
- 'Cerauromeros belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Cerauropeltis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Ceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Eoceraurus is a subjective synonym of Ceraurus'
- 'Ceraurus bispinosus belongs to Ceraurus' according to Raymond and Barton 1913
- 'Ceraurus bispinosus belongs to Ceraurus'
- 'Cermataspis belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Cermatops belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Cernuolimbus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Ceronocare belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Chacomurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Chakasskia belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Chakasskinella belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Champlainia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Chancia belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Chanciaopsis belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Changaspis is a subjective synonym of Lancastria'
- 'Changia belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Changshaniidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Changshanocephalus belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Charchaqia belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Charchaquia is a misspelling of Charchaqia'
- 'Chariocephalus belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Charybdaspis is a subjective synonym of Radiaspis'
- 'Chasmops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Chatiania belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Chatiania (Eochatiania) was reranked as Eochatiania and belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Chatiania (Eochatiania) laevigata is recombined as Eochatiania laevigata'
- 'Chatkalagnostus belongs to Metagnostidae'
- 'Chattiaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Chauffouraspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Chauffouraspis andegavensis belongs to Chauffouraspis' according to Pillet 1973
- 'Chaunoproetus is corrected as Chuanoproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cheilocephalidae belongs to Corynexochida'
- 'Cheilocephalus belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Suturikephalion is a subjective synonym of Cheiropyge'
- 'Cheiruroides belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Cheirurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Cheirurus (Pseudosphaerexochus) was reranked as Pseudosphaerexochus and belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Cheirurus (Sphaerocoryphe) hubneri belongs to Cheirurus (Sphaerocoryphe)' according to Schmidt 1881
- 'Cheirurus (Sphaerocoryphe) hubneri is recombined as Sphaerocoryphe hubneri' according to Schmidt 1907
- 'Cheirurus bifurcatus belongs to Cheirurus' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Cheirurus bifurcatus is recombined as Ratinkaspis bifurcatus' according to Pribyl and Vanek 1977
- 'Chelidonocephalus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Chenaspis is a subjective synonym of Rorringtonia'
- 'Chengjiangaspis belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Chengkouia is a subjective synonym of Acanthomicmacca'
- 'Chengkouia cylindrica belongs to Chengkouia' according to Qian and Yao 1974
- 'Chengkouiidae belongs to Corynexochida'
- 'Chiarumanipyge belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Chiawangella belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Chienaspis is a subjective synonym of Lancastria'
- 'Chilometopus belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Chilonorria belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Chimaerastella belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Chiozoon belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Diandongaspidella is a subjective synonym of Chittidilla'
- 'Diandongaspis is replaced by Diandongaspidella'
- 'Chittidilla (Diandongaspis) diandongensis is recombined as Diandongaspidella diandongensis'
- 'Chlupacula belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Chlustinia [misspelled as Clustinia] belongs to Odontopleurida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Chlustinia belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Cholopilus belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Chomatopyge belongs to Toernquistiidae'
- 'Chondragraulina belongs to Utiidae'
- 'Chondragraulos belongs to Utiidae'
- 'Chondragraulos [misspelled as Chondagraulos] belongs to Corynexochida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Chondranomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Chondrinouyina belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Chondroparia belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Choneilobarges is a subjective synonym of Hemiarges'
- 'Chosenia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Chuangia is a subjective synonym of Schantungia'
- 'Chuangiopsis belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Chuanqianoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Chuchiaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Chulanolenus belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Chungkingaspis is a subjective synonym of Leptoplastides'
- 'Churkinia belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Ciceragnostus is a subjective synonym of Leiagnostus'
- 'Cilia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Ciliocephalus belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Ciliscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Cinnella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Circulocrania belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Cirquella belongs to Nevadiidae'
- 'Clappaspis is a subjective synonym of Ehmaniella'
- 'Clariondia belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Clavagnostus belongs to Clavagnostidae'
- 'Leptagnostus is a subjective synonym of Clavagnostus'
- 'Leptagnostus is a subjective synonym of Clavagnostus' according to Shergold and Laurie 1997
- 'Paraclavagnostus is a subjective synonym of Clavagnostus'
- 'Clavaspidella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Clavatellus belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Clavibole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Clavigellus belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Clelandia belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Clevelandella is a subjective synonym of Aphelaspis'
- 'Cliffia belongs to Phylacteridae'
- 'Cobboldus is a subjective synonym of Callavia'
- 'Cochliorrhoe is a subjective synonym of Bergamia'
- 'Coelaspis is a subjective synonym of Elrathiella'
- 'Coenaspis belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Coleopachys is a subjective synonym of Meteoraspis'
- 'Collyrolenus is a subjective synonym of Myopsolenus'
- 'Colobinion belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Colossaspis belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Colpocoryphe belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Colpocoryphoides is a subjective synonym of Pharostomina'
- 'Comanchia belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Comanchia minus belongs to Comanchia'
- 'Comluella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Compsocephalus belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Comptonaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Comura belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Conaspis belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Conicephalus belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Coniproetus (Ryckholtia) was reranked as Ryckholtia and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Conocephalites is an objective synonym of Conocoryphe'
- 'Conocephalites (Bavarilla) hofensis is recombined as Bavarilla hofensis'
- 'Conocephalites cordillerae is recombined as Elrathina cordillerae'
- 'Conococheaquea is a misspelling of Conococheaguea'
- 'Conococheaguea belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Conocoryphe belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Conocoryphe (Bailiella) was reranked as Bailiella and belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Conocoryphe (Conocephalites) kingii is recombined as Elrathia kingi'
- 'Liocephalus is a subjective synonym of Bailiella'
- 'Conocoryphidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Conoides belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Conokephalina belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Conokephalinidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Conoparia is a subjective synonym of Otarion'
- 'Conophillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Conophrys belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Conopolus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Conoredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Constantina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Contracheirurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Coosella belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Coosia belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Coosina belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Corbina belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Corbinia belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Cordapeltis is a subjective synonym of Chotecops'
- 'Coreanocephalus is a subjective synonym of Changia'
- 'Cornovica is a subjective synonym of Dindymene'
- 'Cornucocoryphe is a subjective synonym of Cainatops'
- 'Cornuproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuproetus (Eopiriproetus) was reranked as Eopiriproetus and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuproetus (Macroblepharum) was reranked as Macroblepharum and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuproetus (Tafilaltaspis) was reranked as Tafilaltaspis and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuproetus (Vicinoproetus) was reranked as Vicinoproetus and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuproetus (Voigtaspis) was reranked as Voigtaspis and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Cornuscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Coronaspis belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Coronocephalina is a subjective synonym of Coronocephalus'
- 'Coronocephalus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Coronocephalus changningensis belongs to Coronocephalus' according to Zhang 1974
- 'Coronura belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Corrugatagnostus belongs to Metagnostidae'
- 'Corycephalus belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Corydocephalus is a subjective synonym of Trochurus'
- 'Corynexochidae belongs to Corynexochida'
- 'Corynexochides belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Corynexochina belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Corynexochus belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Corynexochus (Bonnia) was reranked as Bonnia and belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Costadiscus is a subjective synonym of Abakolia'
- 'Costonia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Cotalagnostus belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Couloumania is a subjective synonym of Conocoryphe'
- 'Courtessolium belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Craigheadia belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Crassifimbra belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Cremastoglottos is a subjective synonym of Girvanopyge'
- 'Crepicephalus belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Crepichilella belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Cristagnostus is a subjective synonym of Linguagnostus'
- 'Crithias is a subjective synonym of Sao'
- 'Croixana belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Cromus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Crossoura belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Crotalocephalides belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Crotalocephalina belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Crotalocephalus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Crotalurus is a subjective synonym of Celmus'
- 'Crozonaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Crucicephalus belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Crusoia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Cryphaeoides belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Cryphina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Cryptoderaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Cryptolithoides belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Cryptolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Ctenocephalus belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Ctenopyge belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Ctenoscutellum is a subjective synonym of Avascutellum'
- 'Culipagnostus is a subjective synonym of Clavagnostus'
- 'Culmenaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Cummingella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Curiaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Curriella belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Cuyanaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Cybantyx belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Cybele belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Cybellela is a subjective synonym of Atractopyge'
- 'Cybelella [misspelled as Cybellela] belongs to Phacopida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Cybelina is a subjective synonym of Cybele'
- 'Cybeloides belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Cybelopsis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Cybelurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Cyclagnostus is a subjective synonym of Acmarhachis'
- 'Cyclognathina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Cyclolorenzella is a subjective synonym of Fenghuangella'
- 'Cyclolorenzellina [misspelled as Cyclolenzellina] belongs to Trilobita' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Cyclolorenzellina is a subjective synonym of Fenghuangella'
- 'Cyclolorenzellina is a subjective synonym of Fenghuangella' according to Peng 1987
- 'Cyclolorenzellina coniformis is recombined as Fenghuangella coniformis' according to Peng 1987
- 'Cyclopagnostus is a subjective synonym of Hypagnostus'
- 'Cyclopyge belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Cyclopyge pachycephala is recombined as Heterocyclopyge pachycephala' according to Marek 1961
- 'Cyclopyge pachycephala belongs to Cyclopyge' according to Hawle and Corda 1847
- 'Cyclopygidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Cydonocephalus is a subjective synonym of Kawina'
- 'Cylindraspis belongs to Testudinidae'
- 'Cylindraspis is a subjective synonym of Archegonus'
- 'Cylindrasppis is a misspelling of Cylindraspis'
- 'Cyphaspides belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Cyphaspis belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Cyphinioides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyphinium is a subjective synonym of Ditomopyge'
- 'Cypholichas is a subjective synonym of Conolichas'
- 'Cyphoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyranolichas is a subjective synonym of Hoplolichas'
- 'Cyrtometopus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Cyrtoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyrtoprora belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Cyrtosymbole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyrtosymbole (Bonnaspidella) belongs to Cyrtosymbole' according to Yuan 1988
- 'Cyrtosymbole (Cyrtodechenella) was reranked as Cyrtodechenella and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyrtosymbole (Franconicabole) was reranked as Franconicabole and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyrtosymbole (Macrobole) drewerensis is recombined as Macrobole drewerensis'
- 'Cyrtosymbole (Pusillabole) was reranked as Pusillabole and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Cyrtosymboloides belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Dactylocephalus belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Daihuaia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Dainellicauda is a subjective synonym of Asaphopsoides'
- 'Dalejeproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Dalmania is replaced by Dalmanites' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Dalmania dubia belongs to Dalmania' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Dalmania dubia is recombined as Eudolatites (Destombesites) dubia' according to Snadjr 1987
- 'Dalmanites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Dalmanites (Synphoria) was reranked as Synphoria and belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Dalmanites oriens belongs to Dalmanites' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Dalmanites oriens mytoensis belongs to Dalmanites oriens' according to Kloucek 1916
- 'Dalmanites oriens mytoensis is recombined as Zeliszkella (Mytocephala) mytoensis' according to Struve 1958
- 'Dalmanites reussi belongs to Dalmanites' according to Barrande 1846
- 'Dalmanites reussi is recombined as Reussia reussi' according to Maksimova 1972
- 'Dalmanites reussi is recombined as Reussiana reussi' according to Snajdr 1987
- 'Dalmanitina belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Dalmanitina (Eodalmanitina) was reranked as Eodalmanitina and belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Dalmaniturus belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Damesella belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Damiaoaspis belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Danangouia is a subjective synonym of Parabadiella'
- 'Dananzhuangaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Danzhaiaspis belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Dartonaspis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Dasometopus belongs to Holocephalinidae'
- 'Dayongia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Daytonia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Deacybele belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Deadwoodia is a subjective synonym of Wuhuia'
- 'Deanaspis belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Deanokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Dechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Dechenella (Dechenella) tesca is recombined as Ormistonia tesca' according to Maksimova 1978
- 'Dechenella (Monodechenella) was reranked as Monodechenella and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Dechenella (Pedinodechenella) was reranked as Pedinodechenella and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Dechenella martenbergensis is recombined as Clavibole martenbergensis' according to Hahn et al. 1982
- 'Dechenellurus ursus belongs to Dechenellurus' according to Maksimova 1960
- 'Deckera belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Declivolithus is a subjective synonym of Bohemoharpes'
- 'Decordinaspis belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Decoroproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Decoroscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Decus belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Degamella belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Deiphon belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Deiracephalus belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Deiradonyx belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Deissella is a subjective synonym of Bolaspidella'
- 'Dekalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Delagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Delaria belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Delgadoa belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Delgadodiscus is a subjective synonym of Delgadella'
- 'Delgadoia is a subjective synonym of Delgadella'
- 'Dellea belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Dellea punctata belongs to Dellea'
- 'Delleana belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Delocare belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Deloops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Delops belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Deltacare belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Deltacephalaspis belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Deltadechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Deltadiscus is a subjective synonym of Eodiscus'
- 'Deltina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Demeterops belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Denaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Denckmannites belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Denemarkia belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Densonella is a subjective synonym of Menomonia'
- 'Dentaloscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Dereimsia is a subjective synonym of Bouleia'
- 'Derikaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Despujolsia belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Destombesites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Destombesites was reranked as Eudolatites (Destombesites) and belongs to Eudolatites' according to Snadjr 1987
- 'Deucalion is a nomen dubium'
- 'Devonocoryphe is a nomen nudum'
- 'Devonodontochile is a subjective synonym of Zlichovaspis'
- 'Diacoryphe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Diademaproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Dianops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Diaphanometopidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Diaphanometopus belongs to Diaphanometopidae'
- 'Diatemnus is a subjective synonym of Bienvillia'
- 'Dicanthopyge belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Dicellocephalus finalis is recombined as Diplapatokephalus finalis'
- 'Diceratocephalina belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Diceratocephalus belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Diceratocephalus armatus belongs to Diceratocephalus' according to Lu 1954
- 'Diceratopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Dicerodiscus belongs to Hebediscidae'
- 'Dichagnostus is an objective synonym of Pleuroctenium'
- 'Dichelepyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Dicranogmus belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Dicranopeltis belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Dicranopeltoides is a subjective synonym of Dicranopeltis'
- 'Dicranurus belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Dictyites is a subjective synonym of Tsinania'
- 'Didrepanon belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Didwudina belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Dienstina belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Dignagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Digonus belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Digrypos belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Dikelocephaliidae is corrected as Dikelocephalidae and belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Dikelocephalopsis belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Dikelocephalus belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Dikelokephalina belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Dilatalimbus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Dilataspis belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Dimastocephalus is a subjective synonym of Carolinites'
- 'Dimeropyge belongs to Dimeropygidae'
- 'Dimeropygiella belongs to Dimeropygidae'
- 'Dindymene belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Dindymenella is a subjective synonym of Oedicybele'
- 'Dinesus belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Dionide belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Dionide miaopoensis belongs to Dionide' according to Lu 1975
- 'Dionidella belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Dionidepyga is a subjective synonym of Dionide'
- 'Dionididae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Dipentaspis belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Dipharus is a subjective synonym of Hebediscus'
- 'Diplagnostus belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Diplapatokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Dipleura belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Dipleuropyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Diplolichas is a subjective synonym of Radiolichas'
- 'Dipyrgotes belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Dipyrogotes belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Discomesites is a subjective synonym of Pagetides'
- 'Discomesites fragum is recombined as Pagetides fragum'
- 'Distazeris belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Paradistazeris is a subjective synonym of Agelagma'
- 'Distyrax belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Ditomopyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Dividuagnostus belongs to Metagnostidae'
- 'Dixiphopyge belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Dohmiella is a subjective synonym of Gerastos'
- 'Dokimocephalidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Dokimocephalus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Dolerasaphus is a subjective synonym of Paramegalaspis'
- 'Dolerobasilicus is a subjective synonym of Basilicus'
- 'Dolerolichia belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Dolgaia is a subjective synonym of Kaninia'
- 'Dolgeuloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Dolichagnostus is corrected as Dolichoagnostus and belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Dolichoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Dolichometopsis belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Dolichometopus belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Dolichometopus (Housia) was reranked as Housia and belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Doremataspis belongs to Liostracinidae'
- 'Dorypygina belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Douposiella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Drabia belongs to Phylacteridae'
- 'Drepanopyge belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Drepanura belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Drepanuroides belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Paradrepanuroides is a subjective synonym of Qingkouia' according to W. Zhang et al. 1997
- 'Dresbachia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Drevermannia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Drevermannia (Palpebralia) herrmanni belongs to Drevermannia (Palpebralia)' according to Richter and Richter 1943
- 'Drevermannia (Palpebralia) palpebralis is recombined as Palpebralia palpebralis'
- 'Drevermannia (Prodrevermannia) was reranked as Prodrevermannia and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Dreyfussina belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Drotops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Drumaspis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Dubhglasina belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Ductina belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Dudleyaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Dudu belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Duftonia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Duibianaspis belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Dulanaspis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Dunderbergella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Dunderbergia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Durinia belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Duyunaspis belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Dysplanus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Dytremacephalus belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Dytremacephalus asperaxis belongs to Dytremacephalus'
- 'Ebenzeria is an objective synonym of Elliptocephala'
- 'Eccaparadoxides is a subjective synonym of Phanoptes'
- 'Eccoptochile belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Echinophacops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Echinopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Ectenaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ectenonotus belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Ectillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Edelsteinaspis belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Edgellia is an objective synonym of Trinucleus'
- 'Edithiella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Ehmania belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Ehmaniella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Eirelithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Ejinaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Ekwanoscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Elandaspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Elankaspis is a subjective synonym of Pseudokainella'
- 'Elatius is a subjective synonym of Kingaspidoides'
- 'Elbaspis is a subjective synonym of Miraspis'
- 'Elburgia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Eldoradia belongs to Bolaspididae'
- 'Eldredgeops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Elegantaspis belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Elegestina belongs to Chengkouaspididae'
- 'Eleutherocentrus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Elganellus belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Elicicola belongs to Yunnanocephalidae'
- 'Elimaproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Elkanaspis is a subjective synonym of Pseudokainella'
- 'Elkia belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Ellipsocephalidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Ellipsocephaloides belongs to Ellipsocephaloididae'
- 'Ellipsocephaloididae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Ellipsocephalus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ellipsostrenua belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ellipsotaphrus belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Ellipsuella is a nomen nudum'
- 'Elliptocephala belongs to Holmiidae'
- 'Elliptophillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ellsaspis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Elongatanileus belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Elrathiella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Elrathina is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparella'
- 'Elvinaspis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elvinaspis explicatus belongs to Elvinaspis' according to Ergaliev 2001
- 'Elvinia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elviniella belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elviniidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Elvinoides belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elviraspis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elyaspis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Elyx belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Emanuelaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Emeidiscus is a subjective synonym of Tsunyidiscus'
- 'Emmrichella is a subjective synonym of Lioparia' according to Zhang 1985
- 'Emmrichops belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Emsurella belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Emsurina belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Enammocephalus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Enantiaspis belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Encrinuraspis is a subjective synonym of Cromus'
- 'Encrinuraspis optimus is recombined as Cromus optimus' according to Struve 1980
- 'Encrinurella belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Encrinuroides belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Encrinuroides uncatus is recombined as Prophysemataspis uncatus'
- 'Encrinurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Endoaspis is a subjective synonym of Annamitella'
- 'Endymionia belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Entomaspis belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Entomostracites is a subjective synonym of Paradoxides'
- 'Entomostracites expansus is recombined as Asaphus expansus'
- 'Entomostracites extenuatus is recombined as Megistaspidella extenuatus'
- 'Entomostracites laciniatus is recombined as Lichas laciniatus'
- 'Entomostracites paradoxissimus is recombined as Paradoxides paradoxissimus'
- 'Entomostracites pisiformis is recombined as Agnostus pisiformis'
- 'Entsyna belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Eoacidaspis belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Eoanomocarella belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Eoapatokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Eoasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Eobronteus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Eocatuniella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Eocheirurus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Eochuangia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Eocorycephalus is an objective synonym of Synphoria'
- 'Eocorynexochus belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Eocryphops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Eocyphinium belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Eocyrtosymbole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Eocyrtosymbole magnifica belongs to Eocyrtosymbole' according to Pillet 1973
- 'Eodindymene belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Eodiscus tingi is recombined as Tsunyidiscus tingi' according to Zhang and Jell 1987
- 'Eodontopleura belongs to Amgaspididae'
- 'Eodouposiella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Eodrevermannia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Eodrevermannia (Erbenaspis) was reranked as Erbenaspis and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Eodrevermannia kettneri belongs to Eodrevermannia' according to Chlupáč 1965
- 'Eodrevermannia kettneri is recombined as Moravocoryphe kettneri' according to Pribyl and Vanĕk 1978
- 'Eoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Eohomalonotus belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Eoisotelus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Eokochaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Eokosovopeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Eoleonaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Eomalungia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Eomonorachus belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Eopalpebralia belongs to Drevermanniinae' according to Alberti 2000
- 'Eophacops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Eoproetus belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Eoptychaspis belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Eoptychoparia is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparella'
- 'Eorobergia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Eosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Eoscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Eoshengia belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Eosoptychoparia is a subjective synonym of Zhenganites'
- 'Eosoptychopyge is a subjective synonym of Zhenganites'
- 'Eospencia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Eotrinucleus belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Eowuhuia belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Erbenia belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Erbenicoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Erbenites belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Erbia belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Erbiella belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Erbina belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Erbiopsidella belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Erbiopsis belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Erdoradites belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Eremiproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Erixanium belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Ermanella belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Erratencrinurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Erzishania belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Eshelmania is a subjective synonym of Dellea'
- 'Esmeraldina is a subjective synonym of Holmia'
- 'Esseigania belongs to Tsinaniidae'
- 'Estaingia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Estaingiidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Estoniops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Eteraspis belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Etheridgaspis belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Eucalymene is a subjective synonym of Pseudocalymene'
- 'Eudechenella is an objective synonym of Dechenella'
- 'Eudolatites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Eudolatites (Banilatites) belongs to Eudolatites' according to Destombes 1972
- 'Eudolatites (Deloites) was reranked as Deloites and belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Eugonocare belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Euloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Euloma (Plecteuloma) was reranked as Plecteuloma and belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Eulomella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Eulomidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Eulomina belongs to Bathycheilidae'
- 'Euonchonotina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Euptychaspis belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Eurekia belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Eurodeois is a subjective synonym of Amphoton'
- 'Eurostina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Eurudagnostus is a subjective synonym of Oncagnostus'
- 'Eurycare belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Eutrimerocephalus is an objective synonym of Trimerocephalus'
- 'Evagena belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Evropeites belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Exallaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Exastipyx belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Exigua belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Eymekops belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Ezhimia belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Ezhuangia belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Fabulaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Faciura belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Failleana belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Falanaspis belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Falcatoproetus is a subjective synonym of Proetus'
- 'Fallagnostus is a subjective synonym of Condylopyge'
- 'Famatinolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Fandianaspis belongs to Redlichiina'
- 'Fatocephalus is a subjective synonym of Pseudokainella'
- 'Feilongshania belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Fenestraspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Fenghuangella belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Ferenepea belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Ferralsia belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Feruminops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Fieldaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Fimbriomarrolithus is an objective synonym of Telaeomarrolithus'
- 'Fissanomocarella belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Fissocephalus belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Flabellocephalus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Flexicalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Flexicalymene (Onnicalymene) was reranked as Onnicalymene and belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Folliceps belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Forchhammeria belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Fordaspis belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Forillonaria belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Formonia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Formosagnostus is a subjective synonym of Hadragnostus'
- 'Formosocephalus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Forteyops belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Foulonia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Fragiscutum belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Frammia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Francovichia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Fremontia belongs to Olenellidae'
- 'Frencrinuroides belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Frithjofia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Fritzolenellus belongs to Olenellidae'
- 'Frognaspis belongs to Ityophoridae'
- 'Fuchouia belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Parafuchouia is a subjective synonym of Amphoton'
- 'Fuminaspis belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Fuquania belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Furacopyge belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Furcalithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Fuscinipyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Fuyunia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Gabriceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Gabriellus belongs to Olenellidae'
- 'Galeaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Galerosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Gamonedaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Ganinella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ganovexopyge belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Gaoloupingia belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Gaotanaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Gaotania belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Gapeevella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Gaphuraspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Gastropolus belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Geesops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Gelasene belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Genevievella belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Gentilapsis is a nomen nudum'
- 'Georgiellus is an objective synonym of Elliptocephala'
- 'Georhithronella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Geraldinella belongs to Archaeaspididae'
- 'Gerasaphes belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Devonoproetus is a subjective synonym of Proetus'
- 'Gerastos (Oehlertaspis) belongs to Gerastos' according to Pillet and Vanek 1973
- 'Gerastos (Oehlertaspis) was reranked as Oehlertaspis and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Germaropyge is a subjective synonym of Ellipsocephalus'
- 'Gibbocephalus is an objective synonym of Crotalocephalina'
- 'Gigantopygus belongs to Gigantopygidae'
- 'Gignopeltis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Gigoutella belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Giordanella belongs to Dolerolenidae'
- 'Girandia belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Girvanagnostus is a subjective synonym of Arthrorhachis'
- 'Girvanopyge belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Gitarra belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Glaberagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Glabrella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Glabretina belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Glaphurina belongs to Raymondinidae'
- 'Glaphurus belongs to Raymondinidae'
- 'Glaphyraspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Globampyx belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Globulaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Globusia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Glockeria is an objective synonym of Phacopidella'
- 'Gloria is replaced by Gloriagloria'
- 'Gloriagloria belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Glossopleura belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Glyphanellus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Glyphaspellus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Glyphaspis belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Glyphopeltis belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Glyptagnostidae belongs to Agnostida'
- 'Glyptagnostus belongs to Glyptagnostidae'
- 'Glyptambon belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Glyptometopsis belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Glyptometopus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Gog belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Gogiura belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Gogoella belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Goldfieldia is a subjective synonym of Lancastria'
- 'Goldfussia is an objective synonym of Scutellum'
- 'Goldfussia is replaced by Goldfussius' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Goldfussius is an objective synonym of Goldfussia'
- 'Goldillaenoides belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Goldillaenus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Goldius is a subjective synonym of Scutellum'
- 'Gondwanaspis is a subjective synonym of Taemasaspis'
- 'Gondwanaspis mrirtensis is recombined as Taemasaspis mrirtensis'
- 'Goniophrys belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Goniopleura is a nomen oblitum'
- 'Goniotelina belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Gonioteloides belongs to Redlichiina'
- 'Goniotelus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Goodsiraspis is a subjective synonym of Malimanaspis'
- 'Gourdonia belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Goycoia belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Gracemerea belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Graciella belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Grandagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Grandioculus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Granolenus belongs to Dolerolenidae'
- 'Granolenus midi belongs to Granolenus' according to Jago 1980
- 'Granularaspis belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Granularaspis [misspelled as Granularapis] belongs to Corynexochida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Granularia is replaced by Granularaspis'
- 'Granuloagnostus belongs to Metagnostidae'
- 'Gravicalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Griffithidella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Griffithides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Griffithides (Particeps) was reranked as Particeps and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Grinnellaspis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Griphasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Groenwallia belongs to Andrarinidae'
- 'Groenwallina belongs to Andrarinidae'
- 'Guandacolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Guangyuanaspis belongs to Abadiellidae'
