Zhixin Forest Farm (Cretaceous of China)

Where: Jilin, China (42.7° N, 129.6° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 43.2° N, 140.1° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Dalazi Formation, Aptian (125.0 - 113.0 Ma)

• "Bed 7" of synthetic section. Aptian age based on angiosperms (Tao and Zhang, 1990). Other papers have assigned an Albian age based on pollen and plants (Yu and Miao, 1983; Zhang, 1986).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine - large; lithified, carbonaceous shale

• Dalazi basin is rift basin controlled by NNE rift structure (Tao and Zhang, 1990).
• Variegated sandstone, sandy mudstone, mudstone intercalated with dark grey paper shale and oil shale. [Insects likely come from oil shale]

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression

Reposited in the NIGPAS

Primary reference: H. C. Zhang. 1997. Early Cretaceous insects from the Dalazi Formation of the Zhixin basin, Jilin Province, China. Palaeoworld 7:75-103 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 151876: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 13.10.2013

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Hemiptera - Corixidae
Cristocorixa dalaziensis n. sp. Zhang 1997 water boatman
NIGP 124645=DLZ023(024)
 Hemiptera - Cicadellidae
Yanbianella simplex n. gen. n. sp.
Yanbianella simplex n. gen. n. sp. Zhang 1997 leafhopper
NIGP 124642(643)=DLZ005(006)
 Diptera - Chaoboridae
Chironomaptera gregaria Grabau 1923 phantom midge
NIGP 124667, 668, 669=DLZ099, pupae 111, 121
 Coleoptera -
Eodromeus viriosus n. sp. Zhang 1997 beetle
NIGP 124655=DLZ350
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
Conjunctia longa n. sp. Zhang 1997 ground beetle
NIGP 124661=DLZ053(054)
Protorabus minisculus n. sp. Zhang 1997 ground beetle
NIGP 124658=DLZ108(109)
 Coleoptera - Triaplidae
Catinius artus n. sp. Zhang 1997 beetle
NIGP 124657=DLZ018(019)
Catinius ovatus n. sp. Zhang 1997 beetle
NIGP 124656=DLZ017
 Coleoptera - Coptoclavidae
Coptoclava longipoda Ping 1928 beetle
NIGP 124647, 648(649), 659(651)=DLZ043, 065(066); larvae 011(012), 022, 105, 106, 107, 110
 Coleoptera - Pleocomidae
Proteroscarabaeus robustus n. sp. Zhang 1997 rain beetle
NIGP 124662=DLZ169
 Coleoptera -
Geotrupoides saxosus n. sp. Zhang 1997 scarab beetle
NIGP 124665=DLZ077
Jingxidiscus cf. lushangfenensis Hong 1981 beetle
NIGP 124664=DLZ090(091)
 Coleoptera - Nemonychidae
Longidorsum generale n. gen. n. sp.
Longidorsum generale n. gen. n. sp. Zhang 1997 pine flower snout beetle
NIGP 124663=DLZ119(120)
 Coleoptera - Cupedidae
Ensicupes obtusus n. sp. Zhang 1997 reticulated beetle
NIGP 124659(660)=DLZ034(035)
 Hymenoptera - Ichneumonomimidae
Ovigaster cephalotus n. gen. n. sp.
Ovigaster cephalotus n. gen. n. sp. Zhang 1997 wasp
NIGP 124666=DLZ075(076)
 Dermaptera - Pygidicranidae
Geosoma prodromum n. gen. n. sp.
Geosoma prodromum n. gen. n. sp. Zhang 1997 earwig
NIGP 124654=DLZ041
 Blattodea - Mesoblattinidae
Basiblattina conformis n. gen. n. sp.
Basiblattina conformis n. gen. n. sp. Zhang 1997 cockroach
NIGP 124646=DLZ030(031)
 Alienoptera - Umenocoleidae
Umenocoleus nervosus n. sp. Zhang 1997 winged insect
NIGP 124653=DLZ063
 Blattaria - Rhipidoblattinidae
Rhipidoblattina magna n. sp. Zhang 1997 cockroach
NIGP 124652=DLZ024(025)
Rhipidoblattina decoris Lin 1978 cockroach
NIGP 124644=DLZ050