Opinions from M. S. Engel 2001

  • 'Andrenetae is corrected as Andrenidae and belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Andreninae belongs to Andrenidae'
  • 'Anthidiina belongs to Anthidiini'
  • 'Anthidiinae was reranked as the tribe Anthidiini and belongs to Megachilinae'
  • 'Anthidium belongs to Anthidiina'
  • 'Anthophoridae was reranked as the tribe Anthophorini and belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Apes is corrected as Apinae and belongs to Apidae'
  • 'Apiariae is corrected as Apidae and belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Apini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Apis meliponoides is recombined as Electrapis meliponoides'
  • 'Apis palmnickenensis is recombined as Roussyana palmnickenensis'
  • 'Apis proava is recombined as Melikertes proavus'
  • 'Augochlora belongs to Augochlorina'
  • 'Augochloridae was reranked as the tribe Augochlorini and belongs to Halictinae'
  • 'Augochlorina belongs to Augochlorini'
  • 'Bombini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Bombus carbonarius is a nomen dubium'
  • 'Bombus pusillus is a nomen dubium'
  • 'Boreallodape belongs to Boreallodapini'
  • 'Boreallodape baltica belongs to Boreallodape'
  • 'Boreallodape mollyae belongs to Boreallodape'
  • 'Boreallodape striebichi belongs to Boreallodape'
  • 'Boreallodapini belongs to Xylocopinae'
  • 'Ceratinidae was reranked as the tribe Ceratinini and belongs to Xylocopinae'
  • 'Chalcobombus is a subjective synonym of Protobombus'
  • 'Chalcobombus hirsutus is recombined as Protobombus hirsutus'
  • 'Chalcobombus humilis is a subjective synonym of Protobombus indecisus'
  • 'Chalcobombus martialis is recombined as Electrapis martialis'
  • 'Colletidae belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella belongs to Ctenoplectrellina'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella cockerelli belongs to Ctenoplectrella'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella dentata is a subjective synonym of Ctenoplectrella viridiceps'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella grimaldii belongs to Ctenoplectrella'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella splendens is a subjective synonym of Ctenoplectrella viridiceps'
  • 'Ctenoplectrella viridiceps belongs to Ctenoplectrella'
  • 'Ctenoplectrellina belongs to Osmiini'
  • 'Ctenoplectrinae was reranked as the tribe Ctenoplectrini and belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Cyrtapis belongs to Halictina'
  • 'Dasypoda belongs to Dasypodaini'
  • 'Dasypodaini belongs to Dasypodainae'
  • 'Dasypodinae is corrected as Dasypodainae and belongs to Melittidae'
  • 'Dianthidium belongs to Anthidiina'
  • 'Eckfeldapis is a subjective synonym of Electrapis'
  • 'Electrapini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Electrapis belongs to Electrapini'
  • 'Electrapis (Electrapis) apoides is a subjective synonym of Protobombus indecisus'
  • 'Electrapis (Melikertes) was reranked as Melikertes and belongs to Melikertini'
  • 'Electrapis (Melikertes) stilbonota is recombined as Melikertes stilbonotus'
  • 'Electrapis (Roussyana) was reranked as Roussyana and belongs to Melikertini'
  • 'Electrapis bombusoides belongs to Electrapis' according to Kelner-Pillaut 1974
  • 'Electrapis bombusoides is a subjective synonym of Electrapis tornquisti'
  • 'Electrapis krishnorum belongs to Electrapis'
  • 'Electrapis minuta is a subjective synonym of Apis palmnickenensis'
  • 'Electrapis tornquisti belongs to Electrapis'
  • 'Electrobombini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Electrobombus belongs to Electrobombini'
  • 'Electrobombus samlandensis belongs to Electrobombus'
  • 'Electrolictus belongs to Halictini'
  • 'Electrolictus antiquus belongs to Electrolictus'
  • 'Eomacropidini belongs to Macropidinae'