- 'Guankouia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Guichenia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Guizhouanomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Guizhoudiscus is a subjective synonym of Tsunyidiscus' according to Zhang and Jell 1987
- 'Guizhoupliomerops belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Gunnia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Gymnagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Gymnostomix belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Gyroma is a subjective synonym of Agniesella'
- 'Gyrometopus belongs to Diaphanometopidae'
- 'Haasia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Habrocephalus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Hadragnostus belongs to Ammagnostidae'
- 'Hadrocephalites belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Hadromeros belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Hadrorachus belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Hadrorachus is replaced by Hadrorakos' according to Del 1940
- 'Hadrorakos is an objective synonym of Hadrorachus'
- 'Haibowania is a subjective synonym of Damesella'
- 'Hallaspis is a subjective synonym of Pemphigaspis'
- 'Hamashania belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Hamatolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Hamiroproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hammannopyge belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Hammatocnemis is a subjective synonym of Ovalocephalus'
- 'Hanburia belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Hanchungolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Hancrania belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Hancrania brevilimbata belongs to Hancrania' according to Kobayashi 1962
- 'Hanivella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Haniwa belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Haniwoides belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Hanjiangaspis belongs to Rorringtoniidae'
- 'Hanshania belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Hanzhongaspis belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Hapalopleura belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Haploconus is replaced by Dimeropyge' according to Opik 1937
- 'Hapsiceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Hapsidocare belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Harataspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Hardyia belongs to Missisquoiidae'
- 'Hardyoides belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Harpidella belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Harpides belongs to Harpididae'
- 'Harpididae belongs to Harpetida'
- 'Harpidoides belongs to Harpididae'
- 'Harpillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Harringtonacaste belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Harrisia is replaced by Clelandia' according to Cossmann 1902
- 'Harrisia parabola is recombined as Clelandia parabola'
- 'Harrisia parabola is recombined as Clelandia parabola' according to Cossmann 1902
- 'Hartella belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Hartshillia belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Hartshillina belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Hassiabole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hastagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Hatangia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Hausmannia is an objective synonym of Odontochile'
- 'Hausmannia is an objective synonym of Odontochile'
- 'Hausmannia is a subjective synonym of Dalmanites'
- 'Hawkinsaspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Hawkinsia is replaced by Hawkinsaspis'
- 'Hebediscina belongs to Yukoniidae'
- 'Hebediscus is a subjective synonym of Dipharus'
- 'Hebediscus orientalis is recombined as Hupeidiscus orientalis'
- 'Hedinaspis belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Hedstroemia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Helepagetia belongs to Eodiscidae'
- 'Helieranella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Heliocephalus is a subjective synonym of Dalmanites'
- 'Helioharpes is a subjective synonym of Harpes'
- 'Heliomera belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Heliomeroides belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Helioproetoides is a nomen nudum'
- 'Helioproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Heliopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Helokybe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hemiarges belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Hemibarrandia belongs to Panderiidae'
- 'Hemigyraspis is a subjective synonym of Asaphellus'
- 'Hemikaolishania belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Hemirhodon belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Hemisphaerocoryphe is a subjective synonym of Sphaerocoryphe'
- 'Henadoparia belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Heptabronteus is a subjective synonym of Kosovopeltis'
- 'Hercantyx belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Hermosella is a subjective synonym of Jegorovaia'
- 'Herse belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Hesslerides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Heterocaryon belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Heterocyclopyge is a subjective synonym of Selenoptychus'
- 'Hexacopyge belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Hexacosta belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Hexianella is a subjective synonym of Brackebuschia'
- 'Heyelingella is a subjective synonym of Iranoleesia'
- 'Hibbertia belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Hicksia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Hidascutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Highgatella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Hillyardina belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Hindermeyeria is a subjective synonym of Strenuaeva'
- 'Hintzeia belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Hispaniaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Histiomona belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Hoekaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Holasaphus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Holcacephalus belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Holdenia belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Holia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Hollardia belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Hollardops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Holmdalia belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Holmia rowei is recombined as Esmeraldina rowei'
- 'Holocephalina belongs to Holocephalinidae'
- 'Holocephalinidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Holocephalites belongs to Holocephalinidae'
- 'Holometopus is replaced by Warburgella'
- 'Holotrachelus belongs to Holotrachelidae'
- 'Holoubkocheilus belongs to Bavarillidae'
- 'Holubaspis belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Holyoakia belongs to Emuellidae'
- 'Homagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Homalonotidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Homalonotus belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Homalopteon belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Homalopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Homotelus is a subjective synonym of Isotelus'
- 'Honania is a subjective synonym of Grandioculus'
- 'Hongjunshaoia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Hongshiyanaspis belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Hopolichoides belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Hospes belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Houmengia belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Howellaspis belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Hsuaspis is a subjective synonym of Estaingia'
- 'Huaibeia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Huainania belongs to Inouyiidae'
- 'Huayuania belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Huemacaspis belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Hukasawaia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Humeia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Humilogriffithides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hunanaspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Hunanocephalus belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Hunanocephalus [misspelled as Hunnanocephalus] belongs to Corynexochida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Hunanoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hunanopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Hundwarella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Hungaia belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Hungaiidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Hungioides belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Hunnebergia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Huntonia is replaced by Huntoniatonia'
- 'Huntoniatonia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Hupeia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Hupeidiscus is a subjective synonym of Tsunyidiscus'
- 'Hupeolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Huzhuia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Hyboaspis belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Hybocephalus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Hydrolaenus is a subjective synonym of Thaleops'
- 'Hypagnostus belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Hypaproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Hyperagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudorhaptagnostus'
- 'Hyperbolochilus belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Hypermecaspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Hyperoparia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Hypodicranotus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Hypothetica is a subjective synonym of Entomaspis'
- 'Hyrokybe belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Hysterolenus belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Hysteropleura belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Hystricuridae belongs to Proetida'
- 'Hystricurus belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Iberocoryphe belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Ibexaspis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Ichangia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Ichangia ichangensis belongs to Ichangia' according to Chang 1965
- 'Ichangolithus is a subjective synonym of Hanchungolithus'
- 'Ichiyamella is a subjective synonym of Parayoungia'
- 'Ichiyamella subglobula is recombined as Parayoungia subglobula'
- 'Idahoia is a subjective synonym of Saratogia'
- 'Idahoiidae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Iddingsia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Idiomesus belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Idiorapha belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Idolagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Igarkiella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Iglesiella belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Ignoproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Ignotogregatus belongs to Ignotogregatidae'
- 'Ijacephalus belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Illaenoides belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Illaenopsis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Illaenula belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Illaenurus belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Illaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Illaenus conifrons is recombined as Thaleops conifrons'
- 'Incaia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Incisopyge is a subjective synonym of Novakella'
- 'Inglefieldia belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Ingriops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Iniospheniscus belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Iniotoma belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Inkouia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Innitagnostus is a subjective synonym of Agnostus'
- 'Inouyina belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Inouyops belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Inoyellaspis belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Interalia belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Interproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Iohomia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Iolgia belongs to Redlichiina'
- 'Iranaspidion belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Iranaspis belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Irannella is a subjective synonym of Maladioidella'
- 'Irannella is a subjective synonym of Maladioidella' according to Shergold and Sdzuy 1984
- 'Iranoleesia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Irgitkhemia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Iriania is a subjective synonym of Brachymetopus'
- 'Iriania jayae is recombined as Brachymetopus jayae'
- 'Irinia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Irvingella belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Irvingelloides belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Isabelinia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Isalaux belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Isbergia belongs to Rorringtoniidae'
- 'Ischyrophyma is a subjective synonym of Celmus'
- 'Ischyrotoma belongs to Dimeropygidae'
- 'Ishpella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Isocolidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Isoprusia belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Isoteloides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Isotelus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Issafenia is a nomen nudum'
- 'Issafeniella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Isyrakopeltis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Itagnostus is a subjective synonym of Peronopsis' according to Robison 1988
- 'Itagnostus is a subjective synonym of Peronopsis'
- 'Ithycephalus belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Ithyektyphus belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Ityophoridae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Ivanopleura belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Iveria belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Ivshinagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Ivshinaspis belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Ivshiniellus is a subjective synonym of Atops'
- 'Iwayaspis is a subjective synonym of Pseudoyuepingia'
- 'Iwayaspis asaphoides is recombined as Pseudoyuepingia asaphoides'
- 'Jakutus belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Jangudaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Jangudaspis princeps belongs to Jangudaspis' according to Ogienko 1956
- 'Jeffersonia belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Jegorovaia belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Jeholaspis is an objective synonym of Saukioides'
- 'Jenkinsonia belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Jessievillia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Jialaopsis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Jiangjunshania belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Jiangnania belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Jiangsuaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Jiangsucephalus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Jianxilithus is corrected as Janxilithus and belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Jiia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Jimanomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Jincella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Jinghediscus is a subjective synonym of Mallagnostus'
- 'Jingyangia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Jiubaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Jiumenia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Jixianaspis belongs to Wuaniidae'
- 'Jixianella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Jixiania is replaced by Jixianella' according to Zhang 2001
- 'Jixiania jixianensis is recombined as Jixianella jixianensis' according to Zhang 2001
- 'Johntempleia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Jonotus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Josephulus belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Josina is a subjective synonym of Knechtelia'
- 'Jubileia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Judaiella belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Judomia belongs to Judomiidae'
- 'Jujuyaspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Jujuyops belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Juliaspis belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Junggarella belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Juraspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Juriietella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Kabuqiia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Kadyella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kailia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Kailia (Parakailia) curvata belongs to Kailia (Parakailia)' according to Wu 1979
- 'Kailia (Parakailia) lata belongs to Kailia (Parakailia)' according to Wu 1979
- 'Kainella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Kainisiniella [misspelled as Kainisiliellina] belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Kainops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Kaltykelina belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Kameschkoviella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kamlacus is a nomen nudum'
- 'Kaninia belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Kaniniella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Kanoshia belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Kaolishania belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Kaolishaniella belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Karagandoides belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Karginella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kasatchaspis belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Kaskia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kassinius belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Kathleenella belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Kathrynia belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Kathwaia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kaufmannella belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Kawina belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Kayseraspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Kayserops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Kazachstania belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Kazelia belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Kazellina is a subjective synonym of Kazelia' according to Suvorova and Chernysheva 1960
- 'Kazellina is a subjective synonym of Kazelia'
- 'Kazellina amsassiensis belongs to Kazellina' according to Sivov 1955
- 'Kazellina amsassiensis is recombined as Kazelia amsassiensis'
- 'Keeleaspis belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Kegeliella is a subjective synonym of Gerastos'
- 'Keithia belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Keithiella belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Kendallina belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Kennacryphaeus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Kepingaspis belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Kepisis belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Kerakephalichas is a subjective synonym of Amphilichas'
- 'Kerberodiscus is a subjective synonym of Leptochilodiscus'
- 'Kerbinella is a subjective synonym of Sukhanaspis'
- 'Kerfornella belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Kermanella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kettneraspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Ketyna is a subjective synonym of Kujandaspis'
- 'Khalfinella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kielania belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Lowtheria is a subjective synonym of Kielania'
- 'Kijanella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kindbladia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Kinderlania belongs to Holotrachelidae'
- 'Kingaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kingaspis (Kingaspidoides) was reranked as Kingaspidoides and belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kingstonia belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Kingstoniidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Kiowaia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Kirkdomina belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Kirkella belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Kistocare belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Klabavia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Klotziella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Kloucekia belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Knechtelia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Kobayashella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Kobayashia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Kobayashipeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Kochaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kochiella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kochiellina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kochina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kodymaspis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Koenigia is an objective synonym of Homalonotus'
- 'Kogenium belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Kokuria belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Kolbaspis belongs to Redlichinidae'
- 'Kolbinella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Koldinia belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Koldiniella belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Koldinioidia belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Kolihapeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Kollarcephalus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kolpura is a subjective synonym of Eymekops'
- 'Kolymella belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Kolymoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kolymoproetus multisegmentatus belongs to Kolymoproetus' according to Maksimova 1978
- 'Komaspidella belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Komaspis is a subjective synonym of Irvingella'
- 'Koneprusia belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Koneprusites belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Kontrastina belongs to Ordosiidae'
- 'Kooteniella belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Kooteniellina belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Koptura belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Koraipsis belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Kormagnostella is a subjective synonym of Kormagnostus'
- 'Korobovia belongs to Calodiscidae'
