GSC 24725 Markham Bay (Permian of Canada)

Where: Nunavut, Canada (83.0° N, 71.8° W: paleocoordinates 38.2° N, 9.0° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Permian (298.9 - 251.9 Ma)

Environment/lithology: lithified, gray, sandy limestone and lithified, concretionary limestone

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: R. L. Christie. 1964. Geological Reconnaissance of northeastern Ellesmere Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 331:1-79 [A. Miller/S. Kolbe]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 102055: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Sarah Kolbe on 07.01.2011

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Identified by Harker
 Rugosa -
Rugosa indet. horn coral
 Favositida - Micheliniidae
Michelinia sp. de Koninck 1841 tabulate coral
 Productida - Linoproductidae
 Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
Spirifer indet. Sowerby 1818
 Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae