Florissant, Station 13B (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Teller County, Colorado (38.9° N, 105.3° W: paleocoordinates 40.4° N, 97.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Florissant Formation, Chadronian (37.2 - 33.9 Ma)

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - large; lithified, diatomaceous, tuffaceous shale

• "shales"

Size class: mesofossils

Preservation: adpression

Collected by W. P. Cockerell, G. N. Rohwer, S. A. Rohwer, M. Smith in 1907, 1908; reposited in the UCM

Primary reference: T. D. A. Cockerell. 1907. Some Old World types of insects in the Miocene of Colorado. Science 26(666):446-447 [C. Labandeira/C. Labandeira/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 106380: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 13.03.2011, edited by Amy Delelli, Jered Karr and Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Fagales - Fagaceae
Fagus longifolia6 Lesquereux 1872 beech
same slab as Asilus peritulus & Melanderella glossalis
 Oxalidales - Cunoniaceae
"Weinmannia phenacophylla" = Weinmannia haydenii6
"Weinmannia phenacophylla" = Weinmannia haydenii6 Lesquereux 1873
 Diptera - Ptychopteridae
"Bittacomorpha miocenica n. sp." = Ptychoptera miocenica15
"Bittacomorpha miocenica n. sp." = Ptychoptera miocenica15 Cockerell 1910 phantom crane fly
UCM 8636
 Diptera - Rhagionidae
Leptis mystaceaeformis n. sp.13 Cockerell 1909 snipe fly
S. A. Rohwer 1908
 Diptera - Athericidae
Atrichops hesperius n. sp.20 Cockerell 1914 water snipe fly
 Diptera - Bombyliidae
"Megacosmus secundus n. sp." = Ylasoia secunda16, Melanderella glossalis n. sp.13, Verrallites cladurus n. gen. n. sp.17
"Megacosmus secundus n. sp." = Ylasoia secunda16 Cockerell 1911 bee fly
Melanderella glossalis n. sp.13 Cockerell 1909 bee fly
M. Smith 1908
Verrallites cladurus n. gen. n. sp.17 Cockerell 1913 bee fly
Univ. of Colorado Exped.
 Diptera - Asilidae
Asilus peritulus n. sp.13, Cophura antiquella n. sp.19, "Ceraturgopsis praecursor n. sp." = Ceraturgus praecursor22, "Leptis florissantina n. sp." = Dioctria florissantina11
Asilus peritulus n. sp.13 Cockerell 1909 robber fly
Collected 1907
Cophura antiquella n. sp.19 Cockerell 1913 robber fly
Geo. N. Rohwer
"Ceraturgopsis praecursor n. sp." = Ceraturgus praecursor22 James 1939 robber fly
W. P. Cockerell
"Leptis florissantina n. sp." = Dioctria florissantina11 Cockerell 1909 robber fly
 Diptera - Bibionidae
Bibiodes intermedia21 James 1937 march fly
W. P. Cockerell
 Odonata - Aeshnidae
"Oplonaeschna lapidaria n. sp." = Oligaeschna lapidaria18
"Oplonaeschna lapidaria n. sp." = Oligaeschna lapidaria18 Cockerell and Counts 1913 darner dragonfly
USNM 59922
 Odonata - Dysagrionidae
Phenacolestes mirandus3 Cockerell 1908 damselfly
BMNH I.15049; second specimen in UCM
Phenacolestes parallelus4 Cockerell 1908 damselfly
 Odonata -
Trichocnemis aliena7 Scudder 1892 damselfly
 Odonata - Coenagrionidae
Enallagma mortuella n. sp.12 Cockerell 1909 bluet
G. N. Rohwer
 Ephemeroptera - Ephemeridae
Ephemera howarthi5 Cockerell 1908 burrowing mayfly
 Blattodea - Blattellidae
Ischnoptera brunneri n. sp.13 Cockerell 1909 cockroach
T. D. A. Cockerell, 1908
 Orthoptera - Eumastacidae
"Eobanksia bittaciformis n. gen. n. sp." = Taphacris bittaciformis10
"Eobanksia bittaciformis n. gen. n. sp." = Taphacris bittaciformis10 Cockerell 1909 monkey grasshopper
Miss Gertrude Darling
 Orthoptera - Acrididae
Taeniopodites pardalis n. gen. n. sp.9
Taeniopodites pardalis n. gen. n. sp.9 Cockerell 1909 spur-throated grasshopper
BMNH In 19228; part is in U Colorado Museum
 Dermaptera - Forficulidae
"Labiduromma scudderi n. sp." = Rupiforficula scudderi1
"Labiduromma scudderi n. sp." = Rupiforficula scudderi1 Brown 1984 common earwig
UCM 29907/8
 Dermaptera -
"Labiduromma gurneyi n. sp." = Petrolabis gurneyi1
"Labiduromma gurneyi n. sp." = Petrolabis gurneyi1 Brown 1984 earwig
UCM 29902, 29935
 Hymenoptera - Argidae
"Schizocerus konowi n. sp." = Sterictiphora konowi25