- 'Kosovopeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Kotuia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Kotysopeltis is corrected as Kotisopeltis and belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Kounamkites is corrected as Kuonamkites and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Kozlowskiaspis belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Krattaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Krolina belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ktenoura belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Kueichowia belongs to Kueichowiidae'
- 'Kueichowiidae belongs to Redlichiida'
- 'Kujandaspis belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Kujandina belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Kuljumbina belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Kuljumbina kulyumbensis is recombined as Plethopeltoides kulyumbensis'
- 'Kulmiella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Kulyumbopeltis is a subjective synonym of Plethopeltoides'
- 'Kunshanaspis belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Kuraspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Kuraspoides belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Kushanopyge is a subjective synonym of Monkaspis' according to Zhang and Jell 1987
- 'Kutsingocephalus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Kweichowilla belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Kymagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Kymataspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Kyphocephalus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Labiostrella belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Labiostria is a subjective synonym of Aphelaspis'
- 'Labradoria belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Lachnostoma belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Lacorsalina belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Lacunoporaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ladadiscus is a subjective synonym of Mallagnostus'
- 'Laethoprusia belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Lakaspis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Laminurus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Lamproscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Lancastria belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Landyia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Laneites belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Langgonbole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Langgonia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Langyashania belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Lannacus is a subjective synonym of Megalaspides'
- 'Laoyingshania belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Lapidaria belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Larifugula belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Lasarchopyge belongs to Scharyiidae'
- 'Laticephalus belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Latiglobusia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Latikingaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Latilorenzella belongs to Wuaniidae'
- 'Latiproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Latiredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Latoucheia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Latuzella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Lauzonella belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Lecanoaspis belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Lecanopleura belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Lecanopyge belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Lehua belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Leichneyella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Leimitzia belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Leiobienvillia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Leiocoryphe belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Leioscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Leiostegina belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Leiostegium belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Leiostegium (Euleiostegium) belongs to Leiostegium' according to Zhou and Zhan 1978
- 'Leiostegium (Euleiostegium) latilimbatum belongs to Leiostegium (Euleiostegium)' according to Zhou and Zhang 1978
- 'Leiostrototropis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Leiostrototropis phlegeri belongs to Leiostrototropis' according to Raymond 1937
- 'Lejopyge calva is a subjective synonym of Lejopyge laevigata' according to Daily and Jago 1975
- 'Lenacare belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Lenadiscus belongs to Yukoniidae'
- 'Lenaspis belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Leocephalus belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Leonaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Lepidoproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Lepidoproetus (Dipharangus) was reranked as Dipharangus and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Leptopilus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Leptoplastides [misspelled as Leptoplastoides] belongs to Olenidae' according to Moore 1959
- 'Leptoplastides belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Leptoplastus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Lermontovia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Lermontoviella belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Leurostega belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Levisaspis belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Levisella belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Levisia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Liangshanaspis is a subjective synonym of Platycoryphe'
- 'Liangshanocephalus belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Liaoningaspis belongs to Monkaspididae'
- 'Liaoningella belongs to Monkaspididae'
- 'Liaotropis belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Liaotropis tropis belongs to Liaotropis' according to Schrank 1975
- 'Liaoyangaspis is a subjective synonym of Lioparia'
- 'Lichakephalus belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Lichapyge is a subjective synonym of Macropyge'
- 'Lichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lichas (Ceratarges) was reranked as Ceratarges and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lichas (Conolichas) was reranked as Conolichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lichas (Echinolichas) was reranked as Echinolichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Euarges is a subjective synonym of Acanthopyge'
- 'Lichas (Euarges) mephisto is recombined as Mephiarges mephisto'
- 'Lichas (Hoplolichas) was reranked as Hoplolichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lichas (Metopolichas) was reranked as Metopolichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Oncholichas is an objective synonym of Arctinurus'
- 'Platopolichas is a subjective synonym of Uralichas'
- 'Lichas (Platylichas) was reranked as Platylichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Plusiarges is a subjective synonym of Trochurus'
- 'Pterolichas is an objective synonym of Arctinurus'
- 'Lichas (Uralichas) was reranked as Uralichas and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lichas branikensis is recombined as Lobopyge branikensis'
- 'Lichengia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Licnocephala belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Liexiaspis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Liexiaspis zhengjiaensis belongs to Liexiaspis' according to Liu 1982
- 'Ligiscus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Limataceps belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Limbadiscus is a subjective synonym of Natalina'
- 'Limpeina belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Linguagnostus belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Linguaphillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Linguaproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Linguchuangia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Lingukainella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Linguocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Liobole (Panibole) was reranked as Panibole and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Liobolina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Liocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Liocare belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Liocnemis belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Lioharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Liokootenia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Liolophops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Liomegalaspides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Lioparella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Liopeishania belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Liopelta belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Liosolenopleura belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Liostracina belongs to Liostracinidae'
- 'Liostracinoides is a subjective synonym of Phylacterus'
- 'Liostracinoides is a subjective synonym of Phylacterus' according to Westrop 1989
- 'Liostracus is replaced by Andrarina'
- 'Liparges is an objective synonym of Dicranogmus'
- 'Liriamnica belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Lisania belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Lisaniella is a subjective synonym of Redlichaspis'
- 'Lisogoragnostus belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Lisogorites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Listroa belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Litagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudagnostus'
- 'Litaspis belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Litavkaspis belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Litocephalus belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Litometopus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Liuheaspis belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Liwia belongs to Nektaspida'
- 'Llandovacaste belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Llanoaspidella belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Llanoaspididae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Llanoaspis belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Lloydia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Lloydolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Lobocephalina is a subjective synonym of Conokephalina'
- 'Lobopyge belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Nitidulopyge is a subjective synonym of Perunaspis'
- 'Lochkovella belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Lochmanaspis belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Lodenicia belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Loeipyge belongs to Brachymetopidae'
- 'Loganellus belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Loganopeltis belongs to Harpididae'
- 'Loganopeltoides belongs to Harpididae'
- 'Lohanpopsis belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Lomsucaspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Lonchocephalidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Lonchocephalus belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Lonchodomas belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Longduia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Longianda belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Longiproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Longxumenia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Loparella belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Lopeuloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Lophiokephalion belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Lophoholcus belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Lophosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Lordshillia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Lorenzella belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Loshanella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Loxonepea belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Loxopeltis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Luaspis belongs to Yunnanocephalidae'
- 'Lugalella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Luia belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Lunacephalus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Lunolenus belongs to Abadiellidae'
- 'Luojiashania belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Luonanocephalus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Luotuolingia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Lusampa belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Lusatiops belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Luvsanodiscus [misspelled as Lavsanodiscus] belongs to Agnostida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Luvsanodiscus belongs to Hebediscidae'
- 'Luvsanodiscus gammatus belongs to Luvsanodiscus' according to Korobov 1980
- 'Luxella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Luyanhaoaspis belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Luyanhaoia belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Lycophron belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Lydiaspis belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Lygdozoon belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Lynaspis belongs to Liostracinidae'
- 'Lyralichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Lyrapyge belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Lyriaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Macelloura belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Machairagnostus belongs to Diplagnostidae'
- 'Mackenziurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Macrogrammus belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Macronoda belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Macropyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Macropygella belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Macroterolichas is a subjective synonym of Metopolichas'
- 'Macrotoxus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Madaraspis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Madarocephalus belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Maduiya belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Madygenia belongs to Rorringtoniidae'
- 'Magnacephalus belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Magnomma belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Mahaiella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Maiaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Majiangia is a subjective synonym of Meitania'
- 'Maladia belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Maladioidella belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Malimanaspis belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Malinaspis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Malladaia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Malongullia belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Malungia is a subjective synonym of Dolerolenus'
- 'Malungia laevigata is recombined as Dolerolenus laevigata'
- 'Malvinella belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Malykania belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Manchurocephalus is a subjective synonym of Paracoosia'
- 'Mannopyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Mannschreekia is a subjective synonym of Theodenisia'
- 'Mansiella belongs to Acrocephalitidae'
- 'Mansuyella belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Mansuyia belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Manublesia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Maotunia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Mapania belongs to Mapaniidae'
- 'Mapanopsis belongs to Mapaniidae'
- 'Marekolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Maritimella is a nomen nudum'
- 'Marjumia belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Marjumiidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Marrolithoides belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Marrolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Marsaisia is a subjective synonym of Richterops'
- 'Maryvillia belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Maspakites belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Maspakites occidentalis belongs to Maspakites' according to Lazarenko and Nikiforov 1968
- 'Matania belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Mataninella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Maurotarion belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Maustonia is a subjective synonym of Taenicephalus'
- 'Mayiella belongs to Mayiellidae'
- 'Mayopyge is a subjective synonym of Parasphaerexochus'
- 'Mayopyge zapata is recombined as Parasphaerexochus zapata'
- 'Mcnairia is a subjective synonym of Parehmania'
- 'Meadowtownella belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Mecophrys [misspelled as Mecophyrs] belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Meeria is a subjective synonym of Idahoia'
- 'Megadunderbergia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Megagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Megagraulos belongs to Wuaniidae'
- 'Megalaspidella is a subjective synonym of Asaphellus'
- 'Megalaspides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Megalaspidicus is a nomen nudum'
- 'Megalaspis is replaced by Megistaspis'
- 'Plesiomegalaspis is a subjective synonym of Asaphellus'
- 'Megalisania belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Megalopsis belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Megapalaeolenus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Megistaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Megistaspis (Ekeraspis) was reranked as Ekeraspis and belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Megistaspis (Megistaspidella) was reranked as Megistaspidella and belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Varvaspis is an objective synonym of Paramegistaspis'
- 'Meisterella belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Meitanella belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Meitania belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Meitania (Promeitania) was reranked as Promeitania and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Meitanillaenus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Mekynophrys is a subjective synonym of Basilicus'
- 'Memmatella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Mendolaspis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Mendoparabolina is a subjective synonym of Bienvillia'
- 'Mendosina belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Mendospidella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Meneghinella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Menevia is replaced by Meneviella'
- 'Meneviella belongs to Holocephalinidae'
- 'Meniscocoryphe belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Meniscuchus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Menneraspidae is corrected as Menneraspididae and belongs to Redlichiida'
- 'Menocephalites belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Menomonia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Menoparia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Menorcaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Meringaspis is a subjective synonym of Damesops'
- 'Merlinia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Meropalla belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Meroperix belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Mesagnostus is an objective synonym of Peronopsis'
- 'Mesetaia is a subjective synonym of Kingaspis'
- 'Mesotaphraspis belongs to Toernquistiidae'
- 'Metaacidaspis belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Metabalangia belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Metabowmania is a subjective synonym of Hillyardina'
- 'Metacalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Metacanthina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Metachangshania is a subjective synonym of Changshania'
- 'Metacryphaeus belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Metadoxides belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Metadoxididae belongs to Redlichiida'
- 'Metagnostidae belongs to Agnostida'
- 'Metakootenia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Metalisania belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Metanomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Metaphillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Metapilekia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Metapliomerops belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Metaptychopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Metaredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Metaredlichioides is a subjective synonym of Ushbaspis' according to Zhang 1997
- 'Metascutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Metayuepingia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Meteoraspis belongs to Tricrepicephalidae'
- 'Metisaspina belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Metisaspis belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Metopias is replaced by Metopolichas'
- 'Metopotropis belongs to Auritamidae'
- 'Mexicaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Mexicella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Mezocrotalus is a subjective synonym of Crotalocephalina'
- 'Miagnostus is an objective synonym of Lejopyge'
- 'Mianxiandiscus is a subjective synonym of Tsunyidiscus'
- 'Miaobanpoia belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Miaopopsis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Micagnostus belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Michaspis is a subjective synonym of Iranoleesia'
- 'Micmacca belongs to Chengkouiidae'
- 'Micmaccopsis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Microdiscus is a nomen vanum'
- 'Microparia belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Microparia (Paramicroparia) was reranked as Paramicroparia and belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Microparia (Paramicroparia) acuta is recombined as Paramicroparia acuta'
- 'Microryctocara belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Microscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Microspatulina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Mictosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Milaspis belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Mimocryphaeus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Mindycrusta belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Minicephalus belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Minkella belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Minupeltis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Minupeltis definita belongs to Minupeltis'
- 'Minusella is a misspelling of Minusinella'
- 'Minusinella belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Mioptychopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Mirabole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Miraculaspis belongs to Condylopygidae'
- 'Miracybele is a subjective synonym of Cybelurus'
- 'Miranda belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Miranella belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Miraspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Miriproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Missisquoia is a subjective synonym of Parakoldinioidia'
