Trochu (KUA-2) (Cretaceous of Canada)

Where: Alberta, Canada (51.8° N, 113.0° W: paleocoordinates 59.5° N, 84.6° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Scollard Formation, Lancian (70.6 - 66.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size class: mesofossils

Collected by D. Taylor in 1964-1966

Primary reference: J. A. Lillegraven. 1969. Latest Cretaceous mammals of upper part of Edmonton Formation of Alberta, Canada, and review of marsupial-placental dichotomy in mammalian evolution. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions 50:1-122 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 14631: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 26.07.1994, edited by Matthew Carrano

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Teleostei -
Teleostei "indet. U-4"2 Müller 1846
TMP 2009.13.71, one abdominal centrum; TMP 2015.37.74, two abdominal centra; TMP 2009.13.350, six centra
 Ostariophysi -
"Otophysi "indet. U-3/BvD"" = Otophysa2
"Otophysi "indet. U-3/BvD"" = Otophysa2
TMP 2009.13.75, two ante- rior Weberian centrum (centrum type U3); TMP 2009.13.225, one anterior Weberian centrum (centrum type U3); TMP 2020.60.9, anterior Weberian centrum (centrum type U3); TMP 2020.60.10, third Weberian centrum (centrum type BvC)
 Esociformes - Esocidae
Estesesox sp.2 Wilson et al. 1992
TMP 2009.13.43, dentary; TMP 2009.13.172, dentary; TMP 2009.13.177, dentary; TMP 2009.13.275, dentary; TMP 2009.13.302, dentary; TMP 2009.13.344, dentary; TMP 2009.13.44, palatine; TMP 2009.13.343, palatine
 Acanthomorphata -
"Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-1"" = Acanthomorphata2, "Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-2"" = Acanthomorphata2, "Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-5"" = Acanthomorphata2
"Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-1"" = Acanthomorphata2 Rosen 1973
TMP 2009.13.5, abdominal centra; TMP 2009.13.76, one abdominal centrum; TMP 2009.13.351, 10 abdominal centra; TMP 2015.37.102, three abdominal centra
"Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-2"" = Acanthomorphata2 Rosen 1973
TMP 2015.37.26, one abdom- inal centrum; TMP 2009.13.347, two abdominal centra; TMP 2009.13.349, one first abdominal centrum
"Acanthomorpha "indet. HC-5"" = Acanthomorphata2 Rosen 1973
TMP 2009.13.72, one first abdominal centrum
 Acanthomorphata - Sciaenidae
Platacodon nanus2 Marsh 1889
TMP 2020.60.11, isolated teeth
 Teleostei -
Osteoglossomorpha indet.2 Greenwood et al. 1966
= Coriops/Lopadichthys; TMP 2009.13.70, three centra; TMP 2009.13.77, one centrum; TMP 2015.37.25, one centrum
 Osteoglossiformes -
Wilsonichthys aridinsulensis n. sp.2 Murray et al. 2016
TMP 2012.20.1493, articu- lated skeleton, type specimen of Wilsonichthys aridinsulensis; TMP 2009.13.62, anterior end of dentary and anterior end of maxilla of Wilsonichthys aridinsulensis; TMP 2009.13.5, centra type BvE; TMP 2009.13.73, one centrum type BvE; TMP 2009.13.74, five centra type BvE; TMP 2009.13.218, one centrum type BvE; TMP 2009.13.221, one centrum type BvE; TMP 2009.13.228, one centrum type BvE; TMP 2009.13.348, three centra
 Hiodontiformes - Hiodontidae
Hiodontidae "indet. small morph"2
TMP 2015.37.23, one abdom- inal centrum of small size
 Albuliformes - Albulidae
Coriops sp.2 Estes 1969 bonefish
TMP 2009.13.67, partial basi- branchial; TMP 2009.13.267, partial basibranchial
 Elopiformes -
Ostariostoma sp.2 Schaeffer 1949
TMP 2009.13.24, anterior end of dentary; TMP2009.13.68, anterior end of dentary
 Tribosphenida - Alphadontidae
Alphadon sp.1 Simpson 1927 metatherian
 Tribosphenida - Stagodontidae
Didelphodon vorax Marsh 1889 metatherian
 Multituberculata -
"Cimexomys priscus" = Paracimexomys priscus
"Cimexomys priscus" = Paracimexomys priscus Lillegraven 1969 multituberculate