Late Emsian subage

398.3 - 393.3 Ma

The definition of this interval in the timescale Devonian Subages is taken from the following source:

  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz and G. M. Ogg. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020 view

The bottom age has been interpolated based on the differences between the ages for international timescale boundaries quoted in the source and the currently accepted ages for those boundaries.

There are intervals in 4 timescales which overlap this one. show

This interval is used in the definition of 440 collections

A total of 388 collections with 2711 occurrences lie within this time span

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescaleDevonian SubagesDevonian of Czechoslovakia
DevonianLate DevonianFamennianLate Famennian358.9
Middle Famennian365.3 *
Early Famennian368.5 *
FrasnianLate Frasnian372.2
Middle Frasnian375.4 *
Early Frasnian379.3 *
Middle DevonianGivetianLate GivetianSrbsko382.7
Middle Givetian383.7 *
Early Givetian385.9 *
EifelianLate EifelianChotec387.7
Early Eifelian390.3 *
Early DevonianEmsianLate EmsianDaleje/Zlichovian393.3
Early Emsian398.3 *
LochkovianLate LochkovianLochkovian410.8
Middle Lochkovian412.8 *
Early Lochkovian415.6 *