- 'Missisquoiidae belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Mitchellaspis is a subjective synonym of Batocara'
- 'Mitchellia is replaced by Mitchellaspis' according to Henningsmoen 1959
- 'Modellops is a subjective synonym of Hollardops'
- 'Modocia belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Modocia berkeyi is recombined as Camaraspoides berkeyi' according to Fredrickson 1949
- 'Modocia berkeyi is recombined as Camaraspis berkeyi' according to Grant 1965
- 'Modocia berkeyi is recombined as Camaraspis berkeyi'
- 'Monexagnostus is a subjective synonym of Peratagnostus'
- 'Mongolodiscus is a subjective synonym of Egyngolia'
- 'Mongolodiscus zaicevi is recombined as Egyngolia zaicevi'
- 'Monocheilus belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Monorakos belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Monosulcatina belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Moravocoryphe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Moretaeva belongs to Trilobita' according to Hupé 1960
- 'Morgatia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Morocconites belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Morosa belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Morosa brevispina belongs to Morosa'
- 'Morosa extensa belongs to Morosa'
- 'Moschoglossis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Moxomia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Mucronaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Mulciberaspis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Mundocephalina belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Munija belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Munijia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Murphycops is a subjective synonym of Acernaspis'
- 'Myinda belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Myindella belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Myoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Myoproetus is an objective synonym of Myoproetus'
- 'Myopsolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Mystrocephala belongs to Brachymetopidae'
- 'Mytocephala belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Mytocephala was reranked as Zeliszkella (Mytocephala) and belongs to Zeliszkella' according to Struve 1958
- 'Myttonia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Nadiyella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Nagaproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Nahannia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Nahannicephalus belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Namanoia belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Namanoiidae belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Nambeetella belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Namuropyge (Coignops) was reranked as Coignops and belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Namuropyge (Coignops) belongs to Namuropyge' according to Gandl 1980
- 'Namuropyge (Coignops) martinezi belongs to Namuropyge (Coignops)' according to Gandl 1980
- 'Nangaoia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Nangaoia (Gedongaspis) was reranked as Gedongaspis and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Nangaoia (Gedongaspis) granulosa is recombined as Gedongaspis granulosa'
- 'Nangaoia (Gedongaspis) oblonga is recombined as Gedongaspis oblonga'
- 'Nangaops belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Nanillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Nankinolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Nanlingia is a subjective synonym of Girvanopyge'
- 'Nannopeltis belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Nanshanaspis belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Naraoia belongs to Nektaspida'
- 'Nasocephalus belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Nassovia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Natmus belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Naustia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Nebidella is a subjective synonym of Conoredlichia'
- 'Nehanniaspis belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Nelegeria belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Nelsonia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Neltneria belongs to Neltneriidae'
- 'Neoacrocephalites belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Neoagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudorhaptagnostus'
- 'Neoanomocarella belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Neochilonorria belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Neoglaphyraspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Neohedinaspis belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Neolenus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Neolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Neometacanthus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Neopeltis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Neopoliellina belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Neoprobolium belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Paraproetus is replaced by Siciliproetus'
- 'Siciliproetus is a subjective synonym of Neogriffithides'
- 'Neoproetus (Triproetus) was reranked as Triproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Neopsilocephalina belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Neoredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Neoshirakiella belongs to Shirakiellidae'
- 'Neosolenopleurella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Neosynphoria is an objective synonym of Synphoria'
- 'Neotaenicephalus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Nepea belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Nepeidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Nephranops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Neptunagnostella is a subjective synonym of Geragnostus'
- 'Nericiaspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Nerudaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Neseuretus belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Nevadia belongs to Nevadiidae'
- 'Nganasanella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Nieszkowskia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Nilegna belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Nileoides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Nileus belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Ninadiscus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Ninaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Ningkianites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ningkianites ningkianensis belongs to Ningkianites' according to Lu 1975
- 'Ningkianolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Niobe belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Niobella belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Niobides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Niobina belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Nipponarges belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Nipponocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Nitidocare belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Niuchangella belongs to Scharyiidae'
- 'Nixonella is a subjective synonym of Genevievella'
- 'Nobiliasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Nodiceps belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Noelaspis belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Nomadinis belongs to Monkaspididae'
- 'Nonix is a subjective synonym of Dicranopeltis'
- 'Norasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Nordia belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Norinia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Norwoodella belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Norwoodia belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Notaiella belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Notasaphus is a subjective synonym of Kootenia'
- 'Notoaphelaspis belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Notopeltis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Novakaspis is a subjective synonym of Cyphaspis'
- 'Novakella belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Novaspis belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Novoameura belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Nucleurus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Nunnaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Nyaya belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Nyella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Obliteraspis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Obrucheviaspis belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Octillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Octobronteus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Oculeus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Oculichasmops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Oculomagnus is a subjective synonym of Benthamaspis'
- 'Odontocephalus belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Odontochile belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Odontochile (Erbenochile) was reranked as Erbenochile and belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Oedicybele belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Oehlertia is replaced by Oehlertaspis'
- 'Ogmasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogmocnemis is a subjective synonym of Decoroproetus'
- 'Ogyginus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogygiocarella belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogygiocaris belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogygites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogygitoides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ogygopsis belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Oidalaproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Oinochoe belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Olegaspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Olekmaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Olenaspella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Olenekella belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Olenekina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Olenoides belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Olenopsis is replaced by Dolerolenus'
- 'Olentella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Olenus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Olenus salteri is recombined as Leptoplastides salteri'
- 'Olenus salteri is recombined as Leptoplastoides salteri' according to Chatterton 1996
- 'Oleorthis porosa belongs to Oleorthis' according to Havlicek 1968
- 'Olgaspis belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Oligometopus belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Omeipsis belongs to Taihungshaniidae'
- 'Ommokris is a subjective synonym of Dalmanites'
- 'Ompheter is a subjective synonym of Opipeuter'
- 'Onaraspis belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Onchocephalina belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Onchocephalites belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Onchocephalus belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Onchometopus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Onchonotellus belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Onchonotina is a subjective synonym of Onchonotellus'
- 'Onchonotopsis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Onchonotus belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Onchopeltis belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Onnia belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Onychopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Onycopyge belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Agnostonymus is a subjective synonym of Onymagnostus'
- 'Oodiscus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Oopsites belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Oosthuizenella belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Opipeuter belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Opoa belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Opsimasaphus is a subjective synonym of Birmanites'
- 'Opsimasaphus jaanussoni is recombined as Birmanites jaanussoni'
- 'Opsiosoryctocephalus belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Opsypharus is a subjective synonym of Failleana'
- 'Orbitoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ordosia belongs to Ordosiidae'
- 'Oreisator is a subjective synonym of Erzishania'
- 'Orienturus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Orlovia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Orloviella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Ormathops belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Ormistonia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Ormistoniella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Orometopus belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Orphanaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Orria is a subjective synonym of Bathyuriscus'
- 'Orriella is a subjective synonym of Bathyuriscus'
- 'Orthodorsum belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Oryctocara belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocare belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocephalina belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocephalites belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocephaloides belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocephalops belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Oryctocephalus belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Orygmaspis belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Osceolia belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Osekaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Osmolskia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tricornotarion is a subjective synonym of Maurotarion'
- 'Otarion elegans belongs to Otarion' according to Munster 1842
- 'Otarion elegans is recombined as Skemmatocare elegans' according to Richter and Richter 1927
- 'Otarionella is a subjective synonym of Otarion'
- 'Otarozoum belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Ottenbyaspis belongs to Panderiidae'
- 'Ouijjania belongs to Bigotinidae'
- 'Ourikaia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ovalocephalus belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Ovatoryctocara is a subjective synonym of Arthricocephalus'
- 'Oxyagnostus is a subjective synonym of Acmarhachis'
- 'Oxygonaspis is a subjective synonym of Pingquania'
- 'Pachyaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Danzhaina is a subjective synonym of Xingrenaspis'
- 'Pacificurus is a subjective synonym of Batocara'
- 'Paciphacops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Paedeumias belongs to Olenellidae'
- 'Paedeumias transitans belongs to Paedeumias'
- 'Paenebeltella belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Pagetia belongs to Eodiscidae'
- 'Pagetia (Sinopagetia) was reranked as Sinopagetia and belongs to Eodiscidae'
- 'Pagetia (Sinopagetia) huainanensis is recombined as Sinopagetia huainanensis'
- 'Pagetia (Sinopagetia) neimengguensis is recombined as Sinopagetia neimengguensis'
- 'Pagetiellus is a subjective synonym of Delgadella'
- 'Pagodia belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Pagodia (Lotosoides) was reranked as Lotosoides and belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Pagometopus belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Paivinia belongs to Pharostomatidae'
- 'Paladin belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Palaeadotes is a subjective synonym of Bergeronites'
- 'Palaeoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Palaeolenella belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Palaeolenidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Palaeolenides belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Palaeolenus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Palaeophillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Palella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Palaeocrepicephalus is an objective synonym of Kochaspis'
- 'Paleofossus belongs to Edelsteinaspididae'
- 'Paleooryctocephalus belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Palmerara belongs to Trilobita' according to Novack-Gottshall 2003
- 'Palmeraspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Palpebralia was reranked as Drevermannia (Palpebralia) and belongs to Drevermannia' according to Richter and Richter 1943
- 'Palpebralia (Pontipalpebralia) was reranked as Pontipalpebralia and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Palpebralia (Pontipalpebralia) belongs to Palpebralia' according to Lutke 1968
- 'Palpebralia (Pontipalpebralia) pontifera belongs to Palpebralia (Pontipalpebralia)' according to Lütke 1968
- 'Palquiella belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Pamirotellus is a subjective synonym of Brongniartella'
- 'Panacus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Panarchaegonus belongs to Scharyiidae'
- 'Panarchaeogonus belongs to Scharyiidae'
- 'Pandaspinapyga belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Panderia belongs to Panderiidae'
- 'Panderiidae belongs to Corynexochida'
- 'Panxinella belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Paokannia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Papillicalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Papyriaspis belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Paraacidaspis belongs to Lichakephalidae'
- 'Paraantagmus belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Paraantagmus (Balangcunaspis) was reranked as Balangcunaspis and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Paraantagmus (Balangcunaspis) subcylindricus is recombined as Balangcunaspis subcylindricus'
- 'Paraantagmus (Balangcunaspis) transversus is recombined as Balangcunaspis transversus'
- 'Parabailiella belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Parabarrandia belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Parabasilicus is a subjective synonym of Basilicus'
- 'Parabathycheilus is a subjective synonym of Bathycheilus'
- 'Parabellefontia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Parablackwelderia is a subjective synonym of Blackwelderia'
- 'Parabolina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Parabolinella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Parabolinoides belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Parabolinoididae belongs to Asaphida'
- 'Parabolinopsis is a subjective synonym of Leptoplastides'
- 'Parabouleia belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Parabriscoia is a subjective synonym of Briscoia'
- 'Parabumasttides is a misspelling of Parabumastides'
- 'Parabumastides dayongensis belongs to Parabumastides' according to Ji 1987
- 'Paracalmonia belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Paracedaria belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Paraceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Parachangshania belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Parachaunoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Parachuangia is a subjective synonym of Chuangia'
- 'Paracoosia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Paracrepicephalus is an objective synonym of Tricrepicephalus'
- 'Paracrocephalites belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Paracryphaeus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Paracybantyx belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Paracybeloides belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Paradamesella belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Paradechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Paradoxides belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Paradoxides pusillus is recombined as Phanoptes pusillus'
- 'Paradoxididae belongs to Redlichiida'
- 'Paraenshia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Paraeosoptychoparia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Parafrithjofia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Paraglobusia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Paragnostus is an objective synonym of Condylopyge'
- 'Paragriffithides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Paraharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Parahiolites belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Parahomalonotus belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Parahousia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Parahystricurus belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Paraichangia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Parajialaopsis belongs to Inouyiidae'
- 'Parakailia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Parakailia was reranked as Kailia (Parakailia) and belongs to Kailia' according to Wu 1979
- 'Parakingaspidoides is a nomen nudum'
- 'Parakoldinia belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Parakoldinioidia belongs to Missisquoiidae'
- 'Parakotuia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Paralbertella belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Paraleiolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Paralejurus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Paralevisia belongs to Ordosiidae'
- 'Paralichas is replaced by Amphilichas'
- 'Paralisaniella belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Paralorenzella belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Paramalungia belongs to Dolerolenidae'
- 'Paramecephalus is a subjective synonym of Parahiolites'
- 'Paramegalaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Paramicmacca belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Paranacaste is a subjective synonym of Bainella'
- 'Paranevadella belongs to Judomiidae'
- 'Paranomocare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Paranomocarella belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Paranorwoodia belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Paranumia is a subjective synonym of Lunacrania'
- 'Paraolenoides belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Paraolenus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Paraorlovia belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Parapachyaspis belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Parapagetia belongs to Hebediscidae'
- 'Parapalpebralia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Parapalpebralia andegavensis belongs to Parapalpebralia' according to Pillet 1973
- 'Parapaokannia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Parapeishania is a subjective synonym of Peishania'
- 'Paraperiomma belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Paraphillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Paraphillipsinella is a subjective synonym of Paraphillipsinella'
- 'Paraphillipsinella belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Paraphoreotropis is a subjective synonym of Tholifrons'
- 'Parapilekia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Paraplagiura belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Paraplesiograulos belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Paraplethopeltis belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Paraplicatolina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Parapliomera belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Parapoliella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Parapoulsenia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Paraprotolenella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Paraqingshuiheella belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Pararaia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Pararedlichia is a subjective synonym of Eoredlichia'
