Kosovian age

445.2 - 443.8 Ma

The definition of this interval in the timescale Ordovician of Ibero-Bohemia is taken from the following source:

  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz and G. M. Ogg. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020 view

There are intervals in 6 timescales which overlap this one. show

This interval is used in the definition of 10 collections

A total of 741 collections with 3956 occurrences lie within this time span

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescaleOrdovician of Ibero-Bohemia
OrdovicianLate OrdovicianHirnantianKosovian443.8
KatianKralodvorianBohdalec †445.2
Berounian449.7 *
Zahorany †/ViniceLetna †456.2 *
Liben †458 *
Middle OrdovicianDarriwilian458.4
Dobrotivian458.5 *
Oretanian459.7 *
Sarka †461.7 *
DapingianKlabava †467.3
Early OrdovicianFloian470