Opinions from P. Bouchard et al. 2011
- 'Abacetini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Abax belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Acalyptina belongs to Acalyptini'
- 'Acalyptini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Acalyptus belongs to Acalyptina'
- 'Acanthocerini is replaced by Ceratocanthini'
- 'Acanthocinites is corrected as Acanthocinini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Acanthocinus belongs to Acanthocinini'
- 'Acanthocnemidae belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Acanthoderes belongs to Acanthoderini'
- 'Acanthoderitae is corrected as Acanthoderini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Acanthoscelidini was reranked as the subtribe Acanthoscelidina and belongs to Bruchini'
- 'Acdemonini is corrected as Aedemonini and belongs to Cryptorhynchinae'
- 'Achrysonini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Acicnemidini is a subjective synonym of Trachodini'
- 'Acides is corrected as Akidini and belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Acidocerina belongs to Hydrophilini'
- 'Aciliini belongs to Dytiscinae'
- 'Acilius belongs to Aciliini'
- 'Aclopini belongs to Aclopinae'
- 'Aclopitae is corrected as Aclopinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Acrotrichinae belongs to Ptiliidae'
- 'Acrotrichis belongs to Acrotrichinae'
- 'Acylophorus belongs to Quediina'
- 'Adelini was reranked as the subtribe Adelina and belongs to Diaperini'
- 'Adelocera belongs to Agrypnini'
- 'Adelocerini is replaced by Agrypnini'
- 'Ademosynidae belongs to Permosynoidea'
- 'Adephaga belongs to Coleoptera'
- 'Aderidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Adoretidae is corrected as Adoretini and belongs to Rutelinae'
- 'Adoretina belongs to Adoretini'
- 'Adoretus belongs to Adoretina'
- 'Adoxiini is replaced by Bromiini'
- 'Adrastini is a subjective synonym of Synaptini'
- 'Aegialia belongs to Aegialiinae'
- 'Aegialites was reranked as the subfamily Aegialiinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Agabinae belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Agabus belongs to Agabinae'
- 'Agathidiidae was reranked as the tribe Agathidiini and belongs to Leiodinae'
- 'Agathidium belongs to Agathidiini'
- 'Agelastica belongs to Hylaspini'
- 'Aglycyderidae was reranked as the tribe Aglycyderini and belongs to Oxycoryninae'
- 'Agnathinae belongs to Pyrochroidae'
- 'Agnathus belongs to Agnathinae'
- 'Agonum belongs to Platynini'
- 'Agriotes belongs to Agriotina'
- 'Agriotina belongs to Agriotini'
- 'Agriotini belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Agrypnides is corrected as Agrypninae and belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Agrypnini belongs to Agrypninae'
- 'Agrypnus belongs to Agrypnini'
- 'Agyrtes belongs to Agyrtinae'
- 'Agyrtidae belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Agyrtinae belongs to Agyrtidae'
- 'Alaus belongs to Hemirhipini'
- 'Alcidodini is a subjective synonym of Mecysolobini'
- 'Aleocharidae was reranked as the subfamily Aleocharinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Allandrini is a subjective synonym of Stenocerini'
- 'Alleculini belongs to Alleculinae'
- 'Alleculites was reranked as the subfamily Alleculinae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Allocoryninae was reranked as the subtribe Allocorynina and belongs to Oxycorynini'
- 'Alniphagus belongs to Hylesinini'
- 'Alophinae was reranked as the tribe Alophini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Alophus is a subjective synonym of Graptus'
- 'Alphitobiini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Altica belongs to Alticini'
- 'Amara belongs to Amarina'
- 'Amarina belongs to Zabrini'
- 'Amarygmiidae was reranked as the tribe Amarygmini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Amblycerinae was reranked as the tribe Amblycerini and belongs to Bruchinae'
- 'Amblycheilini belongs to Cicindelinae'
- 'Amblyopininae was reranked as the subtribe Amblyopinina and belongs to Staphylinini'
- 'Ampedidae was reranked as the tribe Ampedini and belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Ampedus belongs to Ampedini'
- 'Amphicoma belongs to Amphicominae'
- 'Amphicomites is corrected as Amphicominae and belongs to Glaphyridae'
- 'Amphicyrta belongs to Amphicyrtinae'
- 'Amphicyrtinae belongs to Byrrhidae'
- 'Amphidorini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Amphizoidae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Anaglyptides is corrected as Anaglyptini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Anaidini was reranked as the subfamily Anaidinae and belongs to Hybosoridae'
- 'Anaspidinae belongs to Scraptiidae'
- 'Anaspidini belongs to Anaspidinae'
- 'Anaspis belongs to Anaspidini'
- 'Anchomenus belongs to Platynini'
- 'Anchonini belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Ancylochira was reranked as Buprestis (Ancylochira) and belongs to Buprestis'
- 'Anisodactylides was reranked as the subtribe Anisodactylina and belongs to Harpalini'
- 'Anisodactylus belongs to Anisodactylina'
- 'Anisotoma belongs to Agathidiini'
- 'Anomala belongs to Anomalina'
- 'Anomalina belongs to Anomalini'
- 'Anomalini belongs to Rutelinae'
- 'Anoplini belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Anoplognathina belongs to Anoplognathini'
- 'Anoplognathini belongs to Rutelinae'
- 'Anoplognathus belongs to Anoplognathina'
- 'Anoplus belongs to Anoplini'
- 'Anthaxia belongs to Anthaxiini'
- 'Anthaxiini belongs to Buprestinae'
- 'Anthicidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Anthicinae belongs to Anthicidae'
- 'Anthicini belongs to Anthicinae'
- 'Anthicus belongs to Anthicini'
- 'Anthonomini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Anthonomus belongs to Anthonomini'
- 'Anthophagini belongs to Omaliinae'
- 'Anthophagus belongs to Anthophagini'
- 'Anthribides is corrected as Anthribidae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Anthribinae belongs to Anthribidae'
- 'Anthribini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Anthribus belongs to Anthribini'
- 'Antliarhininae was reranked as the unranked clade Antliarhinitae and belongs to Apioninae'
- 'Anypotactina is corrected as Anypotactini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Apate belongs to Apatini'
- 'Apateticinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Apatides is corrected as Apatini and belongs to Bostrichinae'
- 'Aphodida is corrected as Aphodiinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Aphodiina belongs to Aphodiini'
- 'Aphodiini belongs to Aphodiinae'
- 'Aphodius belongs to Aphodiina'
- 'Apion belongs to Apionina'
- 'Apionidae was reranked as the subfamily Apioninae and belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Apionina belongs to Apionini'
- 'Apionini belongs to Apionitae'
- 'Apionitae belongs to Apioninae'
- 'Apostasimerini belongs to Baridinae'
- 'Archostemata belongs to Coleoptera'
- 'Arctobyrrhus belongs to Byrrhini'
- 'Arhopalus belongs to Asemini'
- 'Artematopides is corrected as Artematopodidae and belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Artematopoidea is a subjective synonym of Elateroidea'
- 'Arthropterites belongs to Arthropteritina'
- 'Arthropteritina belongs to Paussini'
- 'Arthropterus belongs to Cerapterina'
- 'Ascleraeidae was reranked as the tribe Asclerini and belongs to Oedemerinae'
- 'Asemini belongs to Spondylidinae'
- 'Asidadae was reranked as the tribe Asidini and belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Asiocoleidae belongs to Asiocoleoidea'
- 'Asiocoleoidea belongs to Myxophaga'
- 'Aspidiphoridae is a subjective synonym of Sphindidae'
- 'Aspidiphorus belongs to Sphindinae'
- 'Astynomus belongs to Acanthocinini'
- 'Ataenius belongs to Eupariini'
- 'Aterpini belongs to Cyclominae'
- 'Ateuchina belongs to Ateuchini'
- 'Ateuchini belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Ateuchus belongs to Ateuchina'
- 'Atheta belongs to Athetina'
- 'Athetae is corrected as Athetina and belongs to Athetini'
- 'Athetini belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Athoites is a subjective synonym of Dendrometrina'
- 'Athous belongs to Dendrometrina'
- 'Atomaria belongs to Atomariini'
- 'Atomariinae belongs to Cryptophagidae'
- 'Atomariini belongs to Atomariinae'
- 'Attalus belongs to Malachiini'
- 'Attelabides is corrected as Attelabidae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Attelabina belongs to Attelabini'
- 'Attelabinae belongs to Attelabidae'
- 'Attelabini belongs to Attelabinae'
- 'Attelabus belongs to Attelabina'
- 'Aulacoscelis belongs to Aulacoscelidinae'
- 'Aulacoscelites is corrected as Aulacoscelidinae and belongs to Orsodacnidae'
- 'Auletes belongs to Auletina'
- 'Auletina belongs to Auletini'
- 'Auletini belongs to Rhynchitinae'
- 'Aulobaris belongs to Baridina'
- 'Aulonocnemini was reranked as the subfamily Aulonocneminae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Badister belongs to Licinina'
- 'Bagoinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Bagous belongs to Bagoinae'
- 'Balanina is a subjective synonym of Curculionina'
- 'Balaninus is a subjective synonym of Curculio'
- 'Balginae is a subjective synonym of Thylacosterninae'
- 'Baridina belongs to Baridini'
- 'Baridinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Baridini belongs to Baridinae'
- 'Baris belongs to Baridina'
- 'Batrisina belongs to Batrisini'
- 'Batrisini belongs to Batrisitae'
- 'Batrisitae belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Batrisus belongs to Batrisina'
- 'Belidae belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Belinae belongs to Belidae'
- 'Belini belongs to Belinae'
- 'Belopini belongs to Lagriinae'
- 'Bembidiina belongs to Bembidiini'
- 'Bembidiini belongs to Trechinae'
- 'Bembidion belongs to Bembidiina'
- 'Berosini belongs to Hydrophilinae'
- 'Berosus belongs to Berosini'
- 'Bibloporina belongs to Trichonychini'
- 'Bidessini belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Bidessus belongs to Bidessini'
- 'Bitoma belongs to Synchitini'
- 'Blaps belongs to Blaptina'
- 'Blapsida is corrected as Blaptini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Blapstinus belongs to Opatrina'
- 'Blaptina belongs to Blaptini'
- 'Blediini belongs to Oxytelinae'
- 'Bledius belongs to Blediini'
- 'Bolboceras belongs to Bolboceratini'
- 'Bolboceratinae belongs to Geotrupidae'
- 'Bolboceratini belongs to Bolboceratinae'
- 'Bolitobiini is a subjective synonym of Mycetoporini'
- 'Bolitobius belongs to Mycetoporini'
- 'Bolitocharides was reranked as the subtribe Bolitocharina and belongs to Homalotini'
- 'Bolitophagidae was reranked as the tribe Bolitophagini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Bostrichiformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Bostrichinae belongs to Bostrichidae'
- 'Bostrichini is corrected as Bostrichidae and belongs to Bostrichoidea'
- 'Bostrichini belongs to Bostrichinae'
- 'Bostrichoidea belongs to Bostrichiformia'
- 'Bostrichus belongs to Bostrichini'
- 'Bothrideres belongs to Bothriderinae'
- 'Bothrideridae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Bothriderinae belongs to Bothrideridae'
- 'Brachinii is corrected as Brachininae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Brachinina belongs to Brachinini'
- 'Brachinini belongs to Brachininae'
- 'Brachinus belongs to Brachinina'
- 'Brachycerides is corrected as Brachyceridae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Brachycerinae belongs to Brachyceridae'
- 'Brachycerini belongs to Brachycerinae'
- 'Brachycerus belongs to Brachycerini'
- 'Brachyderes belongs to Brachyderini'
- 'Brachyderinae is a subjective synonym of Entiminae'
- 'Brachyderini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Brachyglutina belongs to Brachyglutini'
