Roßsteinalmen locality (Cretaceous of Germany)

Where: Germany (47.6° N, 11.7° E: paleocoordinates 30.5° N, 13.9° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Branderfleck Formation, Middle Cenomanian (99.6 - 93.5 Ma)

Environment/lithology: offshore; lithified marl and lithified sandstone

• Coral assemblage regarded autochthonous growing in a turbid moderately deep environment.
• For the clastics of the lower Branderfleck Formation, palaeocurrent data gives evidence of a source area located toward the south (Gaupp 1980). The uplift of

•the northern border of the Austroalpine unit may be linked to the formation of an accretionary wedge in the context of the beginning subduction of the Penninic

•Ocean (Pfiffner 2010). According to Weidich (1984b), the sediments at the Roßsteinalmen were deposited in water ranging from about 50 m deep

•on the inner shelf (base of the section) to about 100 m on a middle shelf area (upper part of the section).

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: two large private collections of Alpine fossils that are now housed in the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology. One of the private collectors was Otto Hölzl, who visited the locality Roßsteinalmen repeatedly

•between 1941 and 1948. The other private collector, Alfred Holinka, collected fossils there between 1951 and 1961. Further material was sampled in the context of a diploma thesis (Steinberg 1980).

Primary reference: H. Löser, W. Werner, and R. Darga. 2013. A Middle Cenomanian coral fauna from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Bavaria, Southern Germany) – new insights into the evolution of Mid-Cretaceous corals. Zitteliana A 53:37-76 [W. Kiessling/M. Krause]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 160830: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Mihaela Krause on 29.08.2014, edited by Nida Ashraf

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Scleractinia - Synastraeidae
Synastrea sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Siderastreidae
Eosiderastrea stefani Loeser 2016 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Haplaraeidae
 Scleractinia - Agariciidae
Trochoseropsis ettalensis Soehle 1897 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Caryophylliidae
"Ceratosmilia arnaudi" = Smilotrochus arnaudi
"Ceratosmilia arnaudi" = Smilotrochus arnaudi Alloiteau 1957 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Agatheliidae
Eothelia bavarica Löser et al. 2013 stony coral
Eothelia hoelzli Löser et al. 2013 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Cyathophoridae
Cryptocoenia antiqua d'Orbigny 1850 stony coral
Cryptocoenia aguilerai Reyeros-Navarro 1963 stony coral
Columellophora sp. Eliasova 1989 stony coral
Columellophora velimensis Eliasova 1989 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Stylinidae
Stylina inwaldensis Ogilvie 1897 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Heterocoeniidae
Styloheterocoenia sp. Löser et al. 2018 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Latomeandridae
 Scleractinia - Negoporitidae
Negoporites sp. Eliasova 1989 stony coral
Negoporites cf. quartus Eliasova 1995 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Comoseridae
 Scleractinia - Eugyridae
Felixigyra deangelisi Prever 1909 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Placocoeniidae
Neocoenia renzi Hackemesser 1936 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Merulinidae
"Hydnophoraraea parviconus" = Hydnophora
"Hydnophoraraea parviconus" = Hydnophora stony coral
 Scleractinia - Meandrinidae
Aulosmilia sp. Alloiteau 1952 stony coral
 Scleractinia - Montlivaltiidae
 Scleractinia - Thamnasteriidae
 Scleractinia - Actinastreidae
Actinastrea subdecaphylla Oppenheim 1930 stony coral
 Helioporacea -