Cenozoic Subepochs

The interval definitions in this timescale are derived from the following sources:

  • W. B. Harland, R. L. Armstrong, A. V. Cox, L. E. Craig, A. G. Smith and D. G. Smith. 1990. A Geologic Time Scale 1989. view
  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, and A. G. Smith. 2004. A Geologic Time Scale 2004 1-589 view
  • P. L. Gibbard, M. J. Head, and M. J. C. Walker. 2010. Formal ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base at 2.58 Ma. Journal of Quaternary Science 25(2):96-102 view
  • M. Freudenthal. 2006. Mammal Paleogene zones. personal communication view
  • M. Harzhauser and W. E. Piller. 2004. Integrated stratigraphy of the Sarmatian (Upper Middle Miocene) in the western Central Paratethys. Stratigraphy 1(1):65-86 view
  • F. F. Steininger, W. A. Berggren, D. V. Kent, R. L. Bernor, S. Sen and J. Agusti. 1996. Circum-Mediterranean Neogene (Miocene and Pliocene) marine-continental chronologic correlations of European mammal units. The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas (eds. R. L. Bernor, V. Fahlbusch, and H.-W. Mittmann) view
  • M. O. Woodburne. 1987. A prospectus of the North American Mammal Ages. In: Woodburne, M. O. (ed.), Cenozoic Mammals of North America. University of California Press, Berkelery, CA 285-290 view
  • J. Alroy. 2000. New methods for quantifying macroevolutionary patterns and processes. Paleobiology 26(4):707-733 view

There are 13 timescales which overlap this one. show

Interval boundaries marked with * have been interpolated based on the differences between the ages for international timescale boundaries quoted in the source and the currently accepted ages for those boundaries.

This timescale is used in the definition of 13344 collections

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescaleCenozoic SubepochsCenozoic Subepochs of Southern EuropeMammal Paleogene ZonesCentral Paratethys StagesEuropean Faunal ZonesNorth American Mammal Subages/Zones
QuaternaryPleistoceneLate PleistoceneLate PleistoceneTarantianSheridanian0.0117
ChibanianMiddle PleistoceneIonian0.129
CalabrianEarly Pleistocene0.774
GelasianMN 171.8
NeogenePliocenePiacenzianLate PlioceneMN 162.58
MN 153.2
ZancleanEarly Pliocene3.6
MN 144.2
Late Hemphillian/late Early Hemphillian/early Early Hemphillian4.7
MN 134.9
MioceneMessinianLate Miocene5.333
TortonianPannonianMN 127.246
MN 117.75
MN 108.7
Late Clarendonian/Early Clarendonian9.4
MN 99.7
MN 7 + 811.1
SerravallianMiddle MioceneSarmatian11.63
late Late Barstovian/early Late Barstovian/Early Barstovian12.5
BadenianMN 612.8 *
LanghianMN 513.82
BurdigalianEarly MioceneMN 415.98
Late Hemingfordian/Early Hemingfordian16.3
MN 316.9
late Late Arikareean/early Late Arikareean/late Early Arikareean/early Early ArikareeanHarrisonian18.5
MN 220
MN 122.4
PaleogeneOligoceneChattianLate OligoceneMP 30/MP 29/MP 28/MP 27/MP 26MP 2523.03
Monroecreekian23.1 *
Geringian24.7 *
RupelianEarly OligoceneMP 24/MP 23/MP 22/MP 2127.82
EocenePriabonianLate EoceneMP 20/MP 19/MP 18/MP 17B/MP 17ALate Chadronian/Middle Chadronian/Early Chadronian33.9
BartonianMiddle EoceneMP 1637.71
Late Uintan/Early Uintan39.7
LutetianMP 15/MP 14/MP 13/MP 12/MP 1141.2
YpresianEarly EoceneMP 10/MP 8 + 9/MP 747.8
PaleoceneThanetianLate PaleoceneMP 6MP 1 - 556
SelandianMiddle Paleocene59.2
DanianEarly Paleocene61.6