Mammal Bed, Durlston Bay (DB83) (Cretaceous of the United Kingdom)

Also known as Durdlestone Bay

Where: England, United Kingdom (50.6° N, 2.0° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 33.0° N, 16.2° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Worbarrow Tout Member (Lulworth Formation), Middle Berriasian (145.0 - 140.2 Ma)

• Marly Freshwater Mbr. now = top of Worbarrow Tout Mbr.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by mainly S. H. Beckles in the 1800s; reposited in the BMNH

• Also mammal remains in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, England

Primary reference: R. F. Damon. 1884. Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth, Portland, and Coast of Dorsetshire, from Swanage to Bridport-on-the-Sea, with Natural History of and Archaeological Notes. New and Enlarged Edition. Edward Stanford, London 1-250 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 72142: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 25.05.2007, edited by Mark Uhen, Roger Benson and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Docodonta - Docodontidae
Peraiocynodon inexpectatus n. gen. n. sp.11
Peraiocynodon inexpectatus n. gen. n. sp.11 Simpson 1928 dodocont
BMNH 48248, holotype left mandible
Mammalia indet.11 Linnaeus 1758 mammal
BMNH 48250, M13126 (femora); 48361 (left humerus)
 Eutriconodonta - Triconodontidae
"Triconodon mordax n. gen. n. sp." = Triconodon mordax10, "Triacanthodon serrula n. gen. n. sp." = Triconodon mordax9, "Triconodon minor n. sp." = Triconodon mordax9, "Triconodon ferox n. sp." = Trioracodon ferox9, "Triconodon occisor n. sp." = Trioracodon ferox9, Trioracodon oweni n. sp.11, Triconodontinae indet.11
"Triconodon mordax n. gen. n. sp." = Triconodon mordax10 Owen 1859 mammal
BMNH 47764, 47763, 47767, 47768, 47784, 47789, 47790, 47793a, 47794, 47796, 47806, 48395, 48396, M79, M3705
"Triacanthodon serrula n. gen. n. sp." = Triconodon mordax9 Owen 1859 mammal
BMNH 47763, holotype fragmentary skull
"Triconodon minor n. sp." = Triconodon mordax9 Owen 1859 mammal
BMNH 47771, holotype mandible
"Triconodon ferox n. sp." = Trioracodon ferox9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47775, 47765, 47772, 47773, 47774, 47774a, 47776, 47777, 47778, 47779, 47780, 47781, 47788, 47791, 48397, 48404a, M10474; Sedgwick Museum J13141 (fragment of right dentary)
"Triconodon occisor n. sp." = Trioracodon ferox9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47782, holotype left mandible
Trioracodon oweni n. sp.11 Simpson 1928 mammal
BMNH 47766, holotype mandible
Triconodontinae indet.11 Hay 1902 mammal
BMNH 47797 (partial left maxilla), 47807 (anterior premolar)
 Theriamorpha - Spalacotheriidae
"Spalacotherium tricuspidens" = Spalacotherium tricuspidens9, "Peralestes longirostris n. gen. n. sp." = Spalacotherium tricuspidens9
"Spalacotherium tricuspidens" = Spalacotherium tricuspidens9 Owen 1854 mammal
BMNH 47748, 47749a, 47749b, 47750, M5633; Sedgwick Museum J11378 (fragment of right dentary)
"Peralestes longirostris n. gen. n. sp." = Spalacotherium tricuspidens9 Owen 1854 mammal
BMNH 47740, holotype maxilla; Sedwick Museum J11379 (skull fragment)
 Peramura - Peramuridae
Peramuroides tenuiscus n. gen. n. sp.1, Peramus tenuirostris n. gen. n. sp.9, "Leptocladus dubius n. sp." = Peramus dubius9, Peramus minor n. sp.9, "Spalacotherium minus n. sp." = Kouriogenys minor9
Peramuroides tenuiscus n. gen. n. sp.1 Davis 2012 mammal
Holotype partial mandible (BMNH M47744); BMNH M47799, a right dentary fragment preserving the angular process, an alveolus for the p5 and broken crowns of the m1–m3.
