International Chronostratigraphic Timescale

The interval definitions in this timescale are derived from the following sources:

  • K. M. Cohen, S.C. Finney, P.L. Gibbard and J.-X. Fan. 2023. The ICS International Chronostratigraphic Chart v2023/09. view
  • J. Meng and M. C. McKenna. 1998. Faunal turnovers of Paleogene mammals from the Mongolian Plateau. Nature 394:364-367 view
  • W. B. Harland, R. L. Armstrong, A. V. Cox, L. E. Craig, A. G. Smith and D. G. Smith. 1990. A Geologic Time Scale 1989. view
  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz and G. M. Ogg. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020 view
  • J. I. Raine, A. G. Beu, A. F. Boyes, H. J. Campbell, R. A. Cooper, J. S. Crampton, M. P. Crundwell, C. J. Hollis, and H. E. G. Morgans. 2015. Revised Calibration of the New Zealand Geological Timescale: NZGT2015/1. GNS Science Report 2012(39) view
  • B. D. Webby. 1998. Steps toward a global standard for Ordovician stratigraphy. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 36:1-33 view
  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, and A. G. Smith. 2004. A Geologic Time Scale 2004 1-589 view

There are 59 timescales which overlap this one. show

Interval boundaries marked with * have been interpolated based on the differences between the ages for international timescale boundaries quoted in the source and the currently accepted ages for those boundaries.

Interval names marked with † are no longer in current use.

This timescale is used in the definition of 126186 collections

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescalePaleogene Mammal Ages of AsiaObsolete Names for ICS UnitsCenozoic Subepochs
PleistoceneLate PleistoceneLate Pleistocene0.0117
ChibanianMiddle Pleistocene0.129
CalabrianEarly Pleistocene0.774
NeogenePliocenePiacenzianTertiary †Late Pliocene2.58
ZancleanEarly Pliocene3.6
MioceneMessinianLate Miocene5.333
SerravallianMiddle Miocene11.63
BurdigalianEarly Miocene15.98
PaleogeneOligoceneChattianTabenbulakianHsandagolianLate Oligocene23.03
RupelianKekeamuanEarly Oligocene27.82
EocenePriabonianHouldjinian/Ergilian/UlangochuianLate Eocene33.9
BartonianSharamurunian/Irdinmanhan/ArshantanMiddle Eocene37.71
YpresianBumbanianEarly Eocene47.8
PaleoceneThanetianGashatanLate Paleocene56
SelandianMiddle Paleocene59.2
DanianEarly Paleocene61.6