Three Saints (Holocene of the United States)

Where: Alaska (57.0° N, 153.7° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Holocene (0.0 - 0.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: D. W. Clark. 1986. Archaeological and Historical Evidence for an 18th-Century "Blip" in the Distribution of the Northern Fur Seal at Kodiak Island, Alaska. Arctic 39(1):39-42 [M. Uhen/C. Peredo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: archaeological analysis

PaleoDB collection 175945: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Carlos Peredo on 20.01.2016

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Cetacea - Phocoenidae
Phocoena sp. Cuvier 1816 porpoise
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Enhydra lutris Linnaeus 1758 sea otter
 Carnivora - Otariidae
"Eumetopias jubata" = Eumetopias jubatus, Callorhinus ursinus
"Eumetopias jubata" = Eumetopias jubatus Schreber 1776 Steller sea lion
Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus 1758 northern fur seal
 Carnivora - Phocidae
Phoca vitulina Linnaeus 1758 harbor seal