Peramus tenuirostris n. gen. n. sp.9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47742, 48404; originally, 47744 was also refereed here, but Davis (2012) made it the type of Peramuroides tenuiscus (see below)
"Leptocladus dubius n. sp." = Peramus dubius9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47739, holotype left mandible
Peramus minor n. sp.9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47754, holotype left mandible
"Spalacotherium minus n. sp." = Kouriogenys minor9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47751, holotype left mandible
 Tribosphenida -
Durlstodon ensomi n. gen. n. sp.12, Durlstotherium newmani n. gen. n. sp.12
Durlstodon ensomi n. gen. n. sp.12 Sweetman et al. 2017 eutherian
Durlstotherium newmani n. gen. n. sp.12 Sweetman et al. 2017 eutherian
 Pantotheria -
Pantotheria indet.9 Marsh 1880 mammal
BMNH 47769, 47792, 48208A, 48406, M13133, M13130
? Pantotheria indet.9 Marsh 1880 mammal
BMNH 47737, 47798, M13128
 Dryolestoidea - Dryolestidae
Dryolestidae indet.9, Amblotherium sp.11, Amblotherium soricinum n. gen. n. sp.9, "Achyrodon nanus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium nanum9, "Stylodon pusillus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9, "Kurtodon pusillus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum11, "Achyrodon pusillus n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9, "Stylodon robustus n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9, "Amblotherium mustelula n. sp." = Phascolestes mustelula9, "Phascolestes longirostris" = Phascolestes mustelula9, Peraspalax talpoides n. gen. n. sp.9
Dryolestidae indet.9 Marsh 1879 mammal
BMNH 47770, 47795, 47803, 48244, 48401, 48405, M13132, M13131
Amblotherium sp.11 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47800, 48369
Amblotherium soricinum n. gen. n. sp.9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47752, holotype right mandible
"Achyrodon nanus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium nanum9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47745, 47758, 47760, 47785, 47786, 48403
"Stylodon pusillus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9 Owen 1866 mammal
BMNH M5632, 47756, 47757, 47743, 47746, 47783, 47759, 47761, 47787, 47802, M10927
"Kurtodon pusillus n. gen. n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum11 Owen 1866 mammal
BMNH 47755, holotype left maxilla; 48402 (right maxilla)
"Achyrodon pusillus n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9 Owen 1866 mammal
BMNH 47747, holotype left mandible
"Stylodon robustus n. sp." = Amblotherium pusillum9 Owen 1866 mammal
BMNH 47762, holotype left mandible
"Amblotherium mustelula n. sp." = Phascolestes mustelula9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47753 (holotype, right mandible), 47808
"Phascolestes longirostris" = Phascolestes mustelula9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47741, holotype left mandible
Peraspalax talpoides n. gen. n. sp.9 Owen 1871 mammal
BMNH 47738, holotype left mandible
 Multituberculata - Allodontidae
"Plagiaulax minor n. sp." = Ctenacodon minor9
"Plagiaulax minor n. sp." = Ctenacodon minor9 Falconer 1857 multituberculate
BMNH 47729 (holotype right mandible)
 Multituberculata - Plagiaulacidae
"Plioprion minor n. sp." = Bolodon minor11, Bolodon osborni n. sp.11, "Plagiaulax falconeri n. sp." = Bolodon falconeri9, Bolodon crassidens n. gen. n. sp.9, Bolodon elongatus n. sp.11, "Plagiaulax becklesii n. gen. n. sp." = Plagiaulax becklesii9, "Plagiaulax medius n. sp." = Plagiaulax becklesii9
