Chéry-Chartreuve (Eocene of France)

Also known as Chéry Chartreuve

Where: Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France (49.3° N, 3.6° E: paleocoordinates 47.2° N, 0.4° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: MP 16 mammal zone, Bartonian (41.3 - 38.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the MNHN

Primary reference: S. Hervet. 2004. Systématique du groupe "Palaeochelys sensu lato – Mauremys" (Chelonii, Testudinoidea) du Tertiaire d'Europe occidentale: principaux résultats [Systematic of the "Palaeochelys sensu lato – Mauremys" group (Chelonii, Testudinoidea) from the Tertiary of Western Europe: principal results. Annales de Paléontologie 90(1):13-78 [D. Nicholson/D. Nicholson/D. Nicholson]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 177581: authorized by David Nicholson, entered by David Nicholson on 05.04.2016, edited by Terri Cleary, Philip Mannion and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Pelobatidae indet.2 Lataste 1879 spadefoot toad
 Salientia -
Thaumastosaurus sp.2 De Stefano 1903 frog
 Testudines -
Testudinoidea indet. Gray 1825 turtle
Aquatic Testudinoidea indeterminate within the "Palaeochelys s.l. - Mauremys" group
Landreatchelys oweni Lydekker 1889 turtle
 Testudines - Chelydridae
Chelydropsis aubasi n. sp.3 Joyce et al. 2022 turtle
As no single element is diagnostic for Chelydropsis aubasi sp. nov. by itself, we here list 15 figured specimens from the type stratum and type locality as the syntype series: NMB CHC.3, a neural III and IV with partial right costal IV (Figure 2c); NMB CHC.15, a right peripheral I (Figure 3a); NMB CHC.13, a right peripheral II (Figure 3b); NMB CHC.27, a right peripheral III (Figure 3c); NMB CHC.23, a left peripheral IV and V (Figure 3d,e, respectively); NMB CHC.26, a left peripheral VI (Figure 3f); NMB CHC.4, a left peripheral VII (Figure 3g); NMB CHC.28, a right peripheral VIII (Figure 3h); NMB CHC.19, a left peripheral XI (Figure 3i); NMB CHC.2, a left epiplastron (Figure 4); NMB CHC.1, an entoplastron (Figure 4); NMB CHC.198, a left hyoplastron (Figure 4); NMB CHC.199, a partial right hyoplastron (Figure 4); NMB CHC.66, a partial left hypoplastron (Figure 4); NMB CHC.505, the lateral portion of a right hypoplastron (Figure 4), and NMB CHC.251, a partial left xiphiplastron (Figure 4).
 Squamata - Iguanidae
Geiseltaliellus grisolli1 Augé 2005 squamates
MHNH, coll. Louis, incomplete premaxilla
 Squamata - Anguidae
cf. Anguis sp.2 Linnaeus 1758 slow worm
Glyptosaurinae indet.2 Marsh 1872 squamates
 Squamata - Necrosauridae
Necrosaurus sp.1 Filhol 1876 squamates
 Squamata - Tropidophiidae
cf. Dunnophis sp.2 Hecht 1959 dwarf boa
 Squamata - Boidae
Calamagras sp.2 Cope 1873 dwarf boa
 Squamata - Lacertidae
cf. Dormaalisaurus sp.2 Augé and Smith 2002 squamates
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Gekkonidae indet.2 Gray 1825 gecko
 Chiroptera - Palaeochiropterygidae
Palaeochiropterygidae indet.2 Revilliod 1917 bat
 Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
Stehlinia sp.2 Revilliod 1919 vesper bat
 Soricomorpha - Nyctitheriidae
 Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
Pachynolophinae indet.2 Paulow 1877 odd-toed ungulate
Propalaeotherium sp.2 Gervais odd-toed ungulate
Palaeotherium sp.2 Cuvier 1804 odd-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla -
Artiodactyla indet.2 Owen 1848 even-toed ungulate
Pseudamphimeryx or Haplomeryx
 Artiodactyla - Choeropotamidae
Amphirhagatherium louisi2 Sudre 1978 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Xiphodontidae
? Leptotheridium sp.2 Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Cebochoeridae
Cebochoerus sp.2 Gervais 1852 even-toed ungulate
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Glamys aff. robiacensis2 Hartenberger 1965 dormouse
Gliravus sp.2 Stehlin and Schaub 1951 dormouse
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Ailuravus subita n. sp.2 Comte et al. 2012 rodent
CHC14 - type
Plesiarctomys huerzeleri2 Wood 1970 rodent
CHC 86 and 88
 Rodentia - Pseudosciuridae
Treposciurus sp.2 Schmidt-Kittler 1970 rodent
Protadelomys sp.2 Hartenberger 1968 rodent
CHC50-56 and 62
 Rodentia - Theridomyidae
Estellomys "nov. sp."2 Hartenberger 1971 rodent
CHC125-130 and 136-139
Suevosciurus sp.2 Dehm 1937 rodent
Pseudoltinomys "sp. 1"2 Lavocat 1951 rodent
Tardenomys chartreuvensis n. gen. n. sp.2 Comte et al. 2012 rodent
CHC166 - holotype
Elfomys engesseri2 Hooker and Weidmann 2007 rodent
Remys major n. sp.2 Comte et al. 2012 rodent
CHC121 - type
 Primates - Omomyidae
Pseudoloris parvulus2 Filhol 1890 tarsier
 Cimolesta - Apatemyidae
Heterohyus sp.2 Gervais 1848 eutherian