MP 13 zone

47.8 - 41.2 Ma

The definition of this interval in the timescale Mammal Paleogene Zones is taken from the following source:

  • M. Freudenthal. 2006. Mammal Paleogene zones. personal communication view

There are intervals in 8 timescales which overlap this one. show

This interval is used in the definition of 17 collections

A total of 2964 collections with 27023 occurrences lie within this time span

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescaleMammal Paleogene ZonesCenozoic Subepochs
PaleogeneOligoceneChattianMP 30/MP 29/MP 28/MP 27/MP 26MP 25Late Oligocene23.03
RupelianMP 24/MP 23/MP 22/MP 21Early Oligocene27.82
EocenePriabonianMP 20/MP 19/MP 18/MP 17B/MP 17ALate Eocene33.9
BartonianMP 16Middle Eocene37.71
LutetianMP 15/MP 14/MP 13/MP 12/MP 1141.2
YpresianMP 10/MP 8 + 9/MP 7Early Eocene47.8
PaleoceneThanetianMP 6MP 1 - 5Late Paleocene56
SelandianMiddle Paleocene59.2
DanianEarly Paleocene61.6