Van der Hoof Quarry (Permian of the United States)

Also known as Ecolsonia type locality (UCMP V-2843) (L 4706)

Where: Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (36.1° N, 106.6° W: paleocoordinates 6.5° N, 33.0° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: El Cobre Canyon Formation (Cutler Group), Wolfcampian (298.9 - 286.0 Ma)

• Chama Basin

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; brown, green claystone and siltstone

• "The VanderHoof quarry is in green and brown micaceous clay and siltstone that progressively becomes lighter colored towards its top. These clays and siltstones are capped by a medium-grained crossbedded sandstone and underlain by a layer of marl and spherical carbonate concretions." Lucas et al. (2005)

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the CM, NMMNH

Primary reference: P. P. Vaughn. 1969. Further evidence of a close relationship of the trematopsid and dissorophid labyrinthodont amphibians with a description of a new genus and a new species. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 68:121-130 [R. Butler/E. Dunne]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 180106: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Emma Dunne on 07.07.2016

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Cotylosauria - Diadectidae
Diadectes lentus Marsh 1878 tetrapod
 Synapsida - Sphenacodontidae
Sphenacodon ferox Marsh 1878 synapsid
 Synapsida - Ophiacodontidae
Ophiacodon mirus Marsh 1878 ophiacodont
 Temnospondyli - Zatracheidae
Zatrachys serratus Cope 1878 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Eryopidae
Eryops grandis Marsh 1878 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Trematopidae
Ecolsonia cutlerensis n. gen. n. sp.
Ecolsonia cutlerensis n. gen. n. sp. Vaughn 1969 tetrapod
UCLA VP1734 (Holotype: partial skull)
 Temnospondyli - Dissorophidae
Platyhystrix rugosus Case 1910 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Cochleosauridae
Chenoprosopus milleri Mehl 1913 tetrapod
 Elonichthyiformes - Acrolepidae
Progyrolepis sp. Fritsch 1893 ray-finned fish
 Xenacanthiformes - Xenacanthidae
Xenacanthus sp. Beyrich 1848 elasmobranch