- 'Parasajanaspis belongs to Redlichinidae'
- 'Parasolenopleura is a subjective synonym of Solenopleurina'
- 'Parasphaerexochus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Paraszechuanella belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Paratamdaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Paratamdaspis longiformis belongs to Paratamdaspis' according to Ergaliev 2001
- 'Paratermierella is a subjective synonym of Brevitermierella'
- 'Paratoernquistia belongs to Toernquistiidae'
- 'Paratollaspis is an objective synonym of Erbia'
- 'Paratretaspis belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Paratrinucleus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Paratungusella belongs to Metadoxididae'
- 'Parawarburgella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Parawarburgella taldyespensis belongs to Parawarburgella' according to Maksimova 1975
- 'Parayinites belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Parayoungia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Parehmania belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Pareops belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Pareuloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Parillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Parisoceraurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Parkaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Parkesolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Parvidumus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Parvigena belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Paryfenus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pateraspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Patomaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Patomaspis pictus belongs to Patomaspis' according to Ogienko 1974
- 'Patronaspis belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Pauciella belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pearylandia belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Peculicephalina belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pedinaspis belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pedinocephalina belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Pedinocephalites belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pedinocephalus belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Pedinocoryphe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pedinopariops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Peichiashania belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Peishania belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Peishanoides belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Pelicephalus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pelitlina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Peltabellia belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Peltocare belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Peltura belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Pelturina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Pemphigaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Penarosa belongs to Nepeidae'
- 'Penchiopsis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pennaia belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Pensacola belongs to Yunnanocephalidae'
- 'Pentagnostus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Pentagonalia amouslekensis is recombined as Delgadella amouslekensis'
- 'Peracheilus belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Perakaspis belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Perakaspis (Bailielloides) belongs to Perakaspis' according to Kobayashi and Hamada 1972
- 'Perakaspis (Bailielloides) was reranked as Bailielloides and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Perakaspis trapezoidalis belongs to Perakaspis' according to Kobayashi and Hamada 1972
- 'Peraspis belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Peratagnostus is a subjective synonym of Phaldagnostus'
- 'Perexigupyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Periomma belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Periommella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Perioura is a subjective synonym of Modocia'
- 'Perirehaedulus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Perischoclonus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Perissopliomera belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Perissopyge belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Permoproetus is a subjective synonym of Ditomopyge'
- 'Perneraspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Perryus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Perunaspis belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Pesaia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Petigurus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Petrbokia belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Petruninaspis belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Phacopidella belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Phacopidina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Phacopina belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Phacopoidea belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Phacops (Acaste) downingiae macrops belongs to Phacops (Acaste) downingiae' according to Salter 1864
- 'Phacops (Acaste) downingiae macrops is recombined as Acastocephala macrops'
- 'Phacops (Boeckops) was reranked as Boeckops and belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Phacops (Chotecops) was reranked as Chotecops and belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Phacops (Cryphops) was reranked as Cryphops and belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Phacops (Omegops) was reranked as Omegops and belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Phacops (Phacops) sublevatus is recombined as Liolophops sublevatus'
- 'Phacops logani is recombined as Paciphacops logani' according to Maksimova 1972
- 'Phacops logani is recombined as Paciphacops logani'
- 'Phacops truncatocaudatus is recombined as Truncatometopus truncatocaudatus' according to Pillet 1960
- 'Phaeton is replaced by Phaetonides' according to Barrande 1847
- 'Phaeton is replaced by Phaetonides'
- 'Phaetonellus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Phaetonides is an objective synonym of Prionopeltis'
- 'Phalacroma belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Phalagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Phalangocephalus belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Phanoptes belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Pharostoma is a subjective synonym of Prionocheilus'
- 'Pharostomatidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Pharostomina belongs to Pharostomatidae'
- 'Phaseolops belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Phaseolops [misspelled as Phaselops] belongs to Proetida' according to Fortey and Owens 1975
- 'Phaseolops krafti belongs to Phaseolops' according to Šnajdr 1983
- 'Phaseolops krafti is recombined as Rokycanocoryphe krafti' according to Pribyl and Vanĕk 1987
- 'Philipsmithiana is a subjective synonym of Hollardops'
- 'Phillibole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phillibole (Cystispina) was reranked as Cystispina and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phillibole (Liobole) was reranked as Liobole and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phillibolina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Philliboloides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phillipsia spatulata is recombined as Spatulina spatulata'
- 'Phillipsia verneuili belongs to Phillipsia' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Phillipsia verneuili is recombined as Dechenella verneuili' according to Kayser 1880
- 'Phillipsiidae is a subjective synonym of Proetidae'
- 'Phillipsinella belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Phillipsinellidae is a subjective synonym of Styginidae'
- 'Phoidagnostoides is a subjective synonym of Leiagnostus'
- 'Phoidagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Phoreotropis belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Phorocephala belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Phylacops belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Phylacteridae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Phylacterus belongs to Phylacteridae'
- 'Phyllaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Phyllaspis raniceps belongs to Phyllaspis' according to Richter 1863
- 'Physemataspis (Prophysemataspis) was reranked as Prophysemataspis and belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Pianaspis belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Piaziella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Pilekia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Piliolites belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pilletina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Piltonia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pinctus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Pingluaspis is corrected as Pinglusapis and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Pingluia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Pingquania belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Piochella [misspelled as Piochiella] belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Pjatkovaspellus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Placoparia belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Placoparina belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Placosema is a subjective synonym of Genevievella'
- 'Plaesiacomia belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Plagiolaria belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Plagiura belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Plagiurella is a subjective synonym of Plagiura'
- 'Planaspis belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Planiscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Planocephalus belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Planodiscus is a subjective synonym of Parapagetia' according to Jell 1997
- 'Planodiscus patulus belongs to Planodiscus' according to Korobov 1980
- 'Planodiscus patulus is recombined as Parapagetia patulus' according to Jell 1997
- 'Planolimbus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Plasiaspis belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Platagnostus is a subjective synonym of Phalacroma'
- 'Platillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Platyantyx belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Platycalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Platycoryphe belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Platydiamesus belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Platyharpes is an objective synonym of Hibbertia'
- 'Platylichas (Rontrippia) was reranked as Rontrippia and belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Platylisania belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Platymetopus is replaced by Paralichas' according to Reed 1902
- 'Platymetopus is replaced by Paralichas'
- 'Platynotus is replaced by Arctinurus'
- 'Platypeltoides belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Platyscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Plebiellus belongs to Anomocarellidae'
- 'Plectasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Plectrella belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Plectrifer belongs to Rhyssometopidae'
- 'Plesionevadia belongs to Nevadiidae'
- 'Plethometopus is a subjective synonym of Plethopeltis'
- 'Plethopeltella belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Plethopeltides belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Plethopeltis belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Plethopeltoides belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Plicatolina belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Plicatolinella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Pliomera belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pliomera martelli is recombined as Pliomerina martelli'
- 'Pliomeraspis is an objective synonym of Pliomerina'
- 'Pliomerella belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pliomerellus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pliomeridius belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pliomerina belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pliomeroides belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Pliomerops belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Plutonia is replaced by Plutonides'
- 'Plutonides belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Podoliproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Podowrinella belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Pogrebovites belongs to Panderiidae'
- 'Poletaevella belongs to Olenellina'
- 'Poliellaites belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Poliellaspis belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Poliellina belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Polyariella belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Polycyrtaspis is corrected as Polycertaspis and belongs to Polycyrtaspididae'
- 'Polyeres is a nomen oblitum'
- 'Polypleuraspis belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Ponumia is a subjective synonym of Aphelotoxon'
- 'Popigaia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Poroscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Portaginus is a subjective synonym of Brongniartella'
- 'Portaginus robustus is recombined as Brongniartella robusta'
- 'Portentosus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Porterfieldia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Poshania belongs to Ordosiidae'
- 'Postfallotaspis belongs to Holmiidae'
- 'Poulsenella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Poulsenia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Pradesia belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Pradoella belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Praedechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Praedechenella liniclivosa belongs to Praedechenella' according to Maksimova 1952
- 'Praepatokephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Pragoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Prantlia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Prehousia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Presbynileus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Priceaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Fitzroyaspis is a subjective synonym of Priceaspis'
- 'Pricyclopyge belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Primaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Primoriella belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Princetonella belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Prionocheilus belongs to Pharostomatidae'
- 'Prionopeltis belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Prionopyge is an objective synonym of Onychopyge'
- 'Proagnostus belongs to Ammagnostidae'
- 'Proampyx belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Proapatokephaloides belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Proapatokephalops belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Proasaphiscus belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Proaulacopleura is a subjective synonym of Aphelaspis'
- 'Proavus belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Probilacunaspis belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Probolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Probolium is replaced by Neoprobolium'
- 'Probolops belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Probowmania belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Probowmania (Mufushania) was reranked as Mufushania and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Probowmania (Mufushania) was reranked as Mufushania and belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Proceratopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Prochuangia belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Prodalmanitina belongs to Diaphanometopidae'
- 'Prodalmanitina nikolayevi belongs to Prodalmanitina' according to Chugaeva 1968
- 'Prodamesella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Prodiacoryphe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Prodiacoryphe osmolskae belongs to Prodiacoryphe' according to Yuan 1988
- 'Prodontochile belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Proehmaniella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Proerbia belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Proetidella is a subjective synonym of Decoroproetus'
- 'Proetina belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Proetocephalus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetocephalus anceps belongs to Proetocephalus' according to Lütke 1977
- 'Proetopeltis belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Proetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetus (Astroproetus) was reranked as Astroproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetus (Bohemiproetus) was reranked as Bohemiproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Clypoproetus is a subjective synonym of Astroproetus'
- 'Proetus (Cornuproetus) trautensteinensis is recombined as Xiphogonium trautensteinensis' according to Vanek and Valicek 2002
- 'Proetus (Crassiproetus) was reranked as Crassiproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Euproetus is an objective synonym of Proetus'
- 'Proetus (Gerastos) was reranked as Gerastos and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetus (Neoproetus) was reranked as Neoproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetus (Piriproetus) was reranked as Piriproetus and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Proetus (Pribylia) was reranked as Pribylia and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Proetus (Pudoproetus) was reranked as Pudoproetus and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Proetus (Tropidocoryphe) was reranked as Tropidocoryphe and belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Warburgaspis is a subjective synonym of Decoroproetus'
- 'Proetus bohemicus is recombined as Bohemiproetus bohemicus'
- 'Proetus dillensis is recombined as Franconicabole dillensis'
- 'Proetus fallax belongs to Proetus' according to Barrande 1846
- 'Proetus girvanensis is recombined as Paraproetus girvanensis'
- 'Proetus intermedius is recombined as Interproetus intermedius' according to Šnajdr 1977
- 'Proetus listei is corrected as Proetus listeri and belongs to Proetus'
- 'Proetus loveni belongs to Proetus' according to Barrande 1846
- 'Proetus macrocephalus is recombined as Monodechenella macrocephala'
- 'Proetus pachydermatus is recombined as Pachyproetus pachydermatus' according to Lutke 1990
- 'Proetus parvigena is recombined as Parvigena parvigena'
- 'Proetus pulcher is recombined as Pulcherproetus pulcher' according to Lütke 1990
- 'Proetus rondeaui belongs to Proetus' according to Oehlert 1889
- 'Proetus rondeaui is recombined as Oehlertia rondeaui' according to Pillet 1973
- 'Proetus rondeaui is recombined as Oehlertaspis rondeaui' according to Pillet and Vanĕk 1974
- 'Proetus ryckholti is corrected as Proetus ryckholtii and belongs to Proetus' according to Barrande 1846
- 'Proetus ryckholti is recombined as Ryckholtia ryckholti'
- 'Prohedinella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Prohedinia belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Proichangia is a subjective synonym of Pararaia' according to Jell 1990
- 'Prokootenia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Proliobole is a subjective synonym of Panibole'
- 'Proliostracus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Promegalaspides belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Promegalaspides (Borogothus) was reranked as Borogothus and belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Promesus is a subjective synonym of Macronoda'
- 'Proricephalus belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Proromma belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Prosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Proscharyia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Prosopiscus belongs to Prosopiscidae'
- 'Prospectatrix belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Prostrix belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Prosymphysurus belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Protacanthina belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Protagraulos belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Protaitzehoia belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Protemnites belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Proteuloma belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Protillaenus is a subjective synonym of Blountia'
- 'Protocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Protocerauroides belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Protohedinia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Protolenella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Protolenella conica belongs to Protolenella' according to Qian and Yao 1974
- 'Protolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Protolloydolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Protopeltura belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Protophillipsinella is a subjective synonym of Paraphillipsinella'
- 'Protopliomerella belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Protopliomerops belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Protopresbynileus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Protoptychopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Protoscutellum is a subjective synonym of Planiscutellum'
- 'Protostygina belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Protypus belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Prouktaspis belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Proveedoria belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Prozacanthoides belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Pruvostinoides belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Psalaspis belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Psalikilopsis belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Psalikilus belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Psephosthenaspis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Pseudagnostina is a subjective synonym of Pseudagnostus'
- 'Pseudampyxina belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Pseudanomocarina belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Arrhenaspis is a subjective synonym of Duibianaspis'
- 'Pseudasaphus limatus is recombined as Valdaites limatus' according to Balashova 1976
- 'Pseudatops belongs to Atopidae'
- 'Pseudichangia is a subjective synonym of Hsuaspis'
- 'Pseudoacrocephalites belongs to Trilobita' according to Courtessole and Pillet 1976
- 'Pseudoacrocephalites is replaced by Rosovaspis' according to Courtessole and Pillet 1976
- 'Pseudoacrocephalites belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Pseudoalokistocare is a subjective synonym of Alokistocare'