  • 'Eomacropis belongs to Eomacropidini'
  • 'Eomacropis glaesaria belongs to Eomacropis'
  • 'Eucerini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Euglossae was reranked as the tribe Euglossini and belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Glaesosmia belongs to Osmiini'
  • 'Glaesosmia genalis belongs to Glaesosmia'
  • 'Glyptapinae was reranked as the subtribe Glyptapina and belongs to Osmiini'
  • 'Glyptapis belongs to Glyptapina'
  • 'Glyptapis densopunctata belongs to Glyptapis'
  • 'Glyptapis disareolata belongs to Glyptapis'
  • 'Glyptapis fuscula belongs to Glyptapis'
  • 'Glyptapis mirabilis belongs to Glyptapis'
  • 'Glyptapis neglecta is a subjective synonym of Glyptapis fuscula'
  • 'Glyptapis reducta is a subjective synonym of Glyptapis fuscula'
  • 'Glyptapis reticulata is a subjective synonym of Glyptapis fuscula'
  • 'Halictidae belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Halictina belongs to Halictini'
  • 'Halictinae belongs to Halictidae'
  • 'Halictini belongs to Halictinae'
  • 'Halictus belongs to Halictina'
  • 'Hypotrigona eocenica is recombined as Kelneriapis eocenica'
  • 'Kelnermelia is a subjective synonym of Kelneriapis'
  • 'Liotrigonopsis belongs to Meliponini'
  • 'Liotrigonopsis rozeni belongs to Liotrigonopsis'
  • 'Lithanthidium belongs to Anthidiina'
  • 'Lithurge belongs to Lithurgini'
  • 'Lithurginae belongs to Megachilidae'
  • 'Lithurgini belongs to Lithurginae'
  • 'Macropidinae belongs to Melittidae'
  • 'Macropidini belongs to Macropidinae'
  • 'Macropis belongs to Macropidini'
  • 'Megachiles is corrected as Megachilinae and belongs to Megachilidae'
  • 'Megachilidae belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Melectides was reranked as the tribe Melectini and belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Melikertes clypeatus belongs to Melikertes'
  • 'Melikertini belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Meliponites is corrected as Meliponini and belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Meliponorytes belongs to Meliponini'
  • 'Meliponorytes succini belongs to Meliponorytes'
  • 'Melissites belongs to Melikertini'
  • 'Melissites trigona belongs to Melissites'
  • 'Melitta belongs to Melittini'
  • 'Melittidae belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Melittinae belongs to Melittidae'
  • 'Melittini belongs to Melittinae'
  • 'Neocorynura belongs to Augochlorina'
  • 'Oligochlora belongs to Augochlorina'
  • 'Osmiini belongs to Megachilinae'
  • 'Paleomelitta belongs to Paleomelittidae'
  • 'Paleomelitta nigripennis belongs to Paleomelitta'
  • 'Paleomelittidae belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Panurginae belongs to Andrenidae'
  • 'Protandrenini belongs to Panurginae'
  • 'Protobombus belongs to Electrapini'
  • 'Protobombus basilaris belongs to Protobombus'
  • 'Protobombus indecisus belongs to Protobombus'
  • 'Protobombus tristellus belongs to Protobombus'
  • 'Protolithurgini belongs to Lithurginae'
  • 'Protolithurgus belongs to Protolithurgini'
  • 'Protolithurgus ditomeus belongs to Protolithurgus'
  • 'Sinostigma belongs to Vespidae'
  • 'Sinostigma spinalata belongs to Sinostigma'
  • 'Sophrobombus is a subjective synonym of Protobombus'
  • 'Sophrobombus fatalis is recombined as Protobombus fatalis'
  • 'Succinapis belongs to Melikertini'
  • 'Succinapis goeleti belongs to Succinapis'
  • 'Succinapis micheneri belongs to Succinapis'
  • 'Succinapis proboscidea belongs to Succinapis'
  • 'Thaumastobombus belongs to Electrapini'
  • 'Thaumastobombus andreniformis belongs to Thaumastobombus'
  • 'Trigona (Kelneriapis) was reranked as Kelneriapis and belongs to Meliponini'
  • 'Xeromelissinae belongs to Colletidae'
  • 'Xylocopae is corrected as Xylocopinae and belongs to Apidae'
  • 'Xylocopini belongs to Xylocopinae'