Laguna Chillhue (Neogene of Argentina)

Also known as Laguna Chillhué

Where: La Pampa, Argentina (37.7° S, 63.5° W: paleocoordinates 37.9° S, 61.2° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Huayquerian mammal zone, Cerro Azul Formation, Huayquerian (8.0 - 5.0 Ma)

• Schmidt et al. 2018: Figure 2 illustrates the stratigraphic distribution of the locality giving a general age estimate of 7.5-8.0Ma.

•Sostillo et al. 2018: The Cerro Azul Formation deposits (Linares et al., 1980)

•are discontinuous along the whole occupied area in the provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires (Fig. 2). They are composed of silts, sandy silts and very thin silty sands, reddish and brown colored, with a homogeneous and com- pact general aspect, and frequent carbonate nodules and evidences of pedogenic processes (Folguera and Zárate, 2009). Visconti et al. (2010) interpreted them as eolian de- posits characterized by loessic materials, with a high per- centage of lithic fragments and volcaniclastic sediments. Detailed geological and stratigraphic descriptions of the Cerro Azul Formation are provided by Linares et al. (1980), Goin et al. (2000), Visconti et al. (2010), and Folguera and Zárate (2009).

•In particular, remains from Laguna Chillhué and Quehué (Pascual and Bondesio, 1982; Montalvo et al., 1995; Sostillo, 2016) were recovered from the lower levels of the Cerro Azul Formation and interpreted as fluvial fa- cies (Deschamps et al., 2013; Sostillo et al., 2014).

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; lithified, brown siltstone and sandstone

• Schmidt et al. 2018: At Laguna Chillhue and Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo, fluvial and eolian deposits are intercalated (Deschamps et al., 2013; Mehl and Zarate, 2014).

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: Esteban, et al. 2000: Todos los ejemplares analizados están depositados en

•la Cátedra de Geología Histórica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional ele La Pampa, Argentina, cuyo acrónimo es GHUNLPam

Primary reference: F. J. Goin, C. I. Montalvo, and G. Visconti. 2000. Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno Superior de la Formacion Cerro Azul(Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Estudios Geol 56:101-126 [C. Jaramillo/J. Carrillo/J. Carrillo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 151498: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Juan Carrillo on 04.10.2013, edited by Grace Varnham, Miranta Kouvari, Philip Mannion and Kateryn Pino

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Panameriungulata - Proterotheriidae
Diplasiotherium pampa8 Soria 2001 placental
 Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Macraucheniinae indet.7 Gervais 1855 placental
Paranauchenia denticulata6 Ameghino 1891 placental
GHUNLPam 18805, incomplete right maxilla with P3-4, fragment of M1, M2, and associated left M3
 Rodentia - Hydrochoeridae
 Rodentia - Octodontidae
Metacaremys primitiva5 Piñero et al. 2021 caviomorph
GHUNLPam 303, 307, 2227, 5088, 5090, 5234
 Rodentia - Abrocomidae
Protabrocoma antiqua6 Rovereto 1914 chinchilla rat
 Rodentia - Echimyidae
Pampamys emmonsae12 Verzi et al. 1995 spiny rat
 Rodentia -
Chasichimys scagliai11 Pascual 1967 caviomorph
GHUNLPam 311 and GHUNLPam 2011
  - Mylodontidae
Proscelidodon gracillimus4 Rovereto 1914 edentate
GHUNLPam 4326
 Cingulata - Panochthidae
Hoplophorus sp.6 Lund 1838 edentate
 Cingulata -
Coscinocercus sp.6 Cabrera 1939 edentate
Aspidocalyptus castroi6 Cabrera 1939 edentate
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Dasypodidae "Gen. nov. "A" Scillato Yané 1982"3 Gray 1821 armadillo
GHUNLPam 23 16/17
Macrochorobates scalabrinii3 Moreno and Mercerat 1891 armadillo
Doellotatus inornatus3 Rovereto 1914 armadillo
Chasicotatus ameghinoi3 Scillato-Yané 1977 armadillo
Zaedyus pichiy3 Desmarest 1804 pichi
Proeuphractus sp.3 Ameghino 1886 armadillo
Macroeuphractus morenoi3 Lydekker 1894 armadillo
Chorobates villosissimus3 Reig 1958 armadillo
 Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae
Pseudotypotherium subinsigne10 Rovereto 1914 notoungulate
GHUNLPam 8624, 9007, 160
"Typotheriopsis silveyrai" = Typotheriopsis chasicoensis10 Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931 notoungulate
 Notoungulata - Hegetotheriidae
Hemihegetotherium achataleptum1 Rovereto 1914 notoungulate
GHUNLPam 151, GHUNLPam 339, GHUNLPam 2018, GHUNLPam 2303, GHUNLPam 5675, GHUNLPam 8157, GHUNLPam 8413, GHUNLPam 8414-8415, GHUNLPam 12648
Tremacyllus impressus9 Ameghino 1888 notoungulate
GHUNLPam 5563, 8712
Paedotherium sp.2 Burmeister 1888 notoungulate
Paedotherium minor10 Cabrera 1937 notoungulate
 Didelphimorphia - Didelphidae
Thylamys pinei Goin et al. 2000 fat-tailed mouse opossum
Thylatheridium hudsoni Goin and Montalvo 1988 opossum
Thylatheridium dolgopolae Reig 1952 opossum
 Paucituberculata - Caenolestidae
Pliolestes venetus Goin et al. 2000 marsupial