- 'Pseudoasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudobarrandia is an objective synonym of Rokycania'
- 'Pseudobasilicus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudobirmanites is a subjective synonym of Madygenia'
- 'Pseudocalymene belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Pseudocheirurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Pseudoclelandia belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pseudocryphaeus belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Pseudocybele belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pseudocyclopyge is a nomen nudum' according to Ergaliev 1981
- 'Pseudodechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudodudu belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudoerbia belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Pseudoeteraspis belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Pseudogriphasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudogygites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudohysterolenus belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Pseudohystricurus belongs to Dimeropygidae'
- 'Pseudokadyella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Pseudokainella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Pseudokingstonia belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Pseudokoldinella belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Pseudokoldinia belongs to Cheilocephalidae'
- 'Pseudokoldinioidia belongs to Missisquoiidae'
- 'Pseudolancastria is a subjective synonym of Lancastria'
- 'Pseudolenus belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Pseudoliostracina is an objective synonym of Lioparia'
- 'Pseudolorenzella belongs to Lorenzellidae'
- 'Pseudomapania belongs to Mapaniidae'
- 'Pseudomegalaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudomera belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Pseudomera kanoshensis is recombined as Kanoshia kanoshensis'
- 'Pseudomexicella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Pseudomonaspis is an objective synonym of Acidaspis'
- 'Pseudonileus is replaced by Protopresbynileus'
- 'Pseudonileus is an objective synonym of Hemibarrandia'
- 'Pseudoolenoides belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Pseudopaokannia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Pseudoperonopsis is a subjective synonym of Diplorrhina'
- 'Pseudopetigurus belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Pseudophalacroma belongs to Ptychagnostidae'
- 'Pseudophillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudoprotolenella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Pseudoptychoparia is an objective synonym of Yunnanocephalus'
- 'Pseudoptyocephalus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Pseudoresserops belongs to Chengkouaspididae'
- 'Pseudorhaptagnostus is a subjective synonym of Neoagnostus'
- 'Pseudosalteria belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pseudosaratogia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Pseudosarkia belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Pseudosaukia belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Pseudosaukianda belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Pseudosolenoparia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Pseudosolenopleura belongs to Wuaniidae'
- 'Pseudospatulina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudospatulina belongs to Archegoninae' according to Hahn and Brauckmann 1989
- 'Pseudostygina belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Pseudotalbotina belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Pseudotermierella is a nomen nudum'
- 'Pseudotupolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Pseudowaribole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pseudoyuepingia belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Psilacella belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Psilocara belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Psilocephalina belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Psilocephalinella belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Psiloyuepingia is a subjective synonym of Tamdaspis'
- 'Psychopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Ptarmigania belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Ptarmiganoides belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Pterocephalia belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pterocephalidae is replaced by Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Petrocephaliidae is a misspelling of Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pterocephalops belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Pterocoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Pteroparia belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Pterygometopidae belongs to Phacopida'
- 'Pterygometopus belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Ptilillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Acidusus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Ptychaspis belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Ptychocephalus is corrected as Ptyocephalus and belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ptychometopus belongs to Pharostomatidae'
- 'Ptychoparella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Ptychoparia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Ptychoparia intermedia is recombined as Changqingia intermedia' according to Zan 1992
- 'Ptychoparia theano belongs to Ptychoparia' according to Walcott 1905
- 'Ptychoparia theano is recombined as Emmrichella theano' according to Walcott 1911
- 'Ptychoparia theano is recombined as Lioparia theano' according to Zhang and Jell 1987
- 'Ptychoparioides is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparia'
- 'Ptychoparopsis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ptychopleurites belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Ptychopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Ptychopyge aciculata is recombined as Valdaites aciculatus'
- 'Ptychopyge aciculata is recombined as Valdaites aciculatus' according to Balashova 1976
- 'Pugilator belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Pugionicauda belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Pulcherproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Pulchricapitus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Pumilina belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Punctaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Punctularia is a subjective synonym of Ptychopleurites'
- 'Punillaspis belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Punka belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Pyraustocranium belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Pytine belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Pyttstrigis belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Qiaodiella belongs to Mayiellidae'
- 'Qiaotingaspis belongs to Mayiellidae'
- 'Qingkouia belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Qingshuihella belongs to Elviniidae'
- 'Qingzhenaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Qinlingia is replaced by Qinlingialingia'
- 'Qinlingia henanensis is recombined as Qinlingialingia henanensis'
- 'Qinlingia magnoccipitis is recombined as Qinlingialingia magnoccipitis'
- 'Qinlingia transversa is recombined as Qinlingialingia transversa'
- 'Qinlingialingia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Quadragnostus is a subjective synonym of Diplorrhina'
- 'Quadraticephalus is a subjective synonym of Changia'
- 'Quadratoproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Quebecaspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Quinquecosta belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Quitacetra belongs to Mapaniidae'
- 'Quitalia belongs to Mapaniidae'
- 'Quyuania belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Raaschella is a subjective synonym of Glaphyraspis'
- 'Raashellina belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Rabienops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Rabuloproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Radiaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Radiolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Radioscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Radiurus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Radnoria belongs to Brachymetopidae'
- 'Rampartaspis is a subjective synonym of Leptoplastides'
- 'Rananasus belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Randaynia belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Randicephalus belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Ranunculoproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Raphioampyx belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Raphiophorus belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Rasettaspis belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Rasettia belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Ratinkaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Rawlinsella belongs to Bolaspididae'
- 'Raymondarges is a subjective synonym of Dicranopeltis'
- 'Raymondarges is a subjective synonym of Dicranopeltis' according to Tripp 1957
- 'Raymondaspis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Raymondella belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Raymondia is a misspelling of Raymondina'
- 'Raymondina belongs to Raymondinidae'
- 'Reacalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Realaspis belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Rectifrontinella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Redlichaspis belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) was reranked as Pteroredlichia and belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Redlichops belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Reedaspis is an objective synonym of Raymondella'
- 'Reediella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Reedocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Reedolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Reedops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Reedus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Regina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Regius belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Rejkocephalus belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Remipyga belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Remizites belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Remopleurella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Remopleurides belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Remopleuridiella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Remopleuridioides is a subjective synonym of Nileus'
- 'Renniella belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Repinaella belongs to Fallotaspididae'
- 'Reraspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Resimopsis belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Resseraspis belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Resseria belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Resserops belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Resseropsis is a nomen nudum'
- 'Retamaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Reticuloharpes is a subjective synonym of Harpes'
- 'Reubenella belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Reuscholithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Reussia is replaced by Reussiana' according to Snajdr 1987
- 'Reussiana belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Rhadinopleura belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Rhaptagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudagnostus'
- 'Rhax is replaced by Rhaxeros'
- 'Rhaxeros belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Rhenogriffides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Rhenops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Rhinophacops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Rhinoreedops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Rhinotarion is a subjective synonym of Harpidella'
- 'Rhinotarion is a subjective synonym of Harpidella'
- 'Rhodotypiscus is a subjective synonym of Doryagnostus'
- 'Rhombampyx belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Rhyssometropus belongs to Rhyssometopidae'
- 'Richardsonella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Richardsonella laciniosa belongs to Richardsonella' according to Shergold 1972
- 'Richardsonella laciniosa is recombined as Mendosina laciniosa' according to Shergold 1975
- 'Richterarges belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Richteraspis belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Richterella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Richterops belongs to Saukiandidae'
- 'Rimouskia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Rinconia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Ritella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Robergia belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Robergiella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Rochaeva is a nomen nudum'
- 'Roksaspis belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Rokycania is a subjective synonym of Illaenopsis'
- 'Rokycanocoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Roncellia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Rondocephalus belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Rongxiella belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Rorringtonia belongs to Rorringtoniidae'
- 'Rosovaspis is an objective synonym of Dolgeuloma'
- 'Rossaspis belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Rowia is a subjective synonym of Parehmania'
- 'Ruichengaspis belongs to Wuaniidae'
- 'Ruichengella is a subjective synonym of Plagiura'
- 'Ruzickaia is a subjective synonym of Conokephalina'
- 'Sacha belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Sachaspis belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Sagavia belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Sagitaspis belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Sagitoides belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Sailycaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Saimachia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Salankanaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Saltaspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Salteria is a subjective synonym of Meneviella'
- 'Salterocoryphe belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Salterolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Ulricholithus is a subjective synonym of Broeggerolithus'
- 'Sambremeusaspis belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Sanaschtykgolia belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Sanbernardaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Sandoveria belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Sangzhiscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Sanidopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Sao belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Saonella belongs to Kingstoniidae'
- 'Sapushania belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Sarassina belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Saratogia belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Sardaspis is a subjective synonym of Blayacina'
- 'Sardoredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Sarkia belongs to Sarkiidae'
- 'Sarkiidae belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Saukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Saukiella belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Saukioides belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Scabrella belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Scabriscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Sceptaspis belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Schaderthalaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Schagonaria belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Schantungia belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Scharyia belongs to Scharyiidae'
- 'Scharyiidae belongs to Proetida'
- 'Schistocephalus belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Schistometopus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Schizophillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Schizophorus is a subjective synonym of Asaphus'
- 'Schizoproetina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Schizoproetoides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Schizoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Schizostylus belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Schmalenseeia belongs to Burlingiidae'
- 'Schoharia belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Schopfaspis belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Schoriecare belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Schoriella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Schyilaspis belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Scinocephalus belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Scintilla belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Scopelochasmops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Scotiella belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Scotoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Scottia is replaced by Ganovexopyge'
- 'Sculptaspis belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Sculptella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Sculptoproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Scutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Sdzuyella belongs to Holocephalinidae'
- 'Sdzuyomia belongs to Nevadiidae'
- 'Sectigena belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Segmentagnostus is a subjective synonym of Corrugatagnostus'
- 'Seisonia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Sekwiaspis belongs to Redlichinidae'
- 'Seleneceme belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Selenoharpes belongs to Harpetidae'
- 'Selenopeltis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Selenopeltoides belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Selenoptychus belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Selenoptychus rotundatus is a subjective synonym of Heterocyclopyge pachycephala' according to Marek 1961
- 'Selenoptychus rotundatus belongs to Selenoptychus' according to Hawle and Corda 1847
- 'Seletella is a subjective synonym of Onchonotellus'
- 'Seletoides belongs to Pagodiidae'
- 'Semadiscus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Semagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Semicyclocephalus belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Semiproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Semisphaerocephalus belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Senticucullus is a subjective synonym of Coronocephalus'
- 'Serksia is a nomen nudum'
- 'Serksioides is a nomen nudum'
- 'Serrania belongs to Bigotinidae'
- 'Sevillia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Shabaella belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Shanghaia belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Shanghaiaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Shantungia is corrected as Shangtungia and belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Shatania belongs to Kueichowiidae'
- 'Shengia belongs to Lisaniidae'
- 'Shenjiawania belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Shergoldia belongs to Tsinaniidae'
- 'Shickshockia belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Shifangia belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Shilengshuia belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Shipaiella belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Shitaia belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Shivelicus belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Shizhudiscus is a subjective synonym of Tsunyidiscus'
- 'Shumardia belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Shumardoella belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Shumardops belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Sibiriopeltis is a nomen nudum'
- 'Sichuanolenus belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Sigmakainella belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Sigmocheilus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Signatops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Simaproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Simulolenus is a subjective synonym of Olenus'
- 'Sinampyxina belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Sinijanella belongs to Dolichometopidae'
- 'Sinobole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Sinocrepicephalus belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Sinocybele belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Sinocyrtoproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Sinocyrtoproetus belongs to Proetidae' according to Yuan and Xiang 1998
- 'Sinoharpes is a subjective synonym of Dubhglasina'
- 'Sinolenus is a subjective synonym of Labradoria'
- 'Sinoparapilekia belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Sinosaukia belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Sinoschistometopus belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Sivovella belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Skelipyx belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Skemmatocare belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Skemmatopyge belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Skljarella belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Skreiaspis belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Skryjagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Slimanella belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Smeathenia is a subjective synonym of Salterolithus'
- 'Sokhretia belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Solenoparia bigranosa is recombined as Trachoparia bigranosa'
- 'Solenopleura belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Solenopleuracea belongs to Ptychopariida' according to G. Geyer and E. Landing 2001
- 'Solenopleurella belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Solenopleuridae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Solenopleurina is an objective synonym of Herse'
- 'Solenopleuropsis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Solontzella belongs to Amgaspididae'
- 'Sombrerella belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Songkania belongs to Aulacopleuridae'
- 'Songtaoia belongs to Hungaiidae'
- 'Songxites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Sonoraspis is a subjective synonym of Glossopleura'
- 'Soomaspis belongs to Nektaspida'
- 'Spathacalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Spatulina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Spencella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Spencia belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Spergenaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Sphaerexochus belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Sphaerexochus hemicranium is recombined as Pseudosphaerexochus hemicranium'
- 'Sphaerocoryphe belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Sphaerometopus is a nomen nudum'
- 'Sphaerophthalmella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Sphaerophthalmus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Spinagnostus is a subjective synonym of Hypagnostus'
