Alternative spelling: Teleostea
Parent taxon: Teleosteomorpha according to G. Arratia 2017
See also Alvarado-Ortega 2004, Betancur et al. 2013, Carnevale 2007, Carnevale and Godfrey 2018, Case and Schwimmer 1988, Denton 2013, Domning and Clark 1993, Ebersole et al. 2019, Ebersole et al. 2024, Fierstine 1998, Fierstine 2001, Fierstine et al. 2012, Fierstine and Starnes 2005, Forey et al. 2003, Friedman et al. 2010, Gadow 1898, Gottfried et al. 2006, Grande and Grande 2008, Huxley 1880, Jaekel 1911, Jordan 1963, Kumar and Loyal 1987, Long 2011, Martinelli and Forasiepi 2004, Meyer and Zardoya 2003, Murray 1996, Nelson 2006, Nelson et al. 2016, Normark et al. 1991, Peng et al. 2001, Previtera and González Riga 2008, Thurmond and Jones 1981 and Zalohar et al. 2009
Sister taxa: Aspidorhynchei, Aspidorhynchiformes, Barschichthyidae, Marcopoloichthyidae, Prohaleciteiformes, Ruedersdorfia
Subtaxa: Acanthopteri Acregoliath Amphiuma nordica Araripchthyiformes Asiatolepis Bathyclupeiformes Catosteomi Chongichthyidae Chromides Crossognathiformes Discocephali Dorsetichthyiformes Elopocephalai Eupercaria Euteleosteii Gasterosteiformes Gobioidea Ichthyodectiformes Jinanichthys Jugulares Lampriformes Leptolepidiformes Leucichthyops Longdeichthys Luisiella Lyopomi Malacopteri Opisthomi Osteoglossocephalai Osteossomorpha Paralycoptera Pediculati Percomorphacea Pharyngognathi Pholidophoriformes Polymyxiomorpha Scorpaeniformes Stephanoberyciformes Symbranchia Teleocephala Teleosteorum Todiltia Tonghuaichthys Tselfatiiformes Xenopterygii Ypsiloichthys