Opinions from S. H. Scudder 1877

  • 'Acrocera hirsuta belongs to Acrocera'
  • 'Aphaena [misspelled as Aphana] belongs to Fulgoridae'
  • 'Aphana atava belongs to Aphana'
  • 'Bembidion [misspelled as Bembidium] belongs to Carabidae'
  • 'Bembidium exoletum belongs to Bembidium'
  • 'Bruchus belongs to Bruchidae'
  • 'Bruchus anilis belongs to Bruchus'
  • 'Bythoscopus belongs to Tettigoniidae'
  • 'Bythoscopus lapidescens belongs to Bythoscopus'
  • 'Camponotus belongs to Formicidae'
  • 'Camponotus vetus belongs to Camponotus'
  • 'Cecidomyiidae [misspelled as Cecidomyidae] belongs to Nematocera'
  • 'Chironomus depletus belongs to Chironomus'
  • 'Chironomus patens belongs to Chironomus'
  • 'Corethra belongs to Culicidae'
  • 'Corethra exita belongs to Corethra'
  • 'Culex belongs to Culicidae'
  • 'Culex proavitus belongs to Culex'
  • 'Cyttaromyia belongs to Tipulidae'
  • 'Cyttaromyia fenestrata belongs to Cyttaromyia'
  • 'Delphax belongs to Fulgoridae'
  • 'Delphax senilis belongs to Delphax'
  • 'Dicranomyia belongs to Tipulidae'
  • 'Dicranomyia primitiva belongs to Dicranomyia'
  • 'Dicranomyia rostrata belongs to Dicranomyia'
  • 'Dicranomyia stigmosa belongs to Dicranomyia'
  • 'Entimus belongs to Curculionidae'
  • 'Entimus primordialis belongs to Entimus'
  • 'Epiphanis belongs to Elateridae'
  • 'Epiphanis deletus belongs to Epiphanis'
  • 'Eristalis belongs to Syrphidae'
  • 'Eristalis lapideus belongs to Eristalis'
  • 'Gnoriste belongs to Mycetophilidae'
  • 'Gnoriste dentoni belongs to Gnoriste'
  • 'Gryllus (Tettigonia) was reranked as Tettigonia and belongs to Tettigoniidae'
  • 'Gyrophaena belongs to Staphylinidae'
  • 'Gyrophaena saxicola belongs to Gyrophaena'
  • 'Heteromyza belongs to Heleomyzidae'
  • 'Heteromyza detecta belongs to Heteromyza'
  • 'Ichneumon belongs to Ichneumonidae'
  • 'Ichneumon petrinus belongs to Ichneumon'
  • 'Lasioptera belongs to Cecidomyiidae'
  • 'Lasioptera recessa belongs to Lasioptera'
  • 'Leistotrophus belongs to Staphylinidae'
  • 'Leistotrophus patriarchicus belongs to Leistotrophus'
  • 'Liometopum belongs to Formicidae'
  • 'Liometopum pingue belongs to Liometopum'
  • 'Lithadothrips vetusta belongs to Lithadothrips'
  • 'Lithomyza belongs to Cecidomyiidae'
  • 'Lithomyza condita belongs to Lithomyza'
  • 'Melanothrips extincta belongs to Melanothrips'
  • 'Musca belongs to Muscidae'
  • 'Musca ascarides belongs to Musca'
  • 'Musca bibosa belongs to Musca'
  • 'Musca hydropica belongs to Musca'
  • 'Musca vinculata belongs to Musca'
  • 'Mycetophila belongs to Mycetophilidae'
  • 'Mycetophila occultata belongs to Mycetophila'
  • 'Oxygonus belongs to Elateridae'
  • 'Oxygonus mortuus belongs to Oxygonus'
  • 'Oxytelus belongs to Staphylinidae'
  • 'Oxytelus pristinus belongs to Oxytelus'
  • 'Pachymerus belongs to Lygaeidae'
  • 'Pachymerus petrensis belongs to Pachymerus'
  • 'Palaeothrips fossilis belongs to Palaeothrips'
  • 'Phryganea belongs to Phryganeidae'
  • 'Phryganea operta belongs to Phryganea'
  • 'Pronophlebia belongs to Tipulidae'
  • 'Pronophlebia rediviva belongs to Pronophlebia'
  • 'Sackenia belongs to Mycetophilidae'
  • 'Sackenia arcuata belongs to Sackenia'
  • 'Spiladomyia belongs to Tipulidae'
  • 'Spiladomyia simplex belongs to Spiladomyia'
  • 'Tettigonia obtecta belongs to Tettigonia'
  • 'Tipula belongs to Tipulidae'
  • 'Tipula decrepita belongs to Tipula'
  • 'Tipula tecta belongs to Tipula'