Bardenas Reales Barranco de la Tranquila (BTr) (Miocene to of Spain)

Where: Navarre, Spain (42.1° N, 1.6° W: paleocoordinates 42.1° N, 3.3° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: MN2b-3 mammal zone, Tudela Formation, Aquitanian to Aquitanian (23.0 - 16.0 Ma)

• Late Aquitanian-Early Burdigalian

•Larrasoaña et al. 2006: fossil localities of the Tudela Formation assigned to the "Ramblian" continental stage. The lower boundary of the Ramblian is placed at the lower part of chron C6r (ca. 20.4 Ma), and the boundary between the lower and upper Ramblian is located at the middle of chron C6n (ca. 19.6Ma). The upper boundary of the Ramblian, and hence the base of the Aragonian, is placed at the upper middle part of chron C5Cr (16.8–17Ma). A revised calibration of European mammal zone MN3 suggest the lower boundary of zone MN3 is placed at the boundary between chrons C6r and C6n (ca. 20.1Ma), and its upper boundary is located at the upper middle part of chron C5Cr (16.8–17Ma).

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: mire or swamp; gray, blue marl

• The lithological features and sedimentary structures observed in the Bardenas sites suggest that the vertebrate remains were deposited in the distal areas of an alluvial system. The presence of mudcracks and bioturbation traces in limestones suggests a shallow, not permanent water environment. This is indicative of a wetland.
• Blue to gray marls

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: X. Murelaga, X. Pereda Xuberbiola, F. Lapparent Broin, J. C. Rage, S. Duffaud, H. Astibia, and A. Badiola. 2002. Amphibians and reptiles from the Early Miocene of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre (Ebro Basin, Iberian Peninsula). Geobios 35:347-365 [R. Butler/J. Benito Moreno/T. Cleary]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 153758: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Philip Mannion on 13.01.2014, edited by Juan Benito Moreno

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Ptychogaster sp. Pomel 1847 turtle
 Testudines - Chelydridae
Chelydropsis cf. apellanizi Murelaga et al. 1999 turtle
 Squamata - Boidae
? Eryx sp. Daudin 1803 true sand boa
BTr-53,54, two trunk vertebrae?
 Crocodylia -
Diplocynodon sp. Pomel 1847 crocodilian
BTr material
 Caudata - Urodela
Salamandridae indet. Gray 1825 newt
1 atlas (BTr-55), 1 trunk vertebra (BTr-56)
 Salientia -
Anura ("A") indet. Fischer von Waldheim 1813 frog
1 humerus (BTr-57), 1 sacral vertebra (BTr-58), 3 ilia (BTr-59, 60, 61)
Anura indet. Fischer von Waldheim 1813 frog
1 sacral vertebra (BTr-62), 1 humerus (BTr-63)