"Schizocerus konowi n. sp." = Sterictiphora konowi25 Rohwer 1908 argid sawfly
S.A. Rohwer, 1908
 Hymenoptera - Tenthredinidae
Eriocampa bruesi n. sp.25, Nortonella typica n. gen. n. sp.25, Dineura cockerelli n. sp.24, Dineura fuscipennis n. sp.25
Eriocampa bruesi n. sp.25 Rohwer 1908 wood wasp
Melford Smith, 1908
Nortonella typica n. gen. n. sp.25 Rohwer 1908 wood wasp
Dineura cockerelli n. sp.24 Rohwer 1908 wood wasp
S.A. Rohwer, 1907 (additional specimen by Geo. N. Rohwer, 1908)
Dineura fuscipennis n. sp.25 Rohwer 1908 wood wasp
S.A. Rohwer, 1908
 Hymenoptera - Pamphiliidae
Atocus defessus25 Scudder 1892 sawfly
W. P. Cockerell, 1908
 Hymenoptera - Braconidae
"Calyptus wilmattae n. sp." = Eubazus wilmattae2
"Calyptus wilmattae n. sp." = Eubazus wilmattae2 Brues 1910 wasp
 Hymenoptera - Apidae
Anthophora melfordi n. sp.6 Cockerell 1908 bee
M. Smith
Calyptapis florissantensis6 Cockerell 1906 bee
W. P. Cockerell
 Hymenoptera -
Andrena hypolitha n. sp.6 Cockerell 1908 bee
 Hymenoptera - Pemphredonidae
Passaloecus fasciatus n. sp.26 Rohwer 1909 aphid wasp
 Hymenoptera - Aulacidae
"Aulacus bradleyi n. sp." = Pristaulacus bradleyi2
"Aulacus bradleyi n. sp." = Pristaulacus bradleyi2 Brues 1910 wasp
 Trichoptera - Odontoceridae
Phenacopsyche vexans n. gen. n. sp.10
Phenacopsyche vexans n. gen. n. sp.10 Cockerell 1909 caddisfly
Geo. N. Rohwer, 1908
 Neuroptera - Nemopteridae
"Halter americana n. sp." = Marquettia americana
"Halter americana n. sp." = Marquettia americana Cockerell 1907 thread-winged antlion
S. A. Rowher
 Neuroptera - Chrysopidae
"Palaeochrysa ferruginea n. sp." = Lithochrysa ferruginea14
"Palaeochrysa ferruginea n. sp." = Lithochrysa ferruginea14 Cockerell 1909 green lacewing
S.A. Rohwer
 Raphidioptera - Raphidiidae
"Raphidia exhumata n. sp." = Megaraphidia exhumata13
"Raphidia exhumata n. sp." = Megaraphidia exhumata13 Cockerell 1909 snakefly
S. A. Rohwer 1908
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
Paussopsis nearctica n. gen. n. sp.16
Paussopsis nearctica n. gen. n. sp.16 Cockerell 1911 ant nest beetle
 Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Staphylinus lesleyi29 Scudder 1900 rove beetle
Geo. N. Rohwer
 Coleoptera - Lucanidae
Ceruchus fuchsii n. sp.28 Wickham 1911 stag beetle
 Coleoptera - Scarabaeidae
Ligyrus compositus n. sp.28 Wickham 1911 rhinoceras beetle
UCM, coll. Willard Rusk 1909
? Diplotaxis simplicipes n. sp.29 Wickham 1912 scarab beetle
 Coleoptera - Mordellidae
"Mordella lapidicola n. sp." = Petrimordella lapidicola27
"Mordella lapidicola n. sp." = Petrimordella lapidicola27 Wickham 1909 tumbling flower beetle
YPM No. 9
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
Callidiopsites grandiceps n. gen. n. sp.31 Wickham 1913 longhorned beetle
Callimoxys primordialis n. sp.28 Wickham 1911 longhorned beetle
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Metachroma florissantensis n. sp.29 Wickham 1912 leaf beetle
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Geralophus antiquarius30, "Balaninus minusculus" = Curculio minusculus28
Geralophus antiquarius30 Scudder 1893 snout beetle
"Balaninus minusculus" = Curculio minusculus28 Scudder 1893 snout beetle
coll. 1908
 Coleoptera - Buprestidae
Melanophila handlirschi n. sp.29 Wickham 1912 jewel beetle
S.A. Rohwer
 Coleoptera - Elateridae
"Corymbites propheticus" = Ctenicera prophetica32, Megapenthes primaevus32
"Corymbites propheticus" = Ctenicera prophetica32 Wickham 1916 click beetle
Megapenthes primaevus32 Wickham 1916 click beetle
 Hemiptera - Aphididae
"Anconatus gillettei n. sp." = Siphonophoroides gillettei8
"Anconatus gillettei n. sp." = Siphonophoroides gillettei8 Cockerell 1908 aphid
 Hemiptera - Pentatomidae
Teleocoris pothetias n. gen. n. sp.23
Teleocoris pothetias n. gen. n. sp.23 Kirkaldy 1910 stink bug
coll. W.P. Cockerell
 Hemiptera - Reduviidae
Poliosphageus psychrus n. gen. n. sp.23
Poliosphageus psychrus n. gen. n. sp.23 Kirkaldy 1910 assassin bug
coll. W.P. Cockerell
 Hemiptera - Dictyopharidae
Florissantia elegans13 Scudder 1890 planthopper
S. A. Rohwer