- 'Spinibole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Spinibolops belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Spiniscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Spinodontochile is a subjective synonym of Zlichovaspis'
- 'Spinolimbella is a subjective synonym of Weberiphillipsia'
- 'Spinolimbella bella is recombined as Weberiphillipsia bella'
- 'Spinoredlichia is a subjective synonym of Pteroredlichia'
- 'Spirantyx belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Spizharaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Spizharaspis rarus belongs to Spizharaspis' according to Ergaliev 2001
- 'Stapeleyella belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Staurocephalus belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Stauroholcus is a subjective synonym of Spencia'
- 'Stegnopsis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Stelckaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Stella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Stenambon belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Stenoblepharum belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Stenopareia belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Stenopilus belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Stenopilus convexus is recombined as Wanwanoglobus convexus'
- 'Stenorhachis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Stephanocare belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Stephenaspis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Stigmacephaloides belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Stigmacephalus belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Stigmadiscus belongs to Weymouthiidae'
- 'Stigmaspis belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Stigmatoa belongs to Eulomidae'
- 'Stiktocybele belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Strenax (Sematiscus) fletcheri is recombined as Estaingia fletcheri'
- 'Strenax cerastes is recombined as Estaingia cerastes'
- 'Strenuaeva belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Strenuella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Strettonia belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Strictagnostus belongs to Agnostidae'
- 'Strigambitus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Strigigenalis belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Strotactinus belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Strotocephala belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Struszia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Struveaspis belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Struveria belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Stubblefieldia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Stummiana belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Stygina belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Sudanomocarina belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Sukhanaspis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Sulcatagnostus is a subjective synonym of Pseudagnostus'
- 'Sulcocephalus belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Suludella belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Sunaspidella belongs to Sunaspididae'
- 'Sunina is an objective synonym of Anderssonella'
- 'Sunwaptia belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Suriaspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Svalbardites belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Svenax belongs to Peronopsidae'
- 'Sycophantia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Symphysops belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Symphysurina belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Symphysurus belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Synhomalonotus is a subjective synonym of Neseuretus'
- 'Synphoroides belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Syspacephalus is a subjective synonym of Ptychoparella'
- 'Syspacheilus belongs to Marjumiidae'
- 'Szeaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Szechuanaspis is a subjective synonym of Hebediscina'
- 'Szechuanaspis (Zhenbadiscus) belongs to Szechuanaspis' according to Zhang and Zhang 1980
- 'Zhenbadiscus is a subjective synonym of Hebediscina' according to Jell 1997
- 'Szechuanaspis longispinus belongs to Szechuanaspis' according to Qian and Yao 1974
- 'Szechuanaspis longispinus is recombined as Hebediscina longispinus' according to Jell 1997
- 'Szechuanella is replaced by Paraszechuanella'
- 'Szechuanolenus belongs to Estaingiidae'
- 'Tabatopygellina belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Tadakoustia belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Taemasaspis belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Taenicephalina belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Taenicephalites belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Taenicephalus belongs to Parabolinoididae'
- 'Taenora belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Tafnaspis is a subjective synonym of Carolinites'
- 'Tagenarella belongs to Llanoaspididae'
- 'Tagenarella eniseica belongs to Tagenarella' according to Lazarenko 1968
- 'Taidonorus is a nomen nudum'
- 'Taihangshania is replaced by Taihangshaniashania'
- 'Taihangshaniashania belongs to Damesellidae'
- 'Taihungshania belongs to Taihungshaniidae'
- 'Taishania belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Talbotina belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Talbotinella belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Tamaranella belongs to Aphelaspididae'
- 'Tamdaspis belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Tangshanaspis is a subjective synonym of Missisquoia'
- 'Tangyaia is a subjective synonym of Lisogorites'
- 'Tankhella belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Taoyuania belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Tapinocalymene belongs to Calymenidae'
- 'Tarayagnostus is a subjective synonym of Machairagnostus'
- 'Tarayagnostus corrugatus is recombined as Machairagnostus corrugatus'
- 'Tarijactinoides belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Tarimella belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Tarricoia belongs to Nektaspida'
- 'Tarynaspis belongs to Namanoiidae'
- 'Tasagnostus is a subjective synonym of Diplagnostus'
- 'Tasmanaspis belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Tasmanaspis lewisi belongs to Tasmanaspis'
- 'Tasmanocephalus belongs to Missisquoiidae'
- 'Tatonaspis belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Tatulaspis belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Tavsenia belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Tawstockia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Taxioura is a subjective synonym of Ogygopsis'
- 'Taynaella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Taynaella insolita belongs to Taynaella' according to Spasskij 1989
- 'Tazemmourtia is a nomen nudum'
- 'Tchaiaspis belongs to Conocoryphidae'
- 'Tcherkesovia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tcherkesovia prima belongs to Tcherkesovia' according to Spassky 1989
- 'Tchernyshevioides belongs to Hebediscidae'
- 'Tchukeraspis belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Tchuostachia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Teichertops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Telaeomarrolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Telephina belongs to Telephinidae'
- 'Telephus is replaced by Telephina'
- 'Tellerina belongs to Saukiidae'
- 'Temnoura belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Tenuipeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Terataspis belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Termieraspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Termierella belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Terranovella belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Terranovia belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Tersella belongs to Hystricuridae'
- 'Tesselacauda belongs to Pliomeridae'
- 'Tetinia belongs to Warburgellinae' according to Adrain 1997
- 'Tetinia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tetralichas is a subjective synonym of Amphilichas'
- 'Thalabaria belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Thaleops belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Theamataspis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Thebanaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Theodenisia belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Theodensia belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Thigriffides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tholifrons belongs to Diceratocephalidae'
- 'Tholus belongs to Agraulidae'
- 'Thomastus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Thomondia belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Thompsonaspis is a subjective synonym of Parehmania'
- 'Thomsonaspis obscura is recombined as Parehmania obscura'
- 'Thoracocare belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Thoralocolus belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Thulincola belongs to Pharostomatidae'
- 'Thymurus belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Thysanopeltella belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Thysanopeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Thysanopyge belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Tibagya belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Timoraspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tinaspis belongs to Leiostegiidae'
- 'Tingocephalus belongs to Kaolishaniidae'
- 'Tiresias belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Toernquistia belongs to Toernquistiidae'
- 'Toernquistina belongs to Toernquistiidae'
- 'Tolanaspis belongs to Dorypygidae'
- 'Tolbinella belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Toletanaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Tollaspis belongs to Dinesidae'
- 'Tologoja is a subjective synonym of Sinodiscus'
- 'Tolstotchichaspis belongs to Plethopeltidae'
- 'Tomagnostella belongs to Ptychagnostidae'
- 'Tongshania is a subjective synonym of Douposiella'
- 'Tongxinaspis belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Tonkinella belongs to Oryctocephalidae'
- 'Toragnostus is a subjective synonym of Glaberagnostus'
- 'Torridella is a subjective synonym of Nixonella'
- 'Tosotychia is a subjective synonym of Prohedinia'
- 'Tostonia belongs to Eurekiidae'
- 'Townleyella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Toxochasmops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Toxotis belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Trachoparia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Trachycheilus belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Trachylichas is an objective synonym of Dicranopeltis'
- 'Tramoria belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Trapelocera is an objective synonym of Ceratocephala'
- 'Trapezocephalina belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Trautensteinproetus is a subjective synonym of Xiphogonium'
- 'Trautensteinproetus verrucatus is recombined as Xiphogonium verrucatum' according to Vaněk and Valíček 2002
- 'Tretaspis belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Treveropyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Triangulaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Triangulina is a subjective synonym of Triangulaspis'
- 'Triarthrella belongs to Trilobita'
- 'Triarthroides belongs to Isocolidae'
- 'Triarthropsis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Triarthrus belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Tricopelta belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Tricrepicephalidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Tricrepicephalus belongs to Tricrepicephalidae'
- 'Trigonaspis is replaced by Trigonyangaspis'
- 'Trigonaspis hujiaensis is recombined as Trigonyangaspis hujiaensis'
- 'Trigonoaspis is a subjective synonym of Lisogorites'
- 'Trigonocerca belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Trigonocercella belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Trigonyangaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Trilobus belongs to Trilobita' according to Brünnich 1781
- 'Trilobus caudatus belongs to Trilobus' according to Brünnich 1781
- 'Trilobus caudatus is recombined as Dalmanites caudatus' according to Barrande 1852
- 'Trilobus caudatus is recombined as Dalmanites caudatus'
- 'Trilobus dilatatus is recombined as Ogygiocaris dilatatus'
- 'Trimerocephalus belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Trimerolichas belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Trimerus belongs to Homalonotidae'
- 'Trinia belongs to Corynexochidae'
- 'Trinodus belongs to Metagnostidae'
- 'Trinucleoides belongs to Dionididae'
- 'Trinucleus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Triplagnostus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Aristarius is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Trochurus belongs to Lichidae'
- 'Tropicoryphe belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Tropidocare belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tropidocoryphinae was reranked as the family Tropidocoryphidae and belongs to Proetida'
- 'Tropidopyge belongs to Ceratopygidae'
- 'Truncatometopus belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Trymataspis belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Trypaulites belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Tschernyschewiella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Tsinania belongs to Tsinaniidae'
- 'Tsunyilichas is a subjective synonym of Dicranopeltis'
- 'Tuberaspis is a nomen nudum'
- 'Tukalandaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Tukalandaspis egens belongs to Tukalandaspis' according to Lazarenko 1968
- 'Tumicephalus belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Tumidulaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Tungtzuella belongs to Taihungshaniidae'
- 'Tuojiangella belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Turantyx belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Turcopyge belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Turgicephalus belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Tuvanella belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Tympanuella belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Typhloniscus belongs to Calmoniidae'
- 'Typhloproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Typhloproetus (Silesiops) was reranked as Silesiops and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Uktaspis belongs to Jakutidae'
- 'Ullaspis belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Ulrichaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Ulugtella belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Uncaspis belongs to Crepicephalidae'
- 'Unguliproetus belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Unicapeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Uraloscutellum belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Urbanaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Uriarra belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Urjungaspis belongs to Proasaphiscidae'
- 'Uromystrum belongs to Bathyuridae'
- 'Ursinella belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Ushbaspis belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Usovinurus belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Usumunaspis belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Utaspis belongs to Alokistocaridae'
- 'Utia belongs to Utiidae'
- 'Utiidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Uxunella belongs to Pterocephaliidae'
- 'Valdaites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Valenagnostus belongs to Agnostina'
- 'Validaspis belongs to Palaeolenidae'
- 'Valongia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Valtorresia belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Vandergrachtia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Vanuxemella belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Varanella belongs to Raymondinidae'
- 'Variopelta belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Varvia belongs to Nileidae'
- 'Verditerrina belongs to Menomoniidae'
- 'Verkholenella belongs to Asaphiscidae'
- 'Vermontella belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Vernaculina belongs to Cedariidae'
- 'Vicinopeltis is an objective synonym of Vicinoproetus'
- 'Victorispina belongs to Pilekiidae'
- 'Vidria belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Vinicella belongs to Paradoxididae'
- 'Vistoia is a subjective synonym of Vanuxemella'
- 'Vittaella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Vittaella vitta belongs to Vittaella' according to Alberti 1976
- 'Vogdesia belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Volkops belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Volkops volki belongs to Volkops' according to Struve 1959
- 'Volocephalina belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Volonellus belongs to Aldonaiidae'
- 'Wagnerispina belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Waideggula belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Waisfeldaspis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Walcottaspis belongs to Dikelocephalidae'
- 'Wallacia belongs to Encrinuridae'
- 'Walliserops belongs to Acastidae'
- 'Wandelella belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Wangcunia belongs to Papyriaspididae'
- 'Wangzishia belongs to Yunnanocephalidae'
- 'Wanliangtingia is a subjective synonym of Apatokephalops'
- 'Wanshania belongs to Ordosiidae'
- 'Warburgella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Podolites is replaced by Rugulites'
- 'Warburgella (Rugulites) was reranked as Rugulites and belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Waribole belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Weania belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Weberides is a subjective synonym of Paladin'
- 'Weberiphillipsia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Weberopeltis belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Weeksina belongs to Lonchocephalidae'
- 'Weijiaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Welleraspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Wenkchemnia is a subjective synonym of Bathyuriscus'
- 'Wentsuia belongs to Changshaniidae'
- 'Westergaardella belongs to Conokephalinidae'
- 'Westergaardia belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Westergaardites belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Westonaspis belongs to Phylacteridae'
- 'Weyeraspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Whittakerites belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Whittardolithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Whittingtonella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Whittingtonia belongs to Odontopleuridae'
- 'Wilbernia belongs to Idahoiidae'
- 'Wilcoxaspis belongs to Ptychaspididae'
- 'Wilsonarella belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Winiskia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Winterbergia belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Witryides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Wolayella belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Wongia belongs to Avoninidae'
- 'Wuhuia belongs to Dokimocephalidae'
- 'Wujiajiania belongs to Olenidae'
- 'Wutingshania belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Wuxunaspis is a subjective synonym of Xingrenaspis'
- 'Xanionurus is a subjective synonym of Radiaspis'
- 'Xela belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Xenadoche belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Xenasaphus belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Xenoboloides belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Xenocheilos belongs to Norwoodiidae'
- 'Xenocybe belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Xenocyclopyge belongs to Cyclopygidae'
- 'Xenodechenella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Xenodechenella chacomaensis belongs to Xenodechenella'
- 'Xenoredlichia belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Xenostegium belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Xiangqianaspis belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Xiangzhongella belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Xilingxia is a subjective synonym of Binodaspis'
- 'Xingrenaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Xinjiangia belongs to Raphiophoridae'
- 'Xiphogonium belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Xishuiella is a subjective synonym of Drepanuroides' according to W. Zhang et al. 1997
- 'Xishuiella is a subjective synonym of Drepanuroides'
- 'Xiuqiella [misspelled as Xuigiella] belongs to Corynexochida' according to Sepkoski 2002
- 'Xiuqiella belongs to Chengkouiidae'
- 'Xiushuilithus belongs to Trinucleidae'
- 'Xylabion belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Xyoeax belongs to Styginidae'
- 'Xystocrania belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Xystridura belongs to Xystridurinae'
- 'Yabeia belongs to Solenopleuridae'
- 'Yanhaoia [misspelled as Yankaoia] belongs to Pterygometopidae'
- 'Yanshanaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Yanshanaspis yanshanensis belongs to Yanshanaspis' according to Luo and Jiang 1985
- 'Yeshanaspis belongs to Ellipsocephalidae'
- 'Yichangaspis belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Yichangaspis yichangensis belongs to Yichangaspis' according to Xiang and Zhou 1987
- 'Yiliangellina belongs to Gigantopygidae'
- 'Yinganaspis belongs to Shumardiidae'
- 'Yinites belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Yohoaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Yongwolia belongs to Anomocaridae'
- 'Yorkella belongs to Redlichiidae'
- 'Yosimuraspis belongs to Remopleurididae'
- 'Youngia belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Yuehsienszella belongs to Antagmidae'
- 'Yuepingia is a subjective synonym of Haniwoides'
- 'Yuknessaspis belongs to Ptychopariidae'
- 'Yukonaspis belongs to Catillicephalidae'
- 'Yukonia belongs to Yukoniidae'
- 'Yukonides belongs to Yukoniidae'
- 'Yumenaspis belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Yunnanaspidella belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Yunnanaspis belongs to Yinitidae'
- 'Yunnanocephalidae belongs to Ptychopariida'
- 'Yunnanocephalus belongs to Yunnanocephalidae'
- 'Yurakia belongs to Illaenuridae'
- 'Zacanthoides belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Zacanthopsis belongs to Zacanthoididae'
- 'Zacompsus belongs to Alsataspididae'
- 'Zaplaops belongs to Phacopidae'
- 'Zazvorkaspis belongs to Cheiruridae'
- 'Zbirovia belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Zdicella belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Zeliszkella belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Zetaproetus belongs to Tropidocoryphidae'
- 'Zeteagnostus is a subjective synonym of Ptychagnostus'
- 'Zethus rex belongs to Zethus' according to Nieskowski 1857
- 'Zethus rex is recombined as Cybelella rex' according to Reed 1928
- 'Zethus rex is recombined as Atractopyge rex' according to Hennigsmoen 1959
- 'Zetillaenus belongs to Illaenidae'
- 'Zhegangula belongs to Proetidae'
- 'Zhenbaspis belongs to Chengkouiidae'
- 'Zhenganites belongs to Asaphidae'
- 'Zhifangia is a subjective synonym of Pudoproetus'
- 'Zhujia belongs to Tsinaniidae'
- 'Zhuozishania is a subjective synonym of Lioparella'
- 'Zhuxiella is a subjective synonym of Hsuaspis'
- 'Zigzuella is a nomen dubium'
- 'Zlichovaspis belongs to Dalmanitidae'
- 'Zuninaspis belongs to Asaphidae'