†Copelatus convexus Förster 1891 (predaceous diving beetle)
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Insecta - Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Alternative combinations: Escheria convexa, Hydrobius convexa
Full reference: B. Förster. 1891. Die Insekten der "Plattigen Steinmergels" von Brunstatt. Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Elsass-Lothringen, Band 3 1:335-593
Belongs to Copelatus according to M. Fikáček et al. 2011
See also Förster 1891 and Theobald 1937
Sister taxa: Copelatus aphroditae, Copelatus fossilis, Copelatus ponomarenkoi, Copelatus predaveterus, Copelatus stavropolitanus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Brunstatt, horizon d2, which is in an Oligocene lacustrine - large marl in France
Distribution: found only at Brunstatt, horizon d2
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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