Opinions from A. J. van der Reest and P. J. Currie 2017

  • 'Anchiornis belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Anchiornis huxleyi belongs to Anchiornis'
  • 'Bambiraptor belongs to Dromaeosauridae'
  • 'Bambiraptor feinbergi belongs to Bambiraptor'
  • 'Byronosaurus belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Dromaeosaurus belongs to Dromaeosauridae'
  • 'Dromaeosaurus albertensis belongs to Dromaeosaurus'
  • 'Geminiraptor suarezarum belongs to Geminiraptor'
  • 'Gobivenator belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Gobivenator mongoliensis belongs to Gobivenator'
  • 'Latenivenatrix belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Latenivenatrix mcmasterae belongs to Latenivenatrix'
  • 'Linhevenator belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Linhevenator tani belongs to Linhevenator'
  • 'Maniraptora belongs to Theropoda'
  • 'Mei belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Mei long belongs to Mei'
  • 'Monoclonius belli is recombined as Chasmosaurus belli'
  • 'Ornithomimus altus is recombined as Struthiomimus altus'
  • 'Ornithomimus edmontonicus belongs to Ornithomimus'
  • 'Philovenator belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Philovenator curriei belongs to Philovenator'
  • 'Polyodontosaurus grandis is a nomen dubium'
  • 'Saurornithoides belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Saurornithoides junior is recombined as Zanabazar junior'
  • 'Saurornithoides mongoliensis belongs to Saurornithoides'
  • 'Saurornitholestes belongs to Dromaeosauridae'
  • 'Saurornitholestes langstoni belongs to Saurornitholestes'
  • 'Sinornithoides belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Sinovenator belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Sinovenator changii belongs to Sinovenator'
  • 'Sinusonasus [misspelled as Sinusinasus] belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Sinusonasus magnodens [misspelled as Sinusinasus magnodens] belongs to Sinusinasus'
  • 'Stegoceras validus is corrected as Stegoceras validum and belongs to Stegoceras'
  • 'Stenonychosaurus belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Stenonychosaurus inequalis belongs to Stenonychosaurus'
  • 'Talos belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Talos sampsoni belongs to Talos'
  • 'Troodon belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Troodontidae belongs to Maniraptora'
  • 'Troodontinae belongs to Troodontidae'
  • 'Urbacodon belongs to Troodontinae'
  • 'Zanabazar belongs to Troodontinae'