- 'Brachyglutini belongs to Goniaceritae'
- 'Brachyrrhinidae is a subjective synonym of Otiorhynchinae'
- 'Brachytarsus belongs to Anthribini'
- 'Bradycellus belongs to Stenolophina'
- 'Brenthides is corrected as Brentidae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Brenthorrhininae belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Brenthorrhinini belongs to Brenthorrhininae'
- 'Brenthorrhinoidini belongs to Brenthorrhininae'
- 'Brentina belongs to Brentini'
- 'Brentinae belongs to Brentidae'
- 'Brentini belongs to Brentinae'
- 'Brentus belongs to Brentina'
- 'Bromiinae was reranked as the tribe Bromiini and belongs to Eumolpinae'
- 'Bromius belongs to Bromiini'
- 'Brontinae belongs to Silvanidae'
- 'Brontites is corrected as Brontini and belongs to Brontinae'
- 'Broscina belongs to Broscini'
- 'Broscinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Broscini belongs to Broscinae'
- 'Bruchela belongs to Urodontinae'
- 'Bruchelae was reranked as the subfamily Bruchinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Bruchidius belongs to Acanthoscelidina'
- 'Bruchina belongs to Bruchini'
- 'Bruchini belongs to Bruchinae'
- 'Bruchus belongs to Bruchina'
- 'Bryaxis belongs to Bythinina'
- 'Buprestides is corrected as Buprestidae and belongs to Buprestoidea'
- 'Buprestina belongs to Buprestini'
- 'Buprestinae belongs to Buprestidae'
- 'Buprestini belongs to Buprestinae'
- 'Buprestis belongs to Buprestina'
- 'Buprestoidea belongs to Elateriformia'
- 'Byrrhii is corrected as Byrrhidae and belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Byrrhinae belongs to Byrrhidae'
- 'Byrrhini belongs to Byrrhinae'
- 'Byrrhoidea belongs to Elateriformia'
- 'Byrrhus belongs to Byrrhini'
- 'Bythinina belongs to Bythinini'
- 'Bythinini belongs to Goniaceritae'
- 'Bythinus belongs to Bythinina'
- 'Calandrini is a subjective synonym of Litosomini'
- 'Calcar is replaced by Centorus'
- 'Calleidina belongs to Lebiini'
- 'Callidiadae was reranked as the tribe Callidiini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Callidium belongs to Callidiini'
- 'Calochromides was reranked as the tribe Calochromini and belongs to Lycinae'
- 'Calopodinae belongs to Oedemeridae'
- 'Calosoma belongs to Carabini'
- 'Calosomini is a subjective synonym of Carabini'
- 'Calyptocerini belongs to Melasinae'
- 'Camarotini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Camelomorphini belongs to Macratriinae'
- 'Campsosternus belongs to Oxynopterinae'
- 'Camptorrhinini is corrected as Camptorhinini and belongs to Cryptorhynchinae'
- 'Cantharidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Cantharidiae is replaced by Cantharidae'
- 'Cantharinae belongs to Cantharidae'
- 'Cantharini belongs to Cantharinae'
- 'Cantharis belongs to Cantharini'
- 'Canthon belongs to Deltochilini'
- 'Capnodis belongs to Dicercina'
- 'Carabici is corrected as Carabidae and belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Carabinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Carabini belongs to Carabinae'
- 'Carabus belongs to Carabini'
- 'Cardiophorites is corrected as Cardiophorinae and belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Cardiophorus belongs to Cardiophorinae'
- 'Caridae belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Carinae belongs to Caridae'
- 'Carpelimus belongs to Oxytelini'
- 'Carphoborus belongs to Polygraphini'
- 'Caryedini was reranked as the subtribe Caryedontina and belongs to Pachymerini'
- 'Casnoniae is a subjective synonym of Odacanthini'
- 'Cassida belongs to Cassidini'
- 'Cassidinae belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Cassidini belongs to Cassidinae'
- 'Catheretidae is corrected as Kateretidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Catiniidae belongs to Schizophoroidea'
- 'Catopinae was reranked as the subtribe Catopina and belongs to Cholevini'
- 'Cebrionidae is replaced by Elateridae'
- 'Centorhynchidae was reranked as the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae and belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Centorus belongs to Belopini'
- 'Centrinus belongs to Zygobaridina'
- 'Cerambicini is corrected as Cerambycinae and belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Cerambicini is corrected as Cerambycidae and belongs to Chrysomeloidea'
- 'Cerambycina belongs to Cerambycini'
- 'Cerambycini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Cerambycoidea is a subjective synonym of Chrysomeloidea'
- 'Cerambyx belongs to Cerambycina'
- 'Cerapterides was reranked as the subtribe Cerapterina and belongs to Paussini'
- 'Ceratapiini was reranked as the subtribe Ceratapiina and belongs to Apionini'
- 'Ceratocanthidae was reranked as the subfamily Ceratocanthinae and belongs to Hybosoridae'
- 'Ceratocanthini belongs to Ceratocanthinae'
- 'Cercus belongs to Kateretidae'
- 'Cercyon belongs to Megasternini'
- 'Cerophytidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Ceruchites belongs to Ceruchitinae'
- 'Ceruchitinae belongs to Lucanidae'
- 'Ceruchus belongs to Syndesinae'
- 'Cerylon belongs to Ceryloninae'
- 'Cerylonides is corrected as Cerylonidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Ceryloninae belongs to Cerylonidae'
- 'Cetonia belongs to Cetoniina'
- 'Cetonida was reranked as the subfamily Cetoniinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Cetoniina belongs to Cetoniini'
- 'Cetoniini belongs to Cetoniinae'
- 'Ceutorhynchini belongs to Ceutorhynchinae'
- 'Ceutorhynchus belongs to Ceutorhynchini'
- 'Chaetarthria belongs to Chaetarthriini'
- 'Chaetarthriini belongs to Hydrophilinae'
- 'Chaetocnema belongs to Alticini'
- 'Chalcophora belongs to Chalcophorina'
- 'Chalcophorina belongs to Chrysochroini'
- 'Chalepini belongs to Cassidinae'
- 'Chalepus belongs to Chalepini'
- 'Charonoscaphinae belongs to Coptoclavidae'
- 'Chauliognathinae belongs to Cantharidae'
- 'Chauliognathini belongs to Chauliognathinae'
- 'Chauliognathus belongs to Chauliognathini'
- 'Chelonariites is corrected as Chelonariidae and belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Chelonarium belongs to Chelonariidae'
- 'Chiasognathidae was reranked as the tribe Chiasognathini and belongs to Lucaninae'
- 'Chilecarinae belongs to Caridae'
- 'Chilecarini belongs to Chilecarinae'
- 'Chilocoriens was reranked as the tribe Chilocorini and belongs to Coccinellinae'
- 'Chilocorus belongs to Chilocorini'
- 'Chlaenides is corrected as Chlaeniini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Chlaeniina belongs to Chlaeniini'
- 'Chlaenius belongs to Chlaeniina'
- 'Choeridium belongs to Ateuchina'
- 'Choleva belongs to Cholevina'
- 'Cholevidae was reranked as the subfamily Cholevinae and belongs to Leiodidae'
- 'Cholevina belongs to Cholevini'
- 'Cholevini belongs to Cholevinae'
- 'Choraginae belongs to Anthribidae'
- 'Choragini belongs to Choraginae'
- 'Choragus belongs to Choragini'
- 'Chrysochroinae belongs to Buprestidae'
- 'Chrysochroini belongs to Chrysochroinae'
- 'Chrysolina belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Chrysomela belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Chrysomelinae is corrected as Chrysomelidae and belongs to Chrysomeloidea'
- 'Chrysomelinae belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Chrysomelini belongs to Chrysomelinae'
- 'Chrysomeloidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Cicindela belongs to Cicindelina'
- 'Cicindeletae was reranked as the subfamily Cicindelinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Cicindelina belongs to Cicindelini'
- 'Cicindelini belongs to Cicindelinae'
- 'Ciinae belongs to Ciidae'
- 'Ciini belongs to Ciinae'
- 'Cionides is corrected as Cionini and belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Circaeidae is a subjective synonym of Aderidae'
- 'Cis belongs to Ciini'
- 'Cisidae is corrected as Ciidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Cistela is a subjective synonym of Cteniopus'
- 'Cisteleniae is replaced by Cteniopodini'
- 'Clambidae belongs to Scirtoidea'
- 'Clambinae belongs to Clambidae'
- 'Clavigerides was reranked as the unranked clade Clavigeritae and belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Clavigerini belongs to Clavigeritae'
- 'Clavigerodini was reranked as the subtribe Clavigerodina and belongs to Clavigerini'
- 'Cleogonidae was reranked as the tribe Cleogonini and belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Cleonini belongs to Lixinae'
- 'Cleonus belongs to Cleonini'
- 'Clerii is corrected as Cleridae and belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Clerinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Cleroidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Clerus belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Clidicini belongs to Mastigitae'
- 'Clidicus belongs to Clidicini'
- 'Clivina belongs to Clivinina'
- 'Clivinina belongs to Clivinini'
- 'Clivinini belongs to Scaritinae'
- 'Clythridae was reranked as the tribe Clytrini and belongs to Cryptocephalinae'
- 'Clytini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Clytra belongs to Clytrini'
- 'Clytus belongs to Clytini'
- 'Cneoglossini was reranked as the family Cneoglossidae and belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Cnodalonini belongs to Stenochiinae'
- 'Coccinella belongs to Coccinellini'
- 'Coccinellidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Coccinellinae belongs to Coccinellidae'
- 'Coccinellini belongs to Coccinellinae'
- 'Coeliodes belongs to Ceutorhynchini'
- 'Coelometopini is a subjective synonym of Cnodalonini'
- 'Coelostoma belongs to Coelostomatini'
- 'Coelostomatini belongs to Sphaeridiinae'
- 'Collops belongs to Malachiini'
- 'Colon belongs to Coloninae'
- 'Coloninae belongs to Leiodidae'
- 'Colotes belongs to Malachiini'
- 'Colydiidae is replaced by Zopheridae'
- 'Colydiinae belongs to Zopheridae'
- 'Colydiini belongs to Colydiinae'
- 'Colydium belongs to Colydiini'
- 'Colymbetes belongs to Colymbetini'
- 'Colymbetinae belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Colymbetini belongs to Colymbetinae'
- 'Coniatus belongs to Hyperini'
- 'Coniontini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Coniontis belongs to Coniontini'
- 'Conjunctiini was reranked as the subfamily Conjunctiinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Conoderus belongs to Oophorini'
- 'Cononotinae is a subjective synonym of Agnathinae'
- 'Copelatinae belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Copelatus belongs to Copelatinae'
- 'Coprides was reranked as the tribe Coprini and belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Copris belongs to Coprini'
- 'Coptoclavidae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Corimalia belongs to Corimaliini'
- 'Corimaliini belongs to Nanophyinae'
- 'Corthylina belongs to Corthylini'
- 'Corthylini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Corticaria belongs to Corticariinae'
- 'Corticariinae belongs to Latridiidae'
- 'Corylophidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Corylophinae belongs to Corylophidae'
- 'Corylophini belongs to Corylophinae'
- 'Corylophus belongs to Corylophini'
- 'Corymbites is a subjective synonym of Ctenicera'
- 'Coryphiina belongs to Coryphiini'
- 'Coryphiini belongs to Omaliinae'
- 'Coryphium belongs to Coryphiina'
- 'Cossonides is corrected as Cossoninae and belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Cossonini belongs to Cossoninae'
- 'Cossonus belongs to Cossonini'
- 'Cratacanthus belongs to Harpalina'
- 'Cratoparini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Cratoparis is a subjective synonym of Euparius'
- 'Cretochodaeini was reranked as the subfamily Cretochodaeinae and belongs to Ochodaeidae'
- 'Cretochodaeus belongs to Cretochodaeinae'
- 'Cretogeotrupes belongs to Cretogeotrupini'
