Radoboj (NHMW Wien Collection) (Miocene of Croatia)

Where: Croatia (46.2° N, 15.9° E: paleocoordinates 45.7° N, 15.6° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Sarmatian (12.7 - 11.6 Ma)

• Likely early Sarmatian (MN7) in age, based on foraminifera (Bajraktarevic, 1984) and siliceous microfossils (Galovic, 2003) from localities in the vicinity of Krapina.

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; lithified limestone

• The deposits of Radoboj are marine deposits accumulated in a shallow epicontinental sea, possibly in a lagoon. In addition to insects, marine fish and algae have been found in Radoboj. The formation of the Pannonian Basin System commenced in the Early and the Middle Miocene as the consequence of the continental collision of the African (=Apulian) and European plates, and deposition in the entire basin was influenced by important extensional tectonics.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, adpression

Reposited in the NHMW

• Repository: Hofmineralien Cabinet zu Wien in Heer

Primary reference: O. Heer. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Henschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflügler, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen 1-264 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 117247: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 18.09.2011

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Bibionidae
? Bibio sp.7, "Bibio partschii n. sp." = Bibio giganteus, "Bibio maculatus" = Bibio giganteus, "Penthetria obsoleta" = Bibio obsoletus7, Penthetria anthracina8, Bibiopsis murchisonii, ? Penthetria longa8
? Bibio sp.7 Geoffroy 1762 march fly
"Bibio partschii n. sp." = Bibio giganteus Unger 1841 march fly
"Bibio maculatus" = Bibio giganteus Unger 1841 march fly
"Penthetria obsoleta" = Bibio obsoletus7 Heer 1849 march fly
Penthetria anthracina8 Heer 1849 march fly
NHMW 1937 (no. 23) II.104 (labeled as Bibio fusiformis)
Bibiopsis murchisonii Unger 1841 march fly
? Penthetria longa8 Heer 1849 march fly
Not specimen depicted by Heer, probably non-type
 Diptera - Pallopteridae
? Palloptera aff. umbellatarum2 Fabricius 1775 fly
NHMW 1852.I.1027
 Diptera - Tipulidae
Tipula varia7 Heer 1849 crane fly
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Lasius anthracinus1 Heer 1867 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.34, 1852.XXIX.5a(2), 1852.XXIX.8, 1877.XXV.15, 1877.XXV.16, five unnumbered
Lasius ophthalmicus1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.12, 13, 18777.XXv.18c, PSWH Coll 2001b(2)
Lasius globularis1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.14
Lasius occultatus1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.I.1032, 1852.I.1047, 1852.I.1049, 1852.XXIX.18, 1852.XXIX.20, 1852.XXIX.21b, 1852.XXIX.22
Lasius longaevus1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1842.I.21, 1852.XXIX.26, 1852.XXIX.7, K.K. Polytech. Institut 1868, 4 unnumbered
Lasius longipennis1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.I.1048, 1902.III.217, Jahr 1868, unnumbered
? Camponotus sp.7 Mayr 1861 ant
Formica ungeri1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.I.1042, 1045; 1852.XXIX.10, 17, 21a, 27, 28, 30, 5c, 6; D1185 (Jahr 1884); PSWH Coll. 2001d; unnumbered
Formica fragilis1 Heer 1867 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.31
Oecophylla obesa1 Heer 1849 weaver ant
NHMW 1852.I.1001, 1852.XXIX.3, 1852.XXIX.38, PSWH Coll. 2001a
"Camponotus induratus" = Camponotites induratus6 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1842.XXIX.4 (Mayr specimen); 1865.X.1121; unnumbered
Heeridris croaticus n. gen. n. sp.1 Dlussky and Putyatina 2014 ant
NHMW 1852.I.999(1000) (ID as Formica ungeri by Heer); unnumbered
"Liometopum imhoffii" = Liometopum imhoffii1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.37, 1843.XLIX.3, 1877.XXV.18a, K.K. Polyetchn. Institut 1868, Jahr 1868, unnumbered
"Poneropsis lugubris" = Liometopum imhoffii1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.35 (neotype)
Emplastus miocenicus n. sp.1 Dlussky and Putyatina 2014 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.32 (ID as Ponera fuliginosa by Heer)
Ponerites tenuis1 Heer 1867 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.36
"Poneropsis elongata n. sp." = Ponerites elongatus5 Heer 1867 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.33 (Heer 1867 described 5 specimens)
Ponera croatica n. sp. Heer 1849 ant
Myrmecites latus n. sp.1 Dlussky and Putyatina 2014 ant
NHMW 2014/0130/0001 (Acq. 1890); 1852.I.1012
Myrmecites pusillus1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.41
Paraphaenogaster jurinei1 Heer 1849 ant
NHMW 1852.XXIX.40
 Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae
"Vanessa pluto n. sp." = Mylothrites pluto
"Vanessa pluto n. sp." = Mylothrites pluto Heer 1849 browns
 Lepidoptera -
"Noctuidae radobojana n. sp." = Noctuites radobojana3
"Noctuidae radobojana n. sp." = Noctuites radobojana3 Handlirsch 1907 moth
 Hemiptera - Cercopidae
Cercopis charpentieri4 Heer 1853 froghopper
6 in Gratz and "Wiener Sammlung" collections (arbitrarily divided in half)
 Hemiptera - Rhyparochromidae
Pachymerus bisignatus n. sp.4 Heer 1853 seed bug
"Wiener Sammlung"
 Hemiptera - Lygaeidae
Lygaeus deucalionis n. sp.4 Heer 1853 milkweed bug
"Wiener Sammlung"
 Hemiptera - Cydnidae
"Cydnopsis brevicollis" = Cydnus brevicollis4, Cydnopsis haidingeri4
"Cydnopsis brevicollis" = Cydnus brevicollis4 Heer 1853 burrowing bug
collection not given, but occurs with Termes haidingeri
Cydnopsis haidingeri4 Heer 1853 burrowing bug
"Wiener Sammlung"
 Hemiptera - Aphididae
"Aphis pallescens" = Greenidea pallescens4
"Aphis pallescens" = Greenidea pallescens4 Heer 1853 aphid
"Wiener Sammlung"
 Blattodea - Mastotermitidae
"Termes (Termopsis) haidingeri n. sp." = Mastotermes haidingeri
"Termes (Termopsis) haidingeri n. sp." = Mastotermes haidingeri Heer 1849 termite
 Orthoptera - Gryllidae
Gryllus fuchsi n. sp.3 Handlirsch 1907 true crickets
NHMW 1852/I/991
 Orthoptera - Acrididae
Acrididae indet.10 Latreille 1802 short-horned grasshopper
Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna no. 1902, iii 216
Oedipoda radobojana n. sp.9 Zeuner 1942 band-winged grasshopper
Gryllacris kittli n. sp.3 Handlirsch 1907 band-winged grasshopper