"Plioprion minor n. sp." = Bolodon minor11 Falconer 1857 multituberculate
Bolodon osborni n. sp.11 Simpson 1928 multituberculate
BMNH 47735a, holotype partial right maxilla
"Plagiaulax falconeri n. sp." = Bolodon falconeri9 Owen 1871 multituberculate
BMNH 47730 (holotype right mandible)
Bolodon crassidens n. gen. n. sp.9 Owen 1871 multituberculate
BMNH 47735, holotype maxilla + premaxilla
Bolodon elongatus n. sp.11 Simpson 1928 multituberculate
BMNH 47736, holotype partial skull
"Plagiaulax becklesii n. gen. n. sp." = Plagiaulax becklesii9 Falconer 1857 multituberculate
BMNH 47731 (holotype right mandible), 47732, 47733, 47734
"Plagiaulax medius n. sp." = Plagiaulax becklesii9 Falconer 1857 multituberculate
BMNH 47728 (holotype left mandible)
 Squamata - Dorsetisauridae
Dorsetisaurus purbeckensis n. gen. n. sp.5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
Includes BMNH R8129 (holotype), 15 dentaries and 10 maxilla
Dorsetisaurus hebetidens n. sp.5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
BMNH R8109 (holotype maxilla)
 Squamata -
Parasaurillus pseudobtusus n. gen. n. sp.4, Pseudosaurillus becklesi n. gen. n. sp.5, Durotrigia triconidens n. gen. n. sp.5
Parasaurillus pseudobtusus n. gen. n. sp.4 Evans and Searle 2002 squamates
Includes 44 dentaries and 8 maxillae and neotype left mandible (BMNH R8135)
Pseudosaurillus becklesi n. gen. n. sp.5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
Includes BMNH R8095 (holotype dentary and postcrania), 18 dentaries and 6 maxillae)
Durotrigia triconidens n. gen. n. sp.5 Hoffstetter 1967 lizard
BMNH R8122 (holotype)
 Squamata - Paramacellodidae
Saurillus robustidens n. sp.5, Becklesius sp.4, "Paramacellodus oweni n. gen. n. sp." = Paramacellodus oweni5, "Becklesisaurus scincoides n. gen. n. sp." = Paramacellodus oweni5
Saurillus robustidens n. sp.5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
BMNH R8130 (holotype dentary), R8086 (maxilla)
Becklesius sp.4 Estes 1983 squamates
BMNH R8182 (neotype dentary); plus remains of 35 individuals, includes 22 dentaries and 8 maxilla
"Paramacellodus oweni n. gen. n. sp." = Paramacellodus oweni5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
"Becklesisaurus scincoides n. gen. n. sp." = Paramacellodus oweni5 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates
BMNH R8082 (holotype)
 Squamata -
Parviraptor estesi n. gen. n. sp.3
Parviraptor estesi n. gen. n. sp.3 Evans 1994 squamates
BMNH R48388 (partial skull)
 Lepidosauria -
Rhynchocephalia indet.4 Günther 1867 rhynchocephalian
 Loricata - Goniopholididae
"Macellodus brodiei n. gen. n. sp." = Goniopholis brodiei2
"Macellodus brodiei n. gen. n. sp." = Goniopholis brodiei2 Owen 1854 crocodilian
lost holotype maxilla
 Theropoda -
Theropoda indet.8 theropod
CAMSM J 13956
Paraves indet.3 Sereno 1997 maniraptoran
Isolated tooth on BMNH R48388 block
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Nuthetes destructor8 Owen 1854 maniraptoran
CAMSM J 13951
 Testudinata - Compsemydidae
Tongemys enigmatica n. gen. n. sp.6
Tongemys enigmatica n. gen. n. sp.6 Joyce et al. 2022 turtle
NHMUK PV OR 48262/48265, a near complete shell preserved on two separately catalogued slabs
 Testudinata - Pleurosternidae
Pleurosternon bullockii7 Owen 1842 turtle
BMNH 48262 (partial juvenile shell), 48263, 48353, 48354, 48347, 48343, 48346, 48263c, 48263a, 48263e, 48344m 48351, 48252, 48252a (juvenile shells collected from Beckle's 'Mammal Pit' according to Milner (2004)); BMNH 48364 (right humerus), 48268 (right humerus), 48267 (left humerus), 48266 (left femur), 48369 (left femur), 48269 (phalanges)