- 'Cretogeotrupini belongs to Geotrupinae'
- 'Cretomelolontha belongs to Cretomelolonthini'
- 'Cretomelolonthini belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Cretoscarabaeinae belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Criocephalus is a subjective synonym of Arhopalus'
- 'Criocerides is corrected as Criocerinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Criocerini belongs to Criocerinae'
- 'Crioceris belongs to Criocerini'
- 'Cryphalini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Cryphalus belongs to Cryphalini'
- 'Cryptobia is corrected as Cryptobiina and belongs to Paederini'
- 'Cryptobium is a subjective synonym of Ochthephilum'
- 'Cryptocardiini belongs to Agrypninae'
- 'Cryptocephalina belongs to Cryptocephalini'
- 'Cryptocephalinae belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Cryptocephalini belongs to Cryptocephalinae'
- 'Cryptocephalus belongs to Cryptocephalina'
- 'Cryptohypnus belongs to Hypnoidini'
- 'Cryptophagidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Cryptophaginae belongs to Cryptophagidae'
- 'Cryptophagini belongs to Cryptophaginae'
- 'Cryptophilini was reranked as the subfamily Cryptophilinae and belongs to Erotylidae'
- 'Cryptorhynchides is corrected as Cryptorhynchinae and belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Cryptorhynchina belongs to Cryptorhynchini'
- 'Cryptorhynchini belongs to Cryptorhynchinae'
- 'Cryptorhynchus belongs to Cryptorhynchina'
- 'Crypturgini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Ctenicera belongs to Prosternini'
- 'Cteniopodini belongs to Alleculinae'
- 'Cteniopus belongs to Cteniopodini'
- 'Ctenistites is corrected as Ctenistini and belongs to Pselaphitae'
- 'Ctenophorini is replaced by Hexacolini'
- 'Cucujiformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Cucujoidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Cupedidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Cupedoidea is an invalid subgroup of Archostemata'
- 'Curculio belongs to Curculionina'
- 'Curculionina belongs to Curculionini'
- 'Curculioninae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Curculionini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Curculionites is corrected as Curculionidae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Curculionoidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Cybister belongs to Cybisterini'
- 'Cybistrini is corrected as Cybisterini and belongs to Dytiscinae'
- 'Cybocephalinae belongs to Nitidulidae'
- 'Cychrini belongs to Carabinae'
- 'Cychrus belongs to Cychrini'
- 'Cyclominae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Cyclomini belongs to Cyclominae'
- 'Cylydrorhinini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Cymatopterus is a subjective synonym of Colymbetes'
- 'Cymindidina belongs to Lebiini'
- 'Cymindis belongs to Cymindidina'
- 'Cyphagoginae was reranked as the tribe Cyphagogini and belongs to Brentinae'
- 'Cyphicerini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Cyphini is a subjective synonym of Naupactini'
- 'Cyphon belongs to Scirtinae'
- 'Cyphoninae is a subjective synonym of Scirtinae'
- 'Cyphus is a subjective synonym of Cyrtomon'
- 'Cyrtomon belongs to Naupactini'
- 'Cyrtoscydmini belongs to Scydmaenitae'
- 'Dacneidae was reranked as the tribe Dacnini and belongs to Erotylinae'
- 'Dapti is a subjective synonym of Harpalina'
- 'Dascillidae belongs to Dascilloidea'
- 'Dascilloidea belongs to Elateriformia'
- 'Dasycerinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Dasytes belongs to Dasytini'
- 'Dasytidae was reranked as the subfamily Dasytinae and belongs to Melyridae'
- 'Dasytini belongs to Dasytinae'
- 'Deleasterini is a subjective synonym of Euphaniini'
- 'Deltochilides is corrected as Deltochilini and belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Deltochilum belongs to Deltochilini'
- 'Dendrometridae was reranked as the subfamily Dendrometrinae and belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Dendrometrina belongs to Dendrometrini'
- 'Dendrometrini belongs to Dendrometrinae'
- 'Denticollinae is a subjective synonym of Dendrometridae'
- 'Denticollini was reranked as the subtribe Denticollina and belongs to Dendrometrini'
- 'Derelomini was reranked as the subtribe Derelomina and belongs to Acalyptini'
- 'Dermestes belongs to Dermestini'
- 'Dermestes mesomelus is recombined as Atomaria mesomelaena'
- 'Dermestidae belongs to Bostrichoidea'
- 'Dermestinae belongs to Dermestidae'
- 'Dermestini belongs to Dermestinae'
- 'Derodontidae belongs to Derodontoidea'
- 'Derodontiformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Derodontoidea belongs to Derodontiformia'
- 'Desmatini belongs to Protagrypninae'
- 'Desmidophorini belongs to Ocladiinae'
- 'Desmidophorus belongs to Desmidophorini'
- 'Desmiphoritae is corrected as Desmiphorini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Diacanthus is a subjective synonym of Selatosomus'
- 'Diaperialae was reranked as the subfamily Diaperinae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Diaperini belongs to Diaperinae'
- 'Dicaelina belongs to Licinini'
- 'Dicaelus belongs to Dicaelina'
- 'Dicerca belongs to Dicercina'
- 'Dicercaeidae was reranked as the tribe Dicercini and belongs to Chrysochroinae'
- 'Dicercina belongs to Dicercini'
- 'Dicheirotrichus belongs to Stenolophina'
- 'Diminae was reranked as the tribe Dimini and belongs to Dendrometrinae'
- 'Dineutini was reranked as the subtribe Dineutina and belongs to Enhydrini'
- 'Dineutus [misspelled as Dineutes] belongs to Dineutina'
- 'Dinoderinae belongs to Bostrichidae'
- 'Dinoderus belongs to Dinoderinae'
- 'Diocalandrini belongs to Rhynchophorinae'
- 'Diplochila is corrected as Diplocheila and belongs to Dicaelina'
- 'Diplotaxidae was reranked as the tribe Diplotaxini and belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Diplotaxis belongs to Diplotaxini'
- 'Dirhagini belongs to Melasinae'
- 'Discolomidae is corrected as Discolomatidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Discotenini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Disonycha belongs to Alticini'
- 'Disteniidae belongs to Chrysomeloidea'
- 'Distenorrhinini was reranked as the subfamily Distenorrhininae and belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Ditylates is corrected as Ditylini and belongs to Oedemerinae'
- 'Ditylus belongs to Ditylini'
- 'Dominibrentini was reranked as the subtribe Dominibrentina and belongs to Cyphagogini'
- 'Donacia belongs to Donaciini'
- 'Donaciadae was reranked as the subfamily Donaciinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Donaciini belongs to Donaciinae'
- 'Dorcadion belongs to Dorcadionini'
- 'Dorcadionini belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Dorcatoma belongs to Dorcatominae'
- 'Dorcatominae belongs to Ptinidae'
- 'Dorcus belongs to Lucanini'
- 'Dorytomini was reranked as the subtribe Dorytomina and belongs to Ellescini'
- 'Dorytomus belongs to Dorytomina'
- 'Dromici is corrected as Dromiusina and belongs to Lebiini'
- 'Dromius belongs to Dromiusina'
- 'Dryobiini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Dryobius belongs to Dryobiini'
- 'Dryocoetes belongs to Dryocoetini'
- 'Dryocoetini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Dryophilidae was reranked as the subfamily Dryophilinae and belongs to Ptinidae'
- 'Dryophilini belongs to Dryophilinae'
- 'Dryophilus belongs to Dryophilini'
- 'Dryophthorides is corrected as Dryophthoridae and belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Dryopides is corrected as Dryopidae and belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Dryops belongs to Dryopidae'
- 'Dryptinae is corrected as Dryptini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Dynastinae belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Dyscharachthini belongs to Eucneminae'
- 'Dyschiriini belongs to Scaritinae'
- 'Dyschirius belongs to Dyschiriini'
- 'Dytiscides is corrected as Dytiscidae and belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Dytiscinae belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Dytiscini belongs to Dytiscinae'
- 'Dytiscoidea is an invalid subgroup of Adephaga'
- 'Dytiscus belongs to Dytiscini'
- 'Eccoptarthrini was reranked as the subfamily Eccoptarthrinae and belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Eccoptothoracina is a subjective synonym of Procurculionina'
- 'Echthrogasterini belongs to Macraulacinae'
- 'Edrotini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Eccoptogaster is a subjective synonym of Scolytus'
- 'Elaphidionitae is corrected as Elaphidiini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Elaphrii is corrected as Elaphrinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Elaphrus belongs to Elaphrinae'
- 'Elater belongs to Elaterini'
- 'Elateridae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Elaterides is corrected as Elaterini and belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Elateriformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Elaterinae belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Elateroidea belongs to Elateriformia'
- 'Electrapatidae was reranked as the tribe Electrapatini and belongs to Schizopodinae'
- 'Electribiinae belongs to Artematopodidae'
- 'Electribius belongs to Electribiinae'
- 'Eledona belongs to Bolitophagini'
- 'Eleodes belongs to Amphidorini'
- 'Ellescini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Elmidae belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Elmina belongs to Elmini'
- 'Elminae belongs to Elmidae'
- 'Elmini belongs to Elminae'
- 'Elmis belongs to Elmina'
- 'Elodes belongs to Scirtinae'
- 'Elodiidae is a subjective synonym of Scirtidae'
- 'Elodophthalmidae belongs to Scirtoidea'
- 'Elophorus is corrected as Helophorus and belongs to Helophorinae'
- 'Empelinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Endomychides is corrected as Endomychidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Engis is a subjective synonym of Dacne'
- 'Enhydrini belongs to Gyrininae'
- 'Enochrus belongs to Acidocerina'
- 'Enopliinae is a subjective synonym of Korynetinae'
- 'Entiminae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Entimini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Entimus belongs to Entimini'
- 'Entomoscelis belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Eobelidae was reranked as the subfamily Eobelinae and belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Eobelina belongs to Eobelini'
- 'Eobelini belongs to Eobelinae'
- 'Eobelus belongs to Eobelina'
- 'Eodromeinae belongs to Trachypachidae'
- 'Eopaussina belongs to Paussini'
- 'Eopaussus belongs to Eopaussina'
- 'Epicaerus belongs to Geonemini'
- 'Epicauta belongs to Epicautini'
- 'Epicautina was reranked as the tribe Epicautini and belongs to Meloinae'
- 'Epiphanini belongs to Melasinae'
- 'Epiphloeinae is a subjective synonym of Korynetinae'
- 'Epuraea belongs to Epuraeini'
- 'Epuraeinae belongs to Nitidulidae'
- 'Epuraeini belongs to Epuraeinae'
- 'Eremazina was reranked as the subfamily Eremazinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Eretes belongs to Eretini'
- 'Eretini belongs to Dytiscinae'
- 'Ergates belongs to Ergatini'
- 'Ergatini belongs to Prioninae'
- 'Erirhinides was reranked as the subfamily Erirhininae and belongs to Brachyceridae'
- 'Erirhinini belongs to Erirhininae'
- 'Erirhinus belongs to Erirhinini'
- 'Ernobiinae belongs to Ptinidae'
- 'Ernobius belongs to Ernobiinae'
- 'Ernoporus belongs to Cryphalini'
- 'Erotilenae is corrected as Erotylidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Erotylinae belongs to Erotylidae'
- 'Euaesthetinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Euaesthetini belongs to Euaesthetinae'
- 'Eubrianacinae belongs to Psephenidae'
