Opinions from J. Kolibáč and D. Y. Huang 2016
- 'Aberrokorynetes belongs to Korynetinae'
- 'Aberrokorynetes abludens belongs to Aberrokorynetes'
- 'Arawakis belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Arawakis poinari belongs to Arawakis'
- 'Bilbotillus belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Bilbotillus glum belongs to Bilbotillus'
- 'Clerinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Clerus belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Clerus adonis is a nomen dubium'
- 'Clerus piacentinii is a nomen dubium'
- 'Clerus succini is a nomen dubium'
- 'Cymatodera belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Cymatodera helcaraxe belongs to Cymatodera'
- 'Cymatodera jetotak belongs to Cymatodera'
- 'Enoclerus florissantensis is recombined as Thanasimus florissantensis'
- 'Enoclerus pristinus is recombined as Epiphloeus pristinus'
- 'Epiclininae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Epiphloeus belongs to Korynetinae'
- 'Eurymetopum wachteli is recombined as Lemidia wachteli'
- 'Hydnocera wolcotti is recombined as Phyllobaenus wolcotti'
- 'Hydnoceroides is corrected as Hydnocerinae and belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Korynetinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Lemidia belongs to Hydnocerinae'
- 'Miohydnocera is a subjective synonym of Phyllobaenus'
- 'Mitrandiria belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Mitrandiria sauron belongs to Mitrandiria'
- 'Necrobia belongs to Korynetinae'
- 'Necrobia divinatoria belongs to Necrobia'
- 'Necrobia sibylla belongs to Necrobia'
- 'Orthrius belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Orthrius gandalf belongs to Orthrius'
- 'Orthrius succini belongs to Orthrius'
- 'Petratypus belongs to Anthicidae'
- 'Petratypus nigri belongs to Petratypus'
- 'Phyllobaenus belongs to Hydnocerinae'
- 'Phyllobaenus thingol belongs to Phyllobaenus'
- 'Prospinoza baltica is recombined as Pseudopallenis baltica'
- 'Prosymnus belongs to Korynetinae'
- 'Protoclerus belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Protoclerus korynetoides belongs to Protoclerus'
- 'Pseudopallenis belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Pseudopallenis nejistota belongs to Pseudopallenis'
- 'Pseudopallenis palantir belongs to Pseudopallenis'
- 'Pyrrhoclerus belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Pyrrhoclerus platyocephalus belongs to Pyrrhoclerus'
- 'Shartegopsis belongs to Cleroidea'
- 'Shartegopsis miranda belongs to Shartegopsis'
- 'Smudlotillus belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Smudlotillus bubik belongs to Smudlotillus'
- 'Strotocera belongs to Tillinae'
- 'Strotocera marshalli belongs to Strotocera'
- 'Tanocleria belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Tanocleria tenuis belongs to Tanocleria'
- 'Thanasimodes belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Thanasimodes jantar belongs to Thanasimodes'
- 'Thanasimus belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Thanasimus ostenderus belongs to Thanasimus'
- 'Thanasimus taeniatus is a nomen dubium'
- 'Thanerocleridae is a subjective synonym of Cleridae'
- 'Thaneroclerinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Tillinae belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Titanoclerus belongs to Cleridae'
- 'Titanoclerus shanwangianus belongs to Titanoclerus'
- 'Trichodes stebingeri is a nomen dubium'
- 'Visokorynetes is a subjective synonym of Prosymnus'
- 'Visokorynetes priscus is recombined as Prosymnus priscus'
- 'Wangweiella belongs to Epiclininae'
- 'Wangweiella calloviana belongs to Wangweiella'
- 'Zahradnikius belongs to Clerinae'
- 'Zahradnikius intercedens belongs to Zahradnikius'