Opinions from T. D. A. Cockerell 1908

  • 'Andrena hypolitha belongs to Andrena'
  • 'Andrena pyrrhacita belongs to Andrena' according to Cockerell 1907
  • 'Anthophora effossa is a nomen dubium'
  • 'Anthophora melfordi belongs to Anthophora'
  • 'Apes is corrected as Apinae and belongs to Apidae'
  • 'Apiariae is corrected as Apidae and belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Apis belongs to Apinae'
  • 'Apis (Synapis) belongs to Apis'
  • 'Apis (Synapis) henshawi belongs to Apis (Synapis)'
  • 'Apis meliponoides is recombined as Electrapis meliponoides'
  • 'Bombi was reranked as the family Bombidae and belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Bombus belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Calyptapis belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Calyptapis florissantensis belongs to Calyptapis'
  • 'Chalcobombus belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Chalcobombus hirsutus belongs to Chalcobombus'
  • 'Chalcobombus humilis belongs to Chalcobombus'
  • 'Chalcobombus martialis belongs to Chalcobombus'
  • 'Diandrena nothocalaidis belongs to Diandrena' according to Cockerell 1905
  • 'Dioxys belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Dioxys rohweri belongs to Dioxys'
  • 'Electrapis belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Electrapis tornquisti belongs to Electrapis'
  • 'Melecta duplicate belongs to Melecta' according to Cresson 1878
  • 'Melecta duplicate is recombined as Bombomelecta pacifica'
  • 'Melipona belongs to Meliponinae'
  • 'Meliponidae is corrected as Meliponinae and belongs to Apidae'
  • 'Meliponorytes belongs to Meliponinae'
  • 'Meliponorytes succini belongs to Meliponorytes'
  • 'Melissodes martini belongs to Melissodes' according to Cockerell 1905
  • 'Nomia foxii belongs to Nomia' according to Dalla Torre 1896
  • 'Nomia foxii belongs to Nomia'
  • 'Nomia melanderi belongs to Nomia' according to Cockerell 1906
  • 'Nomia melanderi belongs to Nomia'
  • 'Nomia mesillensis belongs to Nomia'
  • 'Nomia universitatis belongs to Nomia'
  • 'Osmia bruneri belongs to Osmia' according to Cockerell 1897
  • 'Osmia gaudiosa belongs to Osmia' according to Cockerell 1907
  • 'Protobombus belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Protobombus indecisus belongs to Protobombus'
  • 'Psithyrus belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Sophrobombus belongs to Bombidae'
  • 'Sophrobombus fatalis belongs to Sophrobombus'
  • 'Sphecodes sulcatulus belongs to Sphecodes' according to Cockerell 1906
  • 'Stelis belongs to Apoidea'
  • 'Stelis seneciophila belongs to Stelis'
  • 'Tetralonia chrysobotryae belongs to Tetralonia'
  • 'Titusella pronitens belongs to Titusella' according to Cockerell 1906
  • 'Trigona belongs to Meliponinae'