Brunstatt, horizon d2 (Oligocene of France)

Where: France (47.7° N, 7.3° E: paleocoordinates 47.1° N, 3.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Oligocene (33.9 - 28.4 Ma)

• Lutz (1997) and Mai (1995) assign the age of Brunstatt and Kleinkems to the Lower Oligocene, but Mai (1995) also allocated Brunstatt to the Mammal Reference Level MP20 which corresponds to the Priabonian (37.2–33.9 Ma) in the latest part of the Eocene. Thus, the stratigraphical position of Brunstatt and Kleinkems seems to be close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - large; lithified marl

• Deposited on the shore of a very large shallow saline lake (with an area of several hundred square kilometres) with episodical intrusion of fresh water.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, adpression

Primary reference: B. Förster. 1891. Die Insekten der "Plattigen Steinmergels" von Brunstatt. Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Elsass-Lothringen, Band 3 1:335-593 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 121473: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 04.12.2011, edited by Jered Karr

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera - Empididae
? Empis macrophthalma Förster 1891 dagger fly
 Diptera - Bibionidae
Plecia "sp. 1" Wiedemann 1823 love bug
Plecia "sp. 2" Wiedemann 1823 love bug
Plecia luctuosa von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 love bug
Plecia cf. rhenana von Heyden and von Heyden 1865 love bug
Plecia cf. pallida Oustalet 1870 love bug
Plecia foersteri Theobald 1937 love bug
And several others
 Diptera - Tipulidae
Tipula "sp. 1" Linnaeus 1758 crane fly
Tipula "sp. 2" Linnaeus 1758 crane fly
 Blattodea - Blattidae
Blatta sundgaviensis n. sp. Förster 1891 cockroach
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
"Hypoclinea explicans n. sp." = Dolichoderus explicans, "Camponotus compactus n. sp." = Camponotites compactus, "Camponotus miserabilis n. sp." = Camponotites vehemens, Oecophylla praeclara n. sp., Solenopsis superba, "Attopsis privata n. sp." = Solenopsis privata, "Attopsis blanda n. sp." = Solenopsis blanda, "Attopsis acuta n. sp." = Solenopsis blanda
"Hypoclinea explicans n. sp." = Dolichoderus explicans Förster 1891 ant
"Camponotus compactus n. sp." = Camponotites compactus Förster 1891 ant
"Camponotus miserabilis n. sp." = Camponotites vehemens Förster 1891 ant
Oecophylla praeclara n. sp. Förster 1891 weaver ant
Solenopsis superba Förster 1891 ant
"Attopsis privata n. sp." = Solenopsis privata Förster 1891 ant
"Attopsis blanda n. sp." = Solenopsis blanda Förster 1891 ant
"Attopsis acuta n. sp." = Solenopsis blanda Förster 1891 ant
 Hymenoptera - Chrysididae
Chrysis amoena n. sp. Förster 1891 cuckoo wasp
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
Harpalus obtusus n. sp., Amara procera n. sp., "Amara sinuata n. sp." = Amara foersteri, Bembidium laevigatum n. sp., Anchomenus bipunctatus n. sp., Trechus capito n. sp.
Harpalus obtusus n. sp. Förster 1891 ground beetle
Amara procera n. sp. Förster 1891 ground beetle
"Amara sinuata n. sp." = Amara foersteri Handlirsch 1907 ground beetle
Bembidium laevigatum n. sp. Förster 1891 ground beetle
Anchomenus bipunctatus n. sp. Förster 1891 ground beetle
Trechus capito n. sp. Förster 1891 ground beetle
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
"Escheria convexa n. sp." = Copelatus convexus
"Escheria convexa n. sp." = Copelatus convexus Förster 1891 predaceous diving beetle
 Coleoptera - Tenebrionidae
Pseudocistela gracilis n. sp. Förster 1891 comb-clawed beetle
 Coleoptera - Nitidulidae
Meligethes detractus n. sp. Förster 1891 sap beetle
 Coleoptera - Brentidae
Apion parvum n. sp.
Apion parvum n. sp. Förster 1891 weevil
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Larinus longirostris n. sp. Förster 1891 snout beetle
Ceutorhynchus crassirostris n. sp. Förster 1891 snout beetle
Ceutorhynchus obliquus n. sp. Förster 1891 snout beetle
Smicronyx antiquus n. sp. Förster 1891 snout beetle
 Coleoptera - Anthribidae
"Urodon cinctus n. sp." = Bruchela cincta
"Urodon cinctus n. sp." = Bruchela cincta Förster 1891 fungus weevil
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
"Haltica difficilis n. sp." = Psylliodes difficilis, Galerucella affinis n. sp., Agelasa sessilis n. sp.
"Haltica difficilis n. sp." = Psylliodes difficilis Förster 1891 flea beetle
Galerucella affinis n. sp. Förster 1891 leaf beetle
Agelasa sessilis n. sp. Förster 1891 leaf beetle
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
? Cerambycites sp. Deichmüller 1886 longhorned beetle
 Coleoptera - Coccinellidae
"Chilocorus politus n. sp." = Chilocorus foersteri
"Chilocorus politus n. sp." = Chilocorus foersteri Ukrainsky 2010 ladybird beetle
 Coleoptera - Buprestidae
Anthaxia beneckei n. sp. Förster 1891 jewel beetle
 Coleoptera -
Escheria dimidiata n. sp. Förster 1891 beetle
 Hemiptera - Rhyparochromidae
Pachymerus detectus n. sp. Förster 1891 seed bug
Aphanus contractus Theobald 1937 seed bug
 Hemiptera - Heterogastridae
Heterogaster famosus n. sp. Förster 1891 true bug
Heterogaster cf. radobojanus Heer 1853 true bug
Heterogaster sundgoviensis Theobald 1937 true bug
 Hemiptera - Cydnidae
Cydnus sp. Fabricius 1803 burrowing bug
Cydnus solutus Förster 1891 burrowing bug
Cydnus cf. atavinus Heer 1853 burrowing bug
Brachypelta retrita n. sp. Förster 1891 burrowing bug
Cydnus parvus n. sp. Förster 1891 burrowing bug
Cydnus acriscutatus n. sp. Förster 1891 burrowing bug
Cydnus cf. brevicollis Heer 1853 burrowing bug
Cydnus brevicrassus n. sp. Förster 1891 burrowing bug
Cydnus maximus n. sp. Förster 1891 burrowing bug
"Cydnus scutatus n. sp." = Cydnus armiger Förster 1891 burrowing bug
"Cydnus cf. haidingeri" = Cydnopsis haidingeri Heer 1853 burrowing bug
 Hemiptera - Scutelleridae
Eurygaster granulosus n. sp. Förster 1891 metallic shield bug
 Hemiptera - Pentatomidae
Eurydema retrorsum, Pentatoma rigosum n. sp., Pentatoma venosum n. sp., Pentatoma fatale n. sp., "Eusarcoris cf. pinguis" = Eysarcoris, "Eusarcoris cf. prodromus" = Eysarcoris, "Eusarcoris humilis n. sp." = Eysarcoris, "Eusarcoris nuda n. sp." = Eysarcoris, "? Arma contusa n. sp." = Eysarcoris mammillata
Eurydema retrorsum Theobald 1937 stink bug
Pentatoma rigosum n. sp. Förster 1891 stink bug
Pentatoma venosum n. sp. Förster 1891 stink bug
Pentatoma fatale n. sp. Förster 1891 stink bug
"Eusarcoris cf. pinguis" = Eysarcoris stink bug
"Eusarcoris cf. prodromus" = Eysarcoris stink bug
"Eusarcoris humilis n. sp." = Eysarcoris stink bug
"Eusarcoris nuda n. sp." = Eysarcoris stink bug
"? Arma contusa n. sp." = Eysarcoris mammillata Förster 1891 stink bug
 Hemiptera - Aphrophoridae
"Aphrophora pulchra n. sp." = Aphrophora pulchra, "Aphrophora antiqua n. sp." = Aphrophora pulchra
"Aphrophora pulchra n. sp." = Aphrophora pulchra Förster 1891 froghopper
"Aphrophora antiqua n. sp." = Aphrophora pulchra Förster 1891 froghopper