- 'Eubrianax belongs to Eubrianacinae'
- 'Euchirinae was reranked as the tribe Euchirini and belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Eucinetoidea is a subjective synonym of Scirtoidea'
- 'Eucnemidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Eucneminae belongs to Eucnemidae'
- 'Eucnemini belongs to Eucneminae'
- 'Eucnemis belongs to Eucnemini'
- 'Euconnus belongs to Cyrtoscydmini'
- 'Eucrada belongs to Eucradini'
- 'Eucradinae belongs to Ptinidae'
- 'Eucradini belongs to Eucradinae'
- 'Eudiagogini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Eudiagogus belongs to Eudiagogini'
- 'Eugnamptina belongs to Rhynchitini'
- 'Eugnamptus belongs to Eugnamptina'
- 'Eugnomides is corrected as Eugnomini and belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Eulabini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Eulabis belongs to Eulabini'
- 'Eumicrini is a subjective synonym of Scydmaenini'
- 'Eumolpidae belongs to Coleoptera' according to Hope 1840
- 'Eumolpidae was reranked as the subfamily Eumolpinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Eunectes is replaced by Eretes'
- 'Eupariini belongs to Aphodiinae'
- 'Euparius belongs to Cratoparini'
- 'Euphaniini belongs to Oxytelinae'
- 'Euplectini belongs to Euplectitae'
- 'Euplectitae belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Euplectus belongs to Euplectini'
- 'Eurhynchinae belongs to Brentidae'
- 'Eurhynchini belongs to Eurhynchinae'
- 'Euryderus belongs to Harpalina'
- 'Eurygeniinae belongs to Anthicidae'
- 'Eurygeniini belongs to Eurygeniinae'
- 'Eurygenius belongs to Eurygeniini'
- 'Eurymetoponini is a subjective synonym of Edrotini'
- 'Eurypinae belongs to Mycteridae'
- 'Euryptychini belongs to Macraulacinae'
- 'Eurytrichi is a subjective synonym of Anisodactylina'
- 'Euscelina belongs to Attelabini'
- 'Eustrophidae was reranked as the subfamily Eustrophinae and belongs to Tetratomidae'
- 'Evotini is a subjective synonym of Phyllobiini'
- 'Faronini is an invalid subgroup of Faronitae'
- 'Faronitae belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Faronus belongs to Faronitae'
- 'Feronia is a subjective synonym of Poecilus'
- 'Feroniens is a subjective synonym of Pterostichina'
- 'Figulidae is a subjective synonym of Lucanini'
- 'Fornax belongs to Macraulacini'
- 'Galerita belongs to Galeritina'
- 'Galeritina belongs to Galeritini'
- 'Galeritini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Galeruca belongs to Galerucini'
- 'Galerucae is corrected as Galerucinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Galerucini belongs to Galerucinae'
- 'Gastrophysa belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Gehringia belongs to Gehringiina'
- 'Gehringiina belongs to Gehringiini'
- 'Gehringiinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Gehringiini belongs to Gehringiinae'
- 'Geonemidae was reranked as the tribe Geonemini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Georissus belongs to Georissinae'
- 'Georyssidae was reranked as the subfamily Georissinae and belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Geotrupes belongs to Geotrupini'
- 'Geotrupinae belongs to Geotrupidae'
- 'Geotrupini belongs to Geotrupinae'
- 'Geotrupini is corrected as Geotrupidae and belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Glaphyridae belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Glaphyrinae belongs to Glaphyridae'
- 'Glaphyroptera belongs to Glaphyropteridae'
- 'Glaphyropteridae is an invalid subgroup of Buprestinae'
- 'Glaphyrus belongs to Glaphyrinae'
- 'Glaresini was reranked as the family Glaresidae and belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Glaucytini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Glypholomatinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Gnathidiini belongs to Diaperinae'
- 'Gnathotrichus belongs to Corthylina'
- 'Goniacerini belongs to Goniaceritae'
- 'Goniaceritae belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Goniastini is replaced by Goniacerini'
- 'Gonioctena belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Gonodera belongs to Gonoderina'
- 'Gonoderina belongs to Alleculini'
- 'Gonophora belongs to Gonophorini'
- 'Gonophorites is corrected as Gonophorini and belongs to Cassidinae'
- 'Graphoderus belongs to Aciliini'
- 'Graptus belongs to Alophini'
- 'Gymnetron belongs to Mecinini'
- 'Gymnopleurini belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Gymnopleurus belongs to Gymnopleurini'
- 'Gyrinidae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Gyrininae belongs to Gyrinidae'
- 'Gyrinini belongs to Gyrininae'
- 'Gyrophaena belongs to Gyrophaenina'
- 'Gyrophaenina belongs to Homalotini'
- 'Habrocerinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Haemoniini belongs to Donaciinae'
- 'Haliplides is corrected as Haliplidae and belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Hallomenidae was reranked as the subfamily Hallomeninae and belongs to Tetratomidae'
- 'Halticinae was reranked as the tribe Alticini and belongs to Galerucinae'
- 'Halyziini is a subjective synonym of Coccinellini'
- 'Hapsomelinae was reranked as the unranked clade Hapsomelitae and belongs to Scydmaeninae'
- 'Harpalii is corrected as Harpalinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Harpalina belongs to Harpalini'
- 'Harpalini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Harpalus belongs to Harpalina'
- 'Haruspex belongs to Haruspicina'
- 'Haruspicina belongs to Piezocerini'
- 'Hedobiini belongs to Eucradinae'
- 'Helluomorpha belongs to Omphrina'
- 'Helluonini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Helodinae is a subjective synonym of Scirtinae'
- 'Helophorida was reranked as the subfamily Helophorinae and belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Helopii was reranked as the tribe Helopini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Helopina belongs to Helopini'
- 'Helops belongs to Helopina'
- 'Hemicrepidiini was reranked as the subtribe Hemicrepidiina and belongs to Dendrometrini'
- 'Hemicrepidius belongs to Hemicrepidiina'
- 'Hemilophini belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Hemirhipides is corrected as Hemirhipini and belongs to Agrypninae'
- 'Hemirhipidiini was reranked as the subfamily Hemirhipidiinae and belongs to Ripiphoridae'
- 'Heptaulacus belongs to Aphodiina'
- 'Hesperophanaires is corrected as Hesperophanini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Hesperophanina belongs to Hesperophanini'
- 'Hesthesini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Hesthesis belongs to Hesthesini'
- 'Heteroceridae belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Heterocerinae belongs to Heteroceridae'
- 'Heterocerini belongs to Heterocerinae'
- 'Heterocerus belongs to Heterocerini'
- 'Heteromorphidae belongs to Coleoptera' according to Hope 1838
- 'Heteromorphidae was reranked as the tribe Pseudomorphini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Heterothops belongs to Amblyopinina'
- 'Hexacolidae was reranked as the tribe Hexacolini and belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Hippodamia belongs to Coccinellini'
- 'Hipporhinini belongs to Cyclominae'
- 'Hipporhinus belongs to Hipporhinini'
- 'Hispa belongs to Hispini'
- 'Hispinae is a subjective synonym of Cassidinae'
- 'Hispini belongs to Cassidinae'
- 'Hister belongs to Histerini'
- 'Histeridae belongs to Hydrophiloidea'
- 'Histerinae belongs to Histeridae'
- 'Histerini belongs to Histerinae'
- 'Histeroidea is a subjective synonym of Hydrophiloidea'
- 'Holcorobeini belongs to Aclopinae'
- 'Homalota belongs to Homalotina'
- 'Homalotina belongs to Homalotini'
- 'Homalotini belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Hoplia belongs to Hopliina'
- 'Hopliina belongs to Hopliini'
- 'Hopliinae was reranked as the tribe Hopliini and belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Hormisci is a subjective synonym of Zygaenodini'
- 'Hormorini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Hormorus belongs to Hormorini'
- 'Hybosoridae belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Hybosorinae belongs to Hybosoridae'
- 'Hybosorus belongs to Hybosorinae'
- 'Hydaticini belongs to Dytiscinae'
- 'Hydaticus belongs to Hydaticini'
- 'Hydnobius belongs to Sogdini'
- 'Hydnocera is a subjective synonym of Phyllobaenus'
- 'Hydnocerini belongs to Hydnocerinae'
- 'Hydnoceroides is corrected as Hydnocerinae and belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Hydraenidae belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Hydraeninae belongs to Hydraenidae'
- 'Hydrobius belongs to Hydrobiusina'
- 'Hydrobiusina belongs to Hydrophilini'
- 'Hydrocanthini is a subjective synonym of Noterini'
- 'Hydrocanthus belongs to Noterini'
- 'Hydrochinae belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Hydrochus belongs to Hydrochinae'
- 'Hydrophilidae belongs to Hydrophiloidea'
- 'Hydrophilii is corrected as Hydrophilinae and belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Hydrophilina belongs to Hydrophilini'
- 'Hydrophilini belongs to Hydrophilinae'
- 'Hydrophiloidea belongs to Staphyliniformia'
- 'Hydrophilus belongs to Hydrophilina'
- 'Hydroporides was reranked as the subfamily Hydroporinae and belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Hydroporini belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Hydroporus belongs to Hydroporini'
- 'Hydroscaphidae belongs to Sphaeriusoidea'
- 'Hygrobia belongs to Hygrobiidae'
- 'Hygrobiidae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Hygronoma belongs to Hygronomina'
- 'Hygronomina belongs to Hygronomini'
- 'Hygronomini belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Hygrotini belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Hygrotus belongs to Hygrotini'
- 'Hylaspites is corrected as Hylaspini and belongs to Galerucinae'
- 'Hylastes belongs to Hylastini'
- 'Hylastini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Hylecoetinae belongs to Lymexylidae'
- 'Hylecoetus belongs to Hylecoetinae'
- 'Hylesinini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Hylesinus belongs to Hylesinini'
- 'Hylobiidae was reranked as the tribe Hylobiini and belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Hylobiina belongs to Hylobiini'
- 'Hylobius belongs to Hylobiina'
- 'Hylurgidae was reranked as the tribe Hylurgini and belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Hylurgops belongs to Hylastini'
- 'Hylurgus belongs to Hylurgini'
- 'Hypera belongs to Hyperini'
- 'Hyperinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Hyperini belongs to Hyperinae'
- 'Hyphydriidae was reranked as the tribe Hyphydrini and belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Hyphydrus belongs to Hyphydrini'
- 'Hypnoidini belongs to Dendrometrinae'
- 'Hypnoidus belongs to Hypnoidini'
- 'Hypnomorphini belongs to Protagrypninae'
- 'Hypocyphtini belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Hypophlaeides is corrected as Hypophlaeini and belongs to Diaperinae'
- 'Ilybius belongs to Agabinae'
- 'Ipini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Ips is replaced by Cryptophagini'
- 'Ips belongs to Ipini'
- 'Iresina is corrected as Iresiina and belongs to Cicindelini'
- 'Iridotaenia belongs to Chalcophorina'
- 'Ischaliinae belongs to Scraptiidae'
- 'Isotheina belongs to Isotheini'
- 'Isotheinae belongs to Attelabidae'
- 'Isotheini belongs to Isotheinae'
- 'Ithyceridae is a subjective synonym of Brentidae'
- 'Jacobsoniidae belongs to Derodontoidea'
- 'Julodinae belongs to Buprestidae'
- 'Julodis belongs to Julodinae'
- 'Jurodidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Kalcapiini was reranked as the subtribe Kalcapiina and belongs to Apionini'
- 'Kaltanocoleidae is a subjective synonym of Permocupedidae'
- 'Kararhynchinae belongs to Obrieniidae'
- 'Kararhynchini belongs to Kararhynchinae'
- 'Kararhynchus belongs to Kararhynchini'
- 'Karataucarini belongs to Eobelinae'
- 'Kateretes belongs to Kateretidae'
- 'Kenderlyka belongs to Kenderlykaini'
- 'Kenderlykaini belongs to Kararhynchinae'
- 'Korynetinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Kryptophagus is corrected as Cryptophagus and belongs to Cryptophagini'
- 'Labradorocoleidae belongs to Tshekardocoleoidea'
- 'Lacconotinae is a subjective synonym of Eurypinae'
- 'Laccophilidae was reranked as the subfamily Laccophilinae and belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Laccophilini belongs to Laccophilinae'
- 'Laccophilus belongs to Laccophilini'
- 'Lacon belongs to Agrypnini'
- 'Laemophloeidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Laemophloeus belongs to Laemophloeidae'
- 'Laenini belongs to Lagriinae'
- 'Lagriidae was reranked as the subfamily Lagriinae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Lagriini belongs to Lagriinae'
- 'Lamia belongs to Lamiini'
- 'Lamiinae belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Lamiini belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Lampyridae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Lampyrinae belongs to Lampyridae'
- 'Lampyrini belongs to Lampyrinae'
- 'Lampyris belongs to Lampyrini'
- 'Languriidae was reranked as the subfamily Languriinae and belongs to Erotylidae'
- 'Laricobiinae belongs to Derodontidae'
- 'Laricobius belongs to Laricobiinae'
- 'Larinus belongs to Lixini'
- 'Lathrobiina belongs to Paederini'
- 'Lathrobium belongs to Lathrobiina'
- 'Latridiidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Latridiinae belongs to Latridiidae'
- 'Latridius belongs to Latridiinae'
- 'Lebia belongs to Lebiina'
- 'Lebiina belongs to Lebiini'
- 'Lebiotae is corrected as Lebiini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Leichenini was reranked as the subtribe Leichenina and belongs to Pedinini'
- 'Leiodes belongs to Leiodini'
- 'Leiodesidae is corrected as Leiodidae and belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Leiodinae belongs to Leiodidae'
- 'Leiodini belongs to Leiodinae'
- 'Leiosomatina belongs to Molytini'
- 'Lema belongs to Lemini'
- 'Lemidia belongs to Lemidiini'
- 'Lemidiini belongs to Hydnocerinae'
- 'Lemini belongs to Criocerinae'
- 'Lepiceridae belongs to Lepiceroidea'
- 'Lepiceroidea belongs to Myxophaga'
- 'Lepitrix belongs to Pachycnemina'
- 'Leptolycini belongs to Lycinae'
- 'Leptopodocoleinae is a subjective synonym of Eodromeinae'
- 'Leptotyphlinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Leptura belongs to Lepturini'
- 'Lepturinae belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Lepturini belongs to Lepturinae'
- 'Lepyridae was reranked as the tribe Lepyrini and belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Lepyrus belongs to Lepyrini'
- 'Liadytidae belongs to Hydrophiloidea'
- 'Liaoximordellidae is a subjective synonym of Mordellidae'
- 'Licinii is corrected as Licinini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Licinina belongs to Licinini'
- 'Licininae is a subjective synonym of Harpalinae'
- 'Limnebiidae was reranked as the tribe Limnebiini and belongs to Hydraeninae'
- 'Limnebius belongs to Limnebiini'
- 'Limnichidae belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Limnichinae belongs to Limnichidae'
- 'Limnichini belongs to Limnichinae'
- 'Limnichus belongs to Limnichini'
- 'Limnius belongs to Elmina'
- 'Limnobaris belongs to Zygobaridina'
- 'Limonius belongs to Dendrometrina'
- 'Lina is a subjective synonym of Chrysomela'
- 'Lioon belongs to Simplocariini'
- 'Lispini is corrected as Lispinina and belongs to Thoracophorini'
- 'Lispinus belongs to Lispinina'
- 'Lissominae belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Listroderina was reranked as the tribe Listroderini and belongs to Cyclominae'
- 'Lithochares is corrected as Lithocharina and belongs to Paederini'
- 'Lithocharis belongs to Lithocharina'
- 'Lithocupedini belongs to Ommatinae'
- 'Lithoscarabaeinae belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Litosomini belongs to Rhynchophorinae'
- 'Lixinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Lixini belongs to Lixinae'
- 'Lixus belongs to Lixini'
- 'Lomapteridae is corrected as Lomapterina and belongs to Schizorhinini'
- 'Loricera belongs to Loricerinae'
- 'Loricerides is corrected as Loricerinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Loxandrus belongs to Abacetini'
- 'Lucanides is corrected as Lucanidae and belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Lucaninae belongs to Lucanidae'
- 'Lucanini belongs to Lucaninae'
- 'Lucanus belongs to Lucanini'
- 'Lucidota belongs to Lucidotina'
- 'Lucidotina belongs to Lucidotini'
- 'Lucidotini belongs to Lampyrinae'
- 'Luciola belongs to Luciolini'
- 'Luciolinae belongs to Lampyridae'
- 'Luciolini belongs to Luciolinae'
- 'Ludius is a subjective synonym of Elater'
- 'Luperiidae was reranked as the tribe Luperini and belongs to Galerucinae'
- 'Lupropsini is corrected as Lupropini and belongs to Lagriinae'
- 'Lycinae belongs to Lycidae'
- 'Lyctides is corrected as Lyctinae and belongs to Bostrichidae'
- 'Lyctini belongs to Lyctinae'
- 'Lyctus belongs to Lyctini'
- 'Lycusidae is corrected as Lycidae and belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Lymexylinae belongs to Lymexylidae'
- 'Lymexyloidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Lymexylon belongs to Lymexylinae'
- 'Lymoxylonidae is corrected as Lymexylidae and belongs to Lymexyloidea'
- 'Lytta belongs to Lyttini'
- 'Lyttini belongs to Meloinae'
- 'Macratriinae belongs to Anthicidae'
- 'Macratriini belongs to Macratriinae'
- 'Macraulacinae belongs to Eucnemidae'
- 'Macraulacini belongs to Macraulacinae'
- 'Macrodactylidae was reranked as the tribe Macrodactylini and belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Macrodactylus belongs to Macrodactylini'
- 'Macrolinini belongs to Passalinae'
- 'Macrolinus belongs to Macrolinini'
- 'Macronota belongs to Lomapterina'
- 'Macronychidae was reranked as the tribe Macronychini and belongs to Elminae'
- 'Macronychus belongs to Macronychini'
- 'Macroplea belongs to Haemoniini'
- 'Macrosiagonini belongs to Ripiphorinae'
- 'Magdalinae was reranked as the tribe Magdalidini and belongs to Mesoptiliinae'
- 'Magdalinus is a subjective synonym of Magdalis'
- 'Magdalis belongs to Magdalidini'
- 'Magnocoleidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Malachiini belongs to Malachiinae'
- 'Malachius belongs to Malachiini'
- 'Malachiusidae was reranked as the subfamily Malachiinae and belongs to Melyridae'
- 'Malthininae belongs to Cantharidae'
- 'Malthinini belongs to Malthininae'
- 'Malthodes belongs to Malthodini'
- 'Malthodinae was reranked as the tribe Malthodini and belongs to Malthininae'
- 'Mastigoidae was reranked as the unranked clade Mastigitae and belongs to Scydmaeninae'
- 'Mecinidae was reranked as the tribe Mecinini and belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Mecinus belongs to Mecinini'
- 'Mecopelminae was reranked as the tribe Mecopelmini and belongs to Platypodinae'
- 'Mecysolobini belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Medon belongs to Medonina'
- 'Medones is corrected as Medonina and belongs to Paederini'
- 'Megacephalini belongs to Cicindelinae'
- 'Megalopsidiinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Megapenthes belongs to Megapenthini'
- 'Megapenthini belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Megasternini belongs to Sphaeridiinae'
- 'Megasternum belongs to Megasternini'
- 'Melandryinae belongs to Melandryidae'
- 'Melanimon belongs to Melanimonini'
- 'Melanimonini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Melanophilini belongs to Buprestinae'
- 'Melanotites is corrected as Melanotini and belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Melanotus belongs to Melanotini'
- 'Melasidae was reranked as the subfamily Melasinae and belongs to Eucnemidae'
- 'Meligethes belongs to Meligethinae'
- 'Meligethinae belongs to Nitidulidae'
- 'Melittomma belongs to Melittommatinae'
- 'Melittommatinae belongs to Lymexylidae'
- 'Meloe belongs to Meloini'
- 'Meloidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Meloinae belongs to Meloidae'
- 'Meloini belongs to Meloinae'
- 'Melolontha belongs to Melolonthina'
- 'Melolonthidae was reranked as the subfamily Melolonthinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Melolonthina belongs to Melolonthini'
- 'Melolonthini belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Melyandrida is corrected as Melandryidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Melyrides is corrected as Melyridae and belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Meroscelisitae is corrected as Meroscelisini and belongs to Prioninae'
- 'Mesocupedini was reranked as the subfamily Mesocupedinae and belongs to Cupedidae'
- 'Mesogenini belongs to Eucneminae'
- 'Mesomphalia belongs to Mesomphaliini'
- 'Mesomphalidae was reranked as the tribe Mesomphaliini and belongs to Cassidinae'
- 'Mesophyletinae is a subjective synonym of Eccoptarthrinae'
- 'Mesoptiliinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Mesosa belongs to Mesosini'
- 'Mesosaires is corrected as Mesosini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Methles belongs to Methlini'
- 'Methlidae was reranked as the tribe Methlini and belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Metoecus belongs to Macrosiagonini'
- 'Metopiini is corrected as Metopiasini and belongs to Euplectitae'
- 'Micholaeminae is a subjective synonym of Pelecotominae'
- 'Micracinini is corrected as Micracidini and belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Micralymma belongs to Omaliini'
- 'Micromalthidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Micropeplida was reranked as the subfamily Micropeplinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Micropeplida was reranked as the subfamily Micropeplinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Micropeplus belongs to Micropeplinae'
- 'Microrhagus belongs to Dirhagini'
- 'Microsilphinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Microsporidae is a subjective synonym of Sphaeriusidae'
- 'Microzoum is a subjective synonym of Melanimon'
- 'Migadopina belongs to Migadopini'
- 'Migadopinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Migadopini belongs to Migadopinae'
- 'Migadops belongs to Migadopina'
- 'Molorchidae was reranked as the tribe Molorchini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Molorchus belongs to Molorchini'
- 'Molurini was reranked as the subtribe Molurina and belongs to Sepidiini'
- 'Molytina belongs to Molytini'
- 'Molytinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Molytini belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Monocrepidius is a subjective synonym of Conoderus'
- 'Monomma belongs to Monommatini'
- 'Monommites is corrected as Monommatini and belongs to Zopherinae'
- 'Monotominae belongs to Monotomidae'
- 'Monotomites is corrected as Monotomidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Mordella belongs to Mordellini'
- 'Mordellinae belongs to Mordellidae'
- 'Mordellini belongs to Mordellinae'
- 'Mordellistena belongs to Mordellistenini'
- 'Mordellistenini belongs to Mordellinae'
- 'Mordellonae is corrected as Mordellidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Morychini belongs to Byrrhinae'
- 'Morychus belongs to Morychini'
- 'Myas belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Mycetophagides is corrected as Mycetophagidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Mycetophaginae belongs to Mycetophagidae'
- 'Mycetophagini belongs to Mycetophaginae'
- 'Mycetophagus belongs to Mycetophagini'
- 'Mycetoporini belongs to Tachyporinae'
- 'Mycetoporus belongs to Mycetoporini'
- 'Mycteridae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Mycterinae belongs to Mycteridae'
- 'Mycterus belongs to Mycterinae'
- 'Mylabriens is corrected as Mylabrini and belongs to Meloinae'
- 'Mylabris belongs to Mylabrini'
- 'Myllocerina belongs to Cyphicerini'
- 'Myodites is a subjective synonym of Ripiphorus'
- 'Myxophaga belongs to Coleoptera'
- 'Nanophydinae was reranked as the tribe Nanophydini and belongs to Eobelinae'
- 'Nanophyeidae was reranked as the subfamily Nanophyinae and belongs to Brentidae'
- 'Nanophyes belongs to Nanophyini'
- 'Nanophyini belongs to Nanophyinae'
- 'Naupactidae was reranked as the tribe Naupactini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Naupactus belongs to Naupactini'
- 'Nebrenthorrhinini belongs to Paleocartinae'
- 'Nebria belongs to Nebriini'
- 'Nebriinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Nebriini belongs to Nebriinae'
- 'Necronectinae belongs to Coptoclavidae'
- 'Necrophoridae was reranked as the subfamily Nicrophorinae and belongs to Silphidae'
- 'Necydalinae belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Negastriinae belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Negastriini belongs to Negastriinae'
- 'Negastrius belongs to Negastriini'
- 'Nemognatha belongs to Nemognathina'
- 'Nemognathina belongs to Nemognathini'
- 'Nemognathini belongs to Nemognathinae'
- 'Nemognathites is corrected as Nemognathinae and belongs to Meloidae'
- 'Nemonychidae belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Neophoninae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Nganasania belongs to Atomariini'
- 'Nicobiini is an invalid subgroup of Anobiinae'
- 'Nicobium belongs to Anobiinae'
- 'Nicrophorus belongs to Nicrophorinae'
- 'Nilionidae was reranked as the subfamily Nilioninae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Nitidula belongs to Nitidulini'
- 'Nitidulariae is corrected as Nitidulidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Nitidulinae belongs to Nitidulidae'
- 'Nitidulini belongs to Nitidulinae'
- 'Nordenskioeldiini is corrected as Nordenskioldiini and belongs to Euaesthetinae'
- 'Nosodendridae belongs to Derodontoidea'
- 'Nosodendron belongs to Nosodendridae'
- 'Nosodermini is a subjective synonym of Zopherini'
- 'Notapionini belongs to Rhadinocybitae'
- 'Notarini is a subjective synonym of Erirhinini'
- 'Notaris belongs to Erirhinini'
- 'Noteridae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Noterinae belongs to Noteridae'
- 'Noterini belongs to Noterinae'
- 'Noterus belongs to Noterini'
- 'Nothiophilus is corrected as Notiophilus and belongs to Notiophilini'
- 'Notiophilini belongs to Nebriinae'
- 'Notocupedinae is a subjective synonym of Ommatinae'
- 'Notocupedini belongs to Ommatinae'
- 'Nyctoporini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Nyctoporis belongs to Nyctoporini'
- 'Oberea belongs to Obereini'
- 'Obereitae is corrected as Obereini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Oborocoleidae belongs to Tshekardocoleoidea'
- 'Obrienia belongs to Obrieniinae'
- 'Obrieniidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Obrieniinae belongs to Obrieniidae'
- 'Ochodaeidae belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Ochodaeinae belongs to Ochodaeidae'
- 'Ochthebiina belongs to Ochthebiini'
- 'Ochthebiinae belongs to Hydraenidae'
- 'Ochthebiini belongs to Ochthebiinae'
- 'Ochthebius belongs to Ochthebiina'
- 'Ochthephilum belongs to Cryptobiina'
- 'Ocladiinae belongs to Brachyceridae'
- 'Ocypus belongs to Staphylinina'
- 'Odacanthini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Oedemera belongs to Oedemerini'
- 'Oedemeridae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Oedemerinae belongs to Oedemeridae'
- 'Oedemerini belongs to Oedemerinae'
- 'Oedionychini is a subjective synonym of Alticini'
- 'Olibrus belongs to Phalacrinae'
- 'Olisthaerinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Omaliinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Omaliini belongs to Omaliinae'
- 'Omalium belongs to Omaliini'
- 'Omethidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Ommatidae belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Ommatinae belongs to Ommatidae'
- 'Ommatini belongs to Ommatinae'
- 'Omophlini is a subjective synonym of Cteniopodini'
- 'Omophronii is corrected as Omophroninae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Omphrina belongs to Helluonini'
- 'Omus belongs to Amblycheilini'
- 'Oniticellina belongs to Oniticellini'
- 'Oniticellini belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Oniticellus belongs to Oniticellina'
- 'Onitides is corrected as Onitini and belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Onitis belongs to Onitini'
- 'Onthophagidae is corrected as Onthophagini and belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Onthophagus belongs to Onthophagini'
- 'Onthophilinae belongs to Histeridae'
- 'Onthophilus belongs to Onthophilinae'
- 'Onycholipini belongs to Cossoninae'
- 'Oodini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Oophoridae was reranked as the tribe Oophorini and belongs to Agrypninae'
- 'Opatrina belongs to Opatrini'
- 'Opatrites is corrected as Opatrini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Opatrum belongs to Opatrina'
- 'Ophryastes belongs to Ophryastini'
- 'Ophryastini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Opisthiini belongs to Nebriinae'
- 'Opisthius belongs to Opisthiini'
- 'Opsimini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Orchesiini belongs to Melandryinae'
- 'Orchestes belongs to Rhamphina'
- 'Oreina belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Ormiscus belongs to Zygaenodini'
- 'Orobitidinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Orobitis belongs to Orobitidinae'
- 'Orodotini belongs to Macraulacinae'
- 'Orophiina is corrected as Orophiini and belongs to Ciinae'
- 'Orthocerites is corrected as Orthocerini and belongs to Colydiinae'
- 'Orthocerus belongs to Orthocerini'
- 'Orthognathinae belongs to Dryophthoridae'
- 'Orthognathini belongs to Orthognathinae'
- 'Orthoperites was reranked as the tribe Orthoperini and belongs to Corylophinae'
- 'Orthoperus belongs to Orthoperini'
- 'Oryctes belongs to Oryctini'
- 'Oryctini belongs to Dynastinae'
- 'Osoriinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Ostomatidae is a subjective synonym of Trogossitidae'
- 'Othniidae was reranked as the subfamily Othniinae and belongs to Salpingidae'
- 'Otiorhynchidae was reranked as the tribe Otiorhynchini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Otiorhynchus belongs to Otiorhynchini'
- 'Ototretinae belongs to Cantharidae'
- 'Oxycheilini is a subjective synonym of Megacephalini'
- 'Oxycorynides was reranked as the subfamily Oxycoryninae and belongs to Belidae'
- 'Oxycorynoidinae was reranked as the tribe Oxycorynoidini and belongs to Eobelinae'
- 'Oxynopterides is corrected as Oxynopterinae and belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Oxypodini belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Oxyporidae was reranked as the subfamily Oxyporinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Oxyporus belongs to Oxyporinae'
- 'Oxytelidae was reranked as the subfamily Oxytelinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Oxytelini belongs to Oxytelinae'
- 'Oxytelus belongs to Oxytelini'
- 'Ozaenidae is a subjective synonym of Paussinae'
- 'Ozaeninae was reranked as the tribe Ozaenini and belongs to Paussinae'
- 'Pachycnemides is corrected as Pachycnemina and belongs to Hopliini'
- 'Pachymerina belongs to Pachymerini'
- 'Pachymerinae was reranked as the tribe Pachymerini and belongs to Bruchinae'
- 'Paederidae was reranked as the subfamily Paederinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Paederina belongs to Paederini'
- 'Paederini belongs to Paederinae'
- 'Paederus belongs to Paederina'
- 'Paelobius is a subjective synonym of Hygrobia'
- 'Palaeoaxinidiini belongs to Scaritinae'
- 'Palaeogyrinidae was reranked as the subfamily Palaeogyrininae and belongs to Dytiscidae'
- 'Palaeogyrinus belongs to Palaeogyrininae'
- 'Palaeoxeninae belongs to Eucnemidae'
- 'Palaeoxenus belongs to Palaeoxeninae'
- 'Paleocartinae belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Paleocartini belongs to Paleocartinae'
- 'Paleocartus belongs to Paleocartini'
- 'Palorinae was reranked as the tribe Palorini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Pamborini belongs to Carabinae'
- 'Panagaeides is corrected as Panagaeini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Panagaeina belongs to Panagaeini'
- 'Panagaeus belongs to Panagaeina'
- 'Parahygrobiidae belongs to Hydrophiloidea'
- 'Parandre is corrected as Parandra and belongs to Parandrini'
- 'Parandrides is corrected as Parandrinae and belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Parandrites is corrected as Parandrini and belongs to Parandrinae'
- 'Parnidae is replaced by Dryopidae'
- 'Parnus is a subjective synonym of Dryops'
- 'Passalida is corrected as Passalidae and belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Passalinae belongs to Passalidae'
- 'Passalini belongs to Passalinae'
- 'Passalus belongs to Passalini'
- 'Patrobidae was reranked as the subfamily Patrobinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Patrobina belongs to Patrobini'
- 'Patrobini belongs to Patrobinae'
- 'Patrobus belongs to Patrobina'
- 'Paussidae was reranked as the subfamily Paussinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Paussina belongs to Paussini'
- 'Paussini belongs to Paussinae'
- 'Paussus belongs to Paussina'
- 'Pedilinae belongs to Pyrochroidae'
- 'Pedilophorini belongs to Byrrhinae'
- 'Pedilophorus belongs to Pedilophorini'
- 'Pedilus belongs to Pedilinae'
- 'Pedinini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Pelecotomini is corrected as Pelecotominae and belongs to Ripiphoridae'
- 'Paelobiidae is a subjective synonym of Hygrobiidae'
- 'Pelophila belongs to Pelophilini'
- 'Pelophilini belongs to Nebriinae'
- 'Peltinae belongs to Trogossitidae'
- 'Peltini belongs to Peltinae'
- 'Peltis belongs to Peltini'
- 'Peltodytes belongs to Haliplidae'
- 'Penichrolucaninae is a subjective synonym of Lucaninae'
- 'Penichrolucanus belongs to Lucanini'
- 'Penthinae belongs to Tetratomidae'
- 'Pentodon belongs to Pentodontina'
- 'Pentodontina belongs to Pentodontini'
- 'Pentodontini belongs to Dynastinae'
- 'Permocupedidae belongs to Permocupedoidea'
- 'Permocupedoidea belongs to Protocoleoptera'
- 'Permosynidae belongs to Permosynoidea'
- 'Permosynoidea belongs to Protocoleoptera'
- 'Petaliini is an invalid subgroup of Dorcatominae'
- 'Phaedon belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Phalacrinae belongs to Phalacridae'
- 'Phalacrurida is corrected as Phalacridae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Phalacrus belongs to Phalacrinae'
- 'Phanaeini belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Phanaeus belongs to Phanaeini'
- 'Philanthaxia belongs to Philanthaxiina'
- 'Philanthaxiina belongs to Thomassetiini'
- 'Philitae is corrected as Philinae and belongs to Vesperidae'
- 'Philonthidae was reranked as the subtribe Philonthina and belongs to Staphylinini'
- 'Philonthus belongs to Philonthina'
- 'Philus belongs to Philinae'
- 'Philydrus is replaced by Enochrus'
- 'Phloeocharini was reranked as the subfamily Phloeocharinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Phloeosinini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Phloeotribidae is corrected as Phloeotribini and belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Phloiotribus is corrected as Phloeotribus and belongs to Phloeotribini'
- 'Photini was reranked as the subtribe Photinina and belongs to Lucidotini'
- 'Phratora belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Phreatodytes belongs to Phreatodytinae'
- 'Phreatodytinae belongs to Noteridae'
- 'Phrenapatinae belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Phrynixini belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Phrynixus belongs to Phrynixini'
- 'Phyllobaenini is a subjective synonym of Hydnocerini'
- 'Phyllobaenus belongs to Hydnocerini'
- 'Phyllobiini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Phyllobius belongs to Phyllobiini'
- 'Phyllodecta was reranked as Phratora (Phyllodecta) and belongs to Phratora'
- 'Phytobiidae was reranked as the tribe Phytobiini and belongs to Ceutorhynchinae'
- 'Phytodecta is a subjective synonym of Gonioctena'
- 'Phytonomini is a subjective synonym of Hyperini'
- 'Piestini was reranked as the subfamily Piestinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Piezocerides is corrected as Piezocerini and belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Piezotrachelini was reranked as the subtribe Piezotrachelina and belongs to Apionini'
- 'Pimelia belongs to Pimeliini'
- 'Pimeliariae is corrected as Pimeliinae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Pimeliini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Pinophilina belongs to Pinophilini'
- 'Pinophiliniformes is corrected as Pinophilini and belongs to Paederinae'
- 'Piseninae belongs to Tetratomidae'
- 'Pissodes belongs to Pissodina'
- 'Pissodina belongs to Pissodini'
- 'Pissodisidae was reranked as the tribe Pissodini and belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Pityophthoridae was reranked as the subtribe Pityophthorina and belongs to Corthylini'
- 'Pityophthorus belongs to Pityophthorina'
- 'Plateumarini belongs to Donaciinae'
- 'Plateumaris belongs to Plateumarini'
- 'Platycerini belongs to Lucaninae'
- 'Platycerus belongs to Platycerini'
- 'Platynini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Platynus belongs to Platynini'
- 'Platypodinae belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Platypodini belongs to Platypodinae'
- 'Platyprosoparia is corrected as Platyprosopini and belongs to Staphylininae'
- 'Platypus belongs to Platypodini'
- 'Platysma belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Plectroscelis belongs to Alticini'
- 'Pleurophorina is a subjective synonym of Psammodiina'
- 'Pleurophorus belongs to Psammodiina'
- 'Plinthina belongs to Molytini'
- 'Plinthus belongs to Plinthina'
- 'Plochionus belongs to Calleidina'
- 'Poecilus belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Pogonini belongs to Trechinae'
- 'Polistichus belongs to Zuphiina'
- 'Polydrosini is corrected as Polydrusini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Polydrusus belongs to Polydrusini'
- 'Polygraphidae is corrected as Polygraphini and belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Polygraphus belongs to Polygraphini'
- 'Polyphaga belongs to Coleoptera'
- 'Praelateriidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Praemordellidae is a subjective synonym of Mordellidae'
- 'Prasocurini is a subjective synonym of Chrysomelini'
- 'Prasocuris belongs to Chrysomelini'
- 'Priacmini was reranked as the subfamily Priacminae and belongs to Cupedidae'
- 'Prionii is corrected as Prioninae and belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Prionini belongs to Prioninae'
- 'Prionomerini was reranked as the subtribe Prionomerina and belongs to Camarotini'
- 'Prionomerus belongs to Prionomerina'
- 'Prionus belongs to Prionini'
- 'Pristonychus belongs to Sphodrina'
- 'Pristorhynchini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Pristorhynchus belongs to Pristorhynchini'
- 'Probelini belongs to Eobelinae'
- 'Probelus belongs to Probelini'
- 'Procas belongs to Erirhinini'
- 'Procurculio belongs to Procurculionina'
- 'Procurculionini was reranked as the subtribe Procurculionina and belongs to Eobelini'
- 'Promecognathinae is a subjective synonym of Scaritinae'
- 'Promecopini is a subjective synonym of Eudiagogini'
- 'Propalticidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Propalticus belongs to Propalticidae'
- 'Prosternini belongs to Dendrometrinae'
- 'Protactinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Protactus belongs to Protactinae'
- 'Protagrypninae belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Protagrypnini belongs to Protagrypninae'
- 'Protaxini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Protaxis belongs to Protaxini'
- 'Proteininae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Proterhinidae is a subjective synonym of Aglycyderidae'
- 'Protocoleoptera was reranked as a suborder and belongs to Coleoptera'
- 'Protopselaphinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Protorabinae belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Prototroginae belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Psammodiina belongs to Psammodiini'
- 'Psammodiini belongs to Aphodiinae'
- 'Psammodius belongs to Psammodiina'
- 'Pselaphii was reranked as the subfamily Pselaphinae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Pselaphini belongs to Pselaphitae'
- 'Pselaphitae belongs to Pselaphinae'
- 'Pselaphus belongs to Pselaphini'
- 'Psephenidae belongs to Byrrhoidea'
- 'Psepheninae belongs to Psephenidae'
- 'Psephenoides belongs to Psephenoidinae'
- 'Psephenoidinae belongs to Psephenidae'
- 'Psephenus belongs to Psepheninae'
- 'Pseudocistela belongs to Gonoderina'
- 'Pseudocneorrhinina is a subjective synonym of Trachyphloeina'
- 'Pseudomesauletes belongs to Pseudomesauletina'
- 'Pseudomesauletina belongs to Auletini'
- 'Pseudopsinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Psilopterina is a subjective synonym of Dicercina'
- 'Pteroloma belongs to Pterolomatinae'
- 'Pterolomatinae belongs to Agyrtidae'
- 'Pterostichii is corrected as Pterostichini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Pterostichina belongs to Pterostichini'
- 'Pterostichus belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Ptilina is corrected as Ptiliidae and belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Ptiniores is corrected as Ptinidae and belongs to Bostrichoidea'
- 'Ptomaphagina belongs to Ptomaphagini'
- 'Ptomaphagini belongs to Cholevinae'
- 'Ptomaphagus belongs to Ptomaphagina'
- 'Pycnomerinae was reranked as the tribe Pycnomerini and belongs to Zopherinae'
- 'Pycnomerus belongs to Pycnomerini'
- 'Pyrochroa belongs to Pyrochroinae'
- 'Pyrochroidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Pyrochroinae belongs to Pyrochroidae'
- 'Pyrophorites was reranked as the tribe Pyrophorini and belongs to Agrypninae'
- 'Pythidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Quediina belongs to Staphylinini'
- 'Quedius belongs to Quediina'
- 'Ramphus is corrected as Rhamphus and belongs to Rhamphina'
- 'Raymondionyminae belongs to Brachyceridae'
- 'Rhadalinae belongs to Melyridae'
- 'Rhadinocybini belongs to Rhadinocybitae'
- 'Rhadinocybitae belongs to Apioninae'
- 'Rhamphina belongs to Rhamphini'
- 'Rhamphini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Rhinocyllini belongs to Lixinae'
- 'Rhinocyllus belongs to Rhinocyllini'
- 'Rhinoncus belongs to Phytobiini'
- 'Rhipidiini is corrected as Ripidiini and belongs to Ripidiinae'
- 'Rhipidophoridae is corrected as Ripiphoridae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Rhizophagidae is a subjective synonym of Monotomidae'
- 'Rhizophaginae belongs to Monotomidae'
- 'Rhizophagus belongs to Rhizophaginae'
- 'Rhizophtominae was reranked as the tribe Rhizophtomini and belongs to Monotominae'
- 'Rhizotrogidae is corrected as Rhizotrogina and belongs to Melolonthini'
- 'Rhizotrogus belongs to Rhizotrogina'
- 'Rhombocoleidae belongs to Rhombocoleoidea'
- 'Rhynchaenus belongs to Erirhinini'
- 'Rhynchalidae was reranked as the tribe Rhyncolini and belongs to Cossoninae'
- 'Rhynchites belongs to Rhynchitina'
- 'Rhynchitidae is a subjective synonym of Attelabidae'
- 'Rhynchitina belongs to Rhynchitini'
- 'Rhynchitini belongs to Rhynchitinae'
- 'Rhynchitisidae was reranked as the subfamily Rhynchitinae and belongs to Attelabidae'
- 'Rhynchophorinae belongs to Dryophthoridae'
- 'Rhynchophorini belongs to Rhynchophorinae'
- 'Rhynchophorus belongs to Rhynchophorini'
- 'Rhyncolina belongs to Rhyncolini'
- 'Rhyncolus belongs to Rhyncolina'
- 'Rhyssemina belongs to Psammodiini'
- 'Rhyssemus belongs to Rhyssemina'
- 'Ripidiinae belongs to Ripiphoridae'
- 'Ripidius belongs to Ripidiini'
- 'Ripiphorinae belongs to Ripiphoridae'
- 'Ripiphorini belongs to Ripiphorinae'
- 'Ripiphorus belongs to Ripiphorini'
- 'Rutelidae was reranked as the subfamily Rutelinae and belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Rybaxis belongs to Brachyglutina'
- 'Sagrida was reranked as the subfamily Sagrinae and belongs to Chrysomelidae'
- 'Sagrini belongs to Sagrinae'
- 'Salpingides is corrected as Salpingidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Salpinginae belongs to Salpingidae'
- 'Saperda belongs to Saperdini'
- 'Saperdaires is corrected as Saperdini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Saphanidae was reranked as the tribe Saphanini and belongs to Spondylidinae'
- 'Scaphidiinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Scaphidiini belongs to Scaphidiinae'
- 'Scaphidium belongs to Scaphidiini'
- 'Scaphisoma belongs to Scaphisomatini'
- 'Scaphisomini is corrected as Scaphisomatini and belongs to Scaphidiinae'
- 'Scarabaeides is corrected as Scarabaeidae and belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Scarabaeiformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Scarabaeinae belongs to Scarabaeidae'
- 'Scarabaeini belongs to Scarabaeinae'
- 'Scarabaeoidea belongs to Scarabaeiformia'
- 'Scarabaeus belongs to Scarabaeini'
- 'Scarites belongs to Scaritina'
- 'Scaritides is corrected as Scaritinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Scaritina belongs to Scaritini'
- 'Scaritini belongs to Scaritinae'
- 'Schistomerini belongs to Hydroporinae'
- 'Schizocoleidae belongs to Schizophoroidea'
- 'Schizonychidae was reranked as the subtribe Schizonychina and belongs to Melolonthini'
- 'Schizophoridae belongs to Schizophoroidea'
- 'Schizophoroidea belongs to Myxophaga'
- 'Schizopodidae belongs to Buprestoidea'
- 'Schizopodinae belongs to Schizopodidae'
- 'Schizorhinini belongs to Cetoniinae'
- 'Sciaphilini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Sciaphilus belongs to Sciaphilini'
- 'Scirtes belongs to Scirtinae'
- 'Scirtesidae is corrected as Scirtidae and belongs to Scirtoidea'
- 'Scirtinae belongs to Scirtidae'
- 'Scirtoidea belongs to Elateriformia'
- 'Scolitarii was reranked as the subfamily Scolytinae and belongs to Curculionidae'
- 'Scolytini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Scolytus belongs to Scolytini'
- 'Scraptia belongs to Scraptiini'
- 'Scraptiaeidae is corrected as Scraptiidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Scraptiinae belongs to Scraptiidae'
- 'Scraptiini belongs to Scraptiinae'
- 'Scydmaenides was reranked as the subfamily Scydmaeninae and belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Scydmaenini belongs to Scydmaenitae'
- 'Scydmaenitae belongs to Scydmaeninae'
- 'Scydmaenus belongs to Scydmaenini'
- 'Scymninae is a subjective synonym of Coccinellinae'
- 'Scymnini belongs to Coccinellinae'
- 'Scymnus belongs to Scymnini'
- 'Scythropus belongs to Polydrusini'
- 'Selatosomus belongs to Prosternini'
- 'Selenophorus belongs to Harpalina'
- 'Sepidiini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Serica belongs to Sericina'
- 'Sericidae was reranked as the tribe Sericini and belongs to Melolonthinae'
- 'Sericina belongs to Sericini'
- 'Serropalpidae was reranked as the tribe Serropalpini and belongs to Melandryinae'
- 'Sibinia belongs to Tychiina'
- 'Sikhotealiniidae is a subjective synonym of Jurodidae'
- 'Silpha belongs to Silphinae'
- 'Silphidae belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Silphinae belongs to Silphidae'
- 'Simplocaria belongs to Simplocariini'
- 'Simplocariini belongs to Byrrhinae'
- 'Sitona belongs to Sitonini'
- 'Sitonisidae was reranked as the tribe Sitonini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Slonik belongs to Slonikini'
- 'Slonikinae belongs to Nemonychidae'
- 'Slonikini belongs to Slonikinae'
- 'Smicronychini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Smicronyx belongs to Smicronychini'
- 'Sogdini belongs to Leiodinae'
- 'Solieriinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Sophrorhinini belongs to Cryptorhynchinae'
- 'Sparedrus belongs to Calopodinae'
- 'Spercheini is corrected as Spercheinae and belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Spermophagini was reranked as the subtribe Spermophagina and belongs to Amblycerini'
- 'Spermophagus belongs to Spermophagina'
- 'Sphaeridiini belongs to Sphaeridiinae'
- 'Sphaeridiota was reranked as the subfamily Sphaeridiinae and belongs to Hydrophilidae'
- 'Sphaeridium belongs to Sphaeridiini'
- 'Sphaerioidea is corrected as Sphaeriusoidea and belongs to Myxophaga'
- 'Sphaeriusidae belongs to Sphaeriusoidea'
- 'Sphenophorini belongs to Rhynchophorinae'
- 'Sphenophorus belongs to Sphenophorini'
- 'Sphenoptera belongs to Sphenopterini'
- 'Sphenopterini belongs to Chrysochroinae'
- 'Sphindidae belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Sphindinae belongs to Sphindidae'
- 'Sphodrina belongs to Sphodrini'
- 'Sphodrini belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Sphodrus belongs to Sphodrina'
- 'Spondylidini belongs to Spondylidinae'
- 'Spondylii was reranked as the subfamily Spondylidinae and belongs to Cerambycidae'
- 'Spondylis belongs to Spondylidini'
- 'Staphyliniae is corrected as Staphylinidae and belongs to Staphylinoidea'
- 'Staphyliniformia belongs to Polyphaga'
- 'Staphylinina belongs to Staphylinini'
- 'Staphylininae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Staphylinini belongs to Staphylininae'
- 'Staphylinoidea belongs to Staphyliniformia'
- 'Staphylinus belongs to Staphylinina'
- 'Stenalia belongs to Stenaliini'
- 'Stenaliini belongs to Mordellinae'
- 'Stenelmina belongs to Elmini'
- 'Stenelmis belongs to Stenelmina'
- 'Stenichnus belongs to Cyrtoscydmini'
- 'Steninae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Stenocerini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Stenochiadae was reranked as the subfamily Stenochiinae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Stenolophidae was reranked as the subtribe Stenolophina and belongs to Harpalini'
- 'Stenolophus belongs to Stenolophina'
- 'Stenoscelis belongs to Onycholipini'
- 'Stenosini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Stenosphenus belongs to Elaphidiini'
- 'Stenus belongs to Steninae'
- 'Stilici is corrected as Stilicina and belongs to Paederini'
- 'Stilicopses is corrected as Stilicopsina and belongs to Paederini'
- 'Stilicus belongs to Stilicina'
- 'Stomis belongs to Pterostichina'
- 'Strategus belongs to Oryctini'
- 'Stromboscerinae belongs to Dryophthoridae'
- 'Strophosoma belongs to Brachyderini'
- 'Strophosomini is a subjective synonym of Brachyderini'
- 'Styphlini belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Sylvanidae is corrected as Silvanidae and belongs to Cucujoidea'
- 'Synaptini belongs to Elaterinae'
- 'Syncalypta belongs to Syncalyptini'
- 'Syncalyptinae belongs to Byrrhidae'
- 'Syncalyptini belongs to Syncalyptinae'
- 'Synchitini belongs to Colydiinae'
- 'Synchroa belongs to Synchroidae'
- 'Synchroidae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Syndesinae belongs to Lucanidae'
- 'Syntomus belongs to Dromiusina'
- 'Tachinus belongs to Tachyporini'
- 'Tachyini was reranked as the subtribe Tachyina and belongs to Bembidiini'
- 'Tachyporinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Tachyporini belongs to Tachyporinae'
- 'Tachyporus belongs to Tachyporini'
- 'Tachys belongs to Tachyina'
- 'Taldycupidae is corrected as Taldycupedidae and belongs to Permocupedoidea'
- 'Tanymecina belongs to Tanymecini'
- 'Tanymecini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Tanymecus belongs to Tanymecina'
- 'Tanysphyridae was reranked as the tribe Tanysphyrini and belongs to Erirhininae'
- 'Tanysphyrus belongs to Tanysphyrini'
- 'Taphrorychus belongs to Dryocoetini'
- 'Tarsosteninae is a subjective synonym of Korynetinae'
- 'Telephorus is a subjective synonym of Cantharis'
- 'Tenebrio belongs to Tenebrionini'
- 'Tenebrionini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Tenebrionites is corrected as Tenebrioninae and belongs to Tenebrionidae'
- 'Tenebrionites is corrected as Tenebrionidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Tenebrionoidea belongs to Cucujiformia'
- 'Tenebroides belongs to Trogossitini'
- 'Tentyria belongs to Tentyriini'
- 'Tentyriini belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Tesserocerina belongs to Tesserocerini'
- 'Tesserocerinae is a subjective synonym of Platypodinae'
- 'Tesserocerini belongs to Platypodinae'
- 'Tesserocerus belongs to Tesserocerina'
- 'Tetrameropsinae is corrected as Tetrameropseinae and belongs to Latridiidae'
- 'Tetraonycidae was reranked as the subfamily Tetraonycinae and belongs to Meloidae'
- 'Tetraonyx belongs to Tetraonycinae'
- 'Tetraopes belongs to Tetraopini'
- 'Tetraopesitae is corrected as Tetraopini and belongs to Lamiinae'
- 'Tetraphalerinae belongs to Ommatidae'
- 'Tetraphalerus belongs to Tetraphalerinae'
- 'Tetratomaedes is corrected as Tetratomidae and belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Thanerocleridae belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Thaneroclerinae belongs to Thanerocleridae'
- 'Thomassetiini belongs to Buprestinae'
- 'Thoracophorini belongs to Osoriinae'
- 'Throscidae belongs to Elateroidea'
- 'Throscogeniinae was reranked as the tribe Throscogeniini and belongs to Macraulacinae'
- 'Throscogenius belongs to Throscogeniini'
- 'Throscus is a subjective synonym of Trixagus'
- 'Thylacites belongs to Brachyderini'
- 'Thylacosterninae belongs to Elateridae'
- 'Tillinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Tillomorphini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Tillus belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Tiracerini belongs to Clavigeritae'
- 'Tmesiphorini belongs to Pselaphitae'
- 'Tomicini is a subjective synonym of Hylurgini'
- 'Tomicus belongs to Hylurgini'
- 'Tophoderes belongs to Tophoderini'
- 'Tophoderini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Torridincolidae belongs to Sphaeriusoidea'
- 'Toxicini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Trachelizini belongs to Brentinae'
- 'Trachodisidae was reranked as the tribe Trachodini and belongs to Molytinae'
- 'Trachyderes belongs to Trachyderina'
- 'Trachyderina belongs to Trachyderini'
- 'Trachyderini belongs to Cerambycinae'
- 'Trachypachidae belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Trachypachinae belongs to Trachypachidae'
- 'Trachypachini belongs to Trachypachinae'
- 'Trachypachus belongs to Trachypachini'
- 'Trachyphloeidae was reranked as the tribe Trachyphloeini and belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Trachyphloeina belongs to Trachyphloeini'
- 'Trachyphloeus belongs to Trachyphloeina'
- 'Trechii is corrected as Trechinae and belongs to Carabidae'
- 'Trechina belongs to Trechini'
- 'Trechini belongs to Trechinae'
- 'Trechus belongs to Trechina'
- 'Triadocupedinae was reranked as the family Triadocupedidae and belongs to Archostemata'
- 'Triboliidae was reranked as the tribe Triboliini and belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Trichapiina belongs to Apionini'
- 'Trichiadae was reranked as the tribe Trichiini and belongs to Cetoniinae'
- 'Trichiina belongs to Trichiini'
- 'Trichius belongs to Trichiina'
- 'Trichonychina belongs to Trichonychini'
- 'Trichonychini belongs to Euplectitae'
- 'Trichophyinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Trichopseniinae was reranked as the tribe Trichopseniini and belongs to Aleocharinae'
- 'Tricoleidae belongs to Asiocoleoidea'
- 'Trigonorhinini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Trigonorhinus belongs to Trigonorhinini'
- 'Trigonoscuta belongs to Geonemini'
- 'Trigonurinae belongs to Staphylinidae'
- 'Trimiini was reranked as the subtribe Trimiina and belongs to Trichonychini'
- 'Triphyllus belongs to Mycetophagini'
- 'Tritarsusidae is corrected as Tritarsidae and belongs to Adephaga'
- 'Tritoma belongs to Tritomini'
- 'Tritominae was reranked as the tribe Tritomini and belongs to Erotylinae'
- 'Trixagidae is a subjective synonym of Throscidae'
- 'Trixagus belongs to Throscidae'
- 'Trogasterini is corrected as Trogastrini and belongs to Euplectitae'
- 'Trogastrina belongs to Trogastrini'
- 'Trogidae belongs to Scarabaeoidea'
- 'Troginae belongs to Trogidae'
- 'Troglops belongs to Malachiini'
- 'Trogossita is an objective synonym of Tenebroides'
- 'Trogossitarii is corrected as Trogossitidae and belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Trogossitinae belongs to Trogossitidae'
- 'Trogossitini belongs to Trogossitinae'
- 'Trogoxylini belongs to Lyctinae'
- 'Trogoxylon belongs to Trogoxylini'
- 'Tropideres belongs to Tropiderini'
- 'Tropiderini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Tropiphorini belongs to Entiminae'
- 'Trox belongs to Troginae'
- 'Trypodendron belongs to Xyloterini'
- 'Trypophloeus belongs to Cryphalini'
- 'Tshekardocoleidae belongs to Tshekardocoleoidea'
- 'Tshekardocoleoidea belongs to Protocoleoptera'
- 'Tychiidae was reranked as the tribe Tychiini and belongs to Curculioninae'
- 'Tychiina belongs to Tychiini'
- 'Tychini belongs to Goniaceritae'
- 'Tychius belongs to Tychiina'
- 'Tychus belongs to Tychini'
- 'Typoderina belongs to Molytini'
- 'Tyrina belongs to Tyrini'
- 'Tyrini belongs to Pselaphitae'
- 'Tyrus belongs to Tyrina'
- 'Ulomini belongs to Tenebrioninae'
- 'Ulyanidae belongs to Curculionoidea'
- 'Ulyaniscini belongs to Slonikinae'
- 'Uralocoleidae is a subjective synonym of Tshekardocoleidae'
- 'Urodon is a subjective synonym of Bruchela'
- 'Urodontinae belongs to Anthribidae'
- 'Valgina belongs to Valgini'
- 'Valginae was reranked as the tribe Valgini and belongs to Cetoniinae'
- 'Valgus belongs to Valgina'
- 'Vesperaires is corrected as Vesperidae and belongs to Chrysomeloidea'
- 'Vesperinae belongs to Vesperidae'
- 'Vrilletta belongs to Xyletinini'
- 'Xantholinus belongs to Xantholinini'
- 'Xantholonini was reranked as the tribe Xantholinini and belongs to Staphylininae'
- 'Xenobythina belongs to Bythinini'
- 'Xenoscelinae belongs to Erotylidae'
- 'Xyleborini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Xyleborus belongs to Xyleborini'
- 'Xyletinidae was reranked as the subfamily Xyletininae and belongs to Ptinidae'
- 'Xyletinini belongs to Xyletininae'
- 'Xyletinus belongs to Xyletinini'
- 'Xylobiini belongs to Melasinae'
- 'Xyloterini belongs to Scolytinae'
- 'Zabrides is corrected as Zabrini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Zabrina belongs to Zabrini'
- 'Zabrus belongs to Zabrina'
- 'Zonabris belongs to Mylabrini'
- 'Zonitidina belongs to Nemognathini'
- 'Zonitis belongs to Zonitidina'
- 'Zopheridae belongs to Tenebrionoidea'
- 'Zopherinae belongs to Zopheridae'
- 'Zopherini belongs to Zopherinae'
- 'Zophosis belongs to Zophosini'
- 'Zophosites is corrected as Zophosini and belongs to Pimeliinae'
- 'Zuphietae is corrected as Zuphiini and belongs to Harpalinae'
- 'Zuphiina belongs to Zuphiini'
- 'Zygaenodini belongs to Anthribinae'
- 'Zygobaridina belongs to Apostasimerini'
- 'Zygopini belongs to Conoderinae'
- 'Zygops